Flippers…(not the Dolphin kind)

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  • GillyGilly Frets: 1328
    Don’t forget guys - he doesn’t waste time on here arguing about nonsense!
    10reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GandalphGandalph Frets: 1788
    Gandalph said:
    mgaw said:
    Just struck me as quite a coincidence that with such a sparse history of engagement on this forum by yourself , you arrive to comment on a thread like this.

    buying Low and selling high is how folks make money, on here there are a lot of people who have a lot of resentment towards dealers who have “corrupted” the 2 nd hand guitar market.

    I Have no feelings either way personally, but also am fully aware that some trawl the internet looking for stock to sell on. Using multiple identities across various forums and selling sites is an MO for some for sure.

    anyway  It’s tough times for many and I would imagine the prices will continue to drop in the used market as sales dry up. Some react badly to others listing “their” old guitar for more.

    personally speaking I Don’t think it’s anyone business what happens after they sell a guitar.

    any discussions on here around dealers or flippers etc are sent to me by a friend on here as I don't have time to waste on here and get up to 1000s of engagements..my time is better spent finding guitars to sell on and make something on them to put food on the table.

    Anyway..I'm off out to buy a guitar to sell on and make money so I get a free guitar/pedal next.


    Another shop to cross off my list, you come across as a bit of an arse to be fair. 
    how so? because I'm for guys buying and selling stuff for profit?
    Let's be honest..guys on here don't buy from shops anyway.
    The fact you've said "another shop crossed off my list" backs that up to.
    How's about you speak to shops, visit them or call them and get an experience of a shop rather than making assumptions on a forum which is totally against shops and dealers?
    That might be a better way to view a shop than reading a comment and taking your own interpretation from a comment online with no tone or context around it.
    I buy from guitar shops, fortunately there are still enough guitar shops around to be selective where I shop. The fact I said 'another shop crossed off my list' has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not I buy from shops. It does however have a bearing on your attitude.  

    You said:
    what difference does that make? I've got a life..I don't sit on forums all day every day talking nonsense about stuff.

    You were so proud of that one you actually posted it twice.  

    It think the comment makes you sound like a bit of an arse which is why I said it.
    Jumping in on a thread to basically insult 99% of posters on this forum isn't going to get you very far is it? 

    But I'll bite. Don't you think that most on here also have 'a life'. I dare say many posters on here use mobile devices and post between doing many other daily activities, work, life, whatever. 

    You said:
    How's about you speak to shops, visit them or call them and get an experience of a shop rather than making assumptions on a forum which is totally against shops and dealers?

    Utter bollocks that one mate, I think you'll find very few if any on here are against shops and dealers. But they are against shops and dealers posing as someone/something else, giving some nonsense sob story or whatever else, looking for a bargain that they can then turn over for a healthy profit.  

    In a nutshell being disingenuous.

    You come across as just that. 

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • JR-GibboManJR-GibboMan Frets: 88
    Gandalph said:
    Gandalph said:
    mgaw said:
    Just struck me as quite a coincidence that with such a sparse history of engagement on this forum by yourself , you arrive to comment on a thread like this.

    buying Low and selling high is how folks make money, on here there are a lot of people who have a lot of resentment towards dealers who have “corrupted” the 2 nd hand guitar market.

    I Have no feelings either way personally, but also am fully aware that some trawl the internet looking for stock to sell on. Using multiple identities across various forums and selling sites is an MO for some for sure.

    anyway  It’s tough times for many and I would imagine the prices will continue to drop in the used market as sales dry up. Some react badly to others listing “their” old guitar for more.

    personally speaking I Don’t think it’s anyone business what happens after they sell a guitar.

    any discussions on here around dealers or flippers etc are sent to me by a friend on here as I don't have time to waste on here and get up to 1000s of engagements..my time is better spent finding guitars to sell on and make something on them to put food on the table.

    Anyway..I'm off out to buy a guitar to sell on and make money so I get a free guitar/pedal next.


    Another shop to cross off my list, you come across as a bit of an arse to be fair. 
    how so? because I'm for guys buying and selling stuff for profit?
    Let's be honest..guys on here don't buy from shops anyway.
    The fact you've said "another shop crossed off my list" backs that up to.
    How's about you speak to shops, visit them or call them and get an experience of a shop rather than making assumptions on a forum which is totally against shops and dealers?
    That might be a better way to view a shop than reading a comment and taking your own interpretation from a comment online with no tone or context around it.
    I buy from guitar shops, fortunately there are still enough guitar shops around to be selective where I shop. The fact I said 'another shop crossed off my list' has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not I buy from shops. It does however have a bearing on your attitude.  

