Arsehole Gumtree Users

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mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4699
Ok, so was looking for a really cheap Bass to lay down some tracks, found one fairly local last night ( 40 mins drive local ) messaged them, yes the bass is still available, when can you pick it up? i can drive through and pick it friday, ok i shall mark it as sold. 
came to work this morning arranged a half day on Friday so i can go and pick it up, Arsehole messages me and says " hi i sold the bass last night" my response " yeah i know , to me" Arseholes response " no to someone else" 

So now have to cancel half day at work and keep looking. 

Rant over, feel better now i have vented , thanks for listening 
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73087
    Look on the bright side - at least you didn't get to his house before finding out the arsehole had sold it to someone else… that happens too.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 7reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10416
    edited October 2016
    Sorry mate,but the offer was too good to turn down.


    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    7reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DodgeDodge Frets: 1466
    I tried to buy some amp stands on Gumtree yesterday (needed to be shipped) - bloke insisted on a bank transfer even after I offered him Paypal + 5% to cover his fees.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4699
    i wouldnt have minded if they had said i have someone else interested, i will let you know, but the whole ok its sold thing has got my back up, maybe its me but i am a man of word, i say something is sold then its yours and no one elses. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73087
    Dodge said:
    I tried to buy some amp stands on Gumtree yesterday (needed to be shipped) - bloke insisted on a bank transfer even after I offered him Paypal + 5% to cover his fees.

    To be fair, he has a valid reason - you can reverse a Paypal transaction even with the fees. What you should have suggested is Paypal Gift, which can't be reversed and you pay the fees.

    Assuming you didn't offer that, in which case he's probably a to$$er...

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Gumtree is just crazy. Nearly every time I meet a crazy person. Once I sold an amp on there, guy came round and claimed to have been Rory gallaghers guitar tech. As the meeting went on he clearly wasn't ever a guitar tech for anyone, it was bizarre. The guy you were buying your bass from was probably just as crazy, so it was probably for the best. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • DeadmanDeadman Frets: 3967
    There's a bloke on there at the moment wanting to buy a Rick 330. He's prepared to part with £500. 
    11reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3826
    I sold an M13 on Gumtree once. The guy came around, started fiddling around, refused to let me explain that he currently appeared to be playing through 4 fuzzes.

    "Bit noisy"
    "So much noise"
    "Yeah but you're playing through lots of fuzz"
    "Really noisy"
    "Yeah, but...."

    I sold it to him, for my asking price, but it felt like he was doing me a favour paying me that much.

    Most experiences have been really good though.
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4699
    To be fair most of the Gumtree experiences i have had have been good but that Arsehat really annoyed me. Had to re arrange my whole day on Friday to get through and get it picked up. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DodgeDodge Frets: 1466
    ICBM said:
    Dodge said:
    I tried to buy some amp stands on Gumtree yesterday (needed to be shipped) - bloke insisted on a bank transfer even after I offered him Paypal + 5% to cover his fees.

    To be fair, he has a valid reason - you can reverse a Paypal transaction even with the fees. What you should have suggested is Paypal Gift, which can't be reversed and you pay the fees.

    Assuming you didn't offer that, in which case he's probably a to$$er...
    Yeah, but I wanted some form of buyer protection which a bank transfer / PP gift doesn't provide.  As is the case when you sell on Ebay, if you use a tracked service when shipping to your buyer, Paypal will at least entertain the idea of getting involved in the event of a problem between buyer and seller.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I've been trying to literally give an iPhone 5 away for weeks. Got that sick of time wasters I've deleted ad and stuck it in drawer
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Jimbro66Jimbro66 Frets: 2432
    I suppose the other side of the coin is guys who definitely want what you are selling and will definitely pick it up at the weekend, never to be heard of again. I've had a few of those on Gumtree so since then I make it clear to anyone phoning that the item will go to the first person to hand over payment. That's perhaps what @mikeyrob73's bass seller should have said but he didn't so that makes him a discourteous pratt.

    I'd much rather sell musical gear on here because you can be 99% sure that if someone says they want something they won't mess you around, in which case I'd be totally happy to reserve an item.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • milambermilamber Frets: 118
    edited October 2016
    I use Gumtree quite a lot when we have our regular de-cluttering. I wouldn't condone Mike's seller's actions, but I've simply lost count of the number of times people have arranged to buy something and haven't turned up. A few weeks back someone asked if it was ok to come out at 11pm after a gig to collect a guitar case. I stupidly agreed and of course never heard from them again after staying up past midnight in case they had been delayed.

    I think it's the anonymity the internet, and Gumtree in particular offers. I'm sure most of these people wouldn't be anywhere near as rude if they had to deal face to face or hand over address/phone number etc.  As it stands they can act with impunity as they