    You said:
    what difference does that make? I've got a life..I don't sit on forums all day every day talking nonsense about stuff.

    You were so proud of that one you actually posted it twice.  

    It think the comment makes you sound like a bit of an arse which is why I said it.
    Jumping in on a thread to basically insult 99% of posters on this forum isn't going to get you very far is it? 

    But I'll bite. Don't you think that most on here also have 'a life'. I dare say many posters on here use mobile devices and post between doing many other daily activities, work, life, whatever. 

    You said:
    How's about you speak to shops, visit them or call them and get an experience of a shop rather than making assumptions on a forum which is totally against shops and dealers?

    Utter bollocks that one mate, I think you'll find very few if any on here are against shops and dealers. But they are against shops and dealers posing as someone/something else, giving some nonsense sob story or whatever else, looking for a bargain that they can then turn over for a healthy profit.  

    In a nutshell being disingenuous.

    You come across as just that. 

    well that's incorrect.
    My comment was intended to mean I don't spend hours on here every year when I have other things to be doing. Your comment was about my activity on here which is what I'm responding too. Spending hours on here generally talking about stuff I class as wasting time personally. that's not an insult. That my personal opinion. it's not a slight on people on here, it's my feelings of spending my time.
    I dont hide under names or pose as something I'm not so that's not a fair assumption.
    If you don't think most people on here are against dealers and flippers then maybe you haven't spent as much time on here as I thought. The general feeling is that the pitchforks come out for dealers and flippers hence this post in general.
    stories to get stuff cheap shouldn't be used imo..I agree there.
    So I agree with that point. I don't do it and have no intentions to do so, therefore that's not me there.
    The fact you have crossed multiple shops off your list based on one response etc says alot about reading into things in potentially the wrong way.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10541
    EBay does hold your money for a month now FYI. I’ve sold a guitar and two pedals recently and all three had the 30 hold. Also worth mentioning that if you allow collection but they pay via eBay you still have to honour the 30 money back guarantee (which I suppose is fair enough if it’s something electronic, but with guitars I if they inspected it and were happy then a return shouldn’t be an option).
    No they don't. I got paid within 24 hours just yesterday. You should call them, that's not normal. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10541
    Where's OP now that these revelations have come out? I think that @AdRock82 hasn't done anything wrong really. 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • GandalphGandalph Frets: 1788
    It's gone from shops and dealers to dealers and flippers now,  I'm struggling to keep up. 

    This forum is somewhat of a community, or at least I'd like to think so. 
    Guitars amps, etc get moved along all the time on here.
    Sometimes at a good price, at least at a fair price.
    It's nice to think (and is often actually the case) that these good prices are passed on to the next member of the forum. Y'know like a guitar community.

    Occasionally flippers and chancers come along talking bollocks, coming up with stories to simply maximise their profits. They then try and sell the item on for an inflated profit off site. It doesn't just happen on here. 

    That doesn't tend to go down too well. I'm not saying  that's you but I am saying your posts have been pretty confrontational and just a bit insulting.

    Not multiple shops. Just two, one from this thread and one from another recent thread. 

    I'll leave it there now I think, we're not going to agree so any more communication is pointless. 

    Good luck with your next venture. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • WhitecatWhitecat Frets: 5596
    EBay does hold your money for a month now FYI. I’ve sold a guitar and two pedals recently and all three had the 30 hold. Also worth mentioning that if you allow collection but they pay via eBay you still have to honour the 30 money back guarantee (which I suppose is fair enough if it’s something electronic, but with guitars I if they inspected it and were happy then a return shouldn’t be an option).
    No they don't. I got paid within 24 hours just yesterday. You should call them, that's not normal. 
    ^^ this. Payment is next morning if you have it set correctly. Take a look in your payout frequency settings, they will be somewhere buried in your account pages. I too sold something just the other week and got paid about 9 hours after the auction ended in the evening. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • nero1701nero1701 Frets: 1646
    Whitecat said:
    EBay does hold your money for a month now FYI. I’ve sold a guitar and two pedals recently and all three had the 30 hold. Also worth mentioning that if you allow collection but they pay via eBay you still have to honour the 30 money back guarantee (which I suppose is fair enough if it’s something electronic, but with guitars I if they inspected it and were happy then a return shouldn’t be an option).
    No they don't. I got paid within 24 hours just yesterday. You should call them, that's not normal. 
    ^^ this. Payment is next morning if you have it set correctly. Take a look in your payout frequency settings, they will be somewhere buried in your account pages. I too sold something just the other week and got paid about 9 hours after the auction ended in the evening. 
    I think it is impacted by both seller performance and longevity.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • guitarmanessex89guitarmanessex89 Frets: 177
    edited July 28
    What a tosspot. I’m sick of bedroom dealers and flippers. I had one encounter with a guy who was ok here as ‘GazRichards’. I was selling a lovely G&L, and did a deal with him, on the slightly goodwill basis that he was another player who said he was really after a good Tele, and couldn’t wait to use it at rehearsal the next week. Naturally, it was listed the following morning at a colossal markup with the usual nonsense spiel about how great it was and how much he loved it and ‘no offers’. Still annoys me to think about it. Seems naive on my part, but most of my good friends are musicians and a decent bunch. Lying lowlives like this spoil it for all of us.    

    No issue with ethical capitalism, but opportunistic, disingenuous chancers are another thing. So many deluded, wanker sellers on reverb - ‘in bloom’ or whatever it’s called, pushing ancient Japanese shite aggressively. it’s just complete nonsense. If I chop a guitar in to a shop or dealer, I fully accept that they are selling on to make a profit.

    Even shops are getting questionable - I was offered £1800 for a Tyler USA Studio Elite by GG in Epsom - the new, smug manager was very condescending, and this irked me knowing the amount of money I’ve spent in that store over the years. Andertons gave me almost double a month later on a trade in). 

    Coda - this one surprises me still - gave me a derisory trade in on an old Japanese Tokai. I knew what it was, but had gone to impulsively get an amp and said they would sell it for £950. I chopped in a few other things - one Yamaha MSG that I got a rubbish price for too, that I think they sold privately (I didn’t mind so much as I bought it for a good price). 2 months later, the Tokai lists for £1500. I’m all for shops making a profit, but those are two I won’t be shopping at again. Just leaves a bad taste. It’s a business, but customers aren’t there to be ripped off. To top it off - the amp was a lemon, and they were quick to say the store warranty only covers the valves - the manufacturer luckily took care of the output transformer. 
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • OutdoorSportOutdoorSport Frets: 2
    edited July 28

    ADMIN EDIT: Nope, banned members don't get to chime in, no matter how strongly they feel about it.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • mgawmgaw Frets: 5472
    edited July 28
    Check out this message I just received @JR-GibboMan ;;;

    Regarding Jim Ramsay of The Guitar Trade Centre, it’s common knowledge here in Glasgow that for years he has used multiple names and accounts across multiple platforms, along with many sob stories, while buying guitars.

    He also bought his way in to running a few Facebook buy and sell groups so he gets first dibs.

    He is often very creative with the truth when them selling them on.

    <ADMIN EDIT: Comment removed>

    That’s a whole of story involving Kenny’s (who are clearly in trouble) crowdfunding over £200k to buy all of Jim’s stock to open their pre-owned department in their Glasgow shop and give him a job…
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • JR-GibboManJR-GibboMan Frets: 88
    edited July 28
    mgaw said:
    Check out this message I just received @JR-GibboMan ;;

    Regarding Jim Ramsay of The Guitar Trade Centre, it’s common knowledge here in Glasgow that for years he has used multiple names and accounts across multiple platforms, along with many sob stories, while buying guitars.

    He also bought his way in to running a few Facebook buy and sell groups so he gets first dibs.

    He is often very creative with the truth when them selling them on.

    <ADMIN EDIT: Comment removed>

    That’s a whole of story involving Kenny’s (who are clearly in trouble) crowdfunding over £200k to buy all of Jim’s stock to open their pre-owned department in their Glasgow shop and give him a job…
    that would be great if its true about multiple accounts and sob stories. Not me though. No fake accounts here.

    I do run multiple Facebook groups and do get first dibs.

    I am part of a bigger machine now which is also true.

    Any costs of the previous business will be paid within agreed times and in full.

    Nothing exciting in that revelation..pretty easy to post stuff on here with accusations isn't it.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bgmartinsbridgebgmartinsbridge Frets: 2942
    Got to love it when dealers come on here and basically say they used to be dick heads but now they've gone straight.

    That's alright then, send me your bank details. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27830
    Thread closed - everything that needed to be said has been said, as far as I can tell, and it's starting to get personal...and some folk are in danger of crossing a line they can't come back from. Ergo, the thread's closed to keep the peace.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
This discussion has been closed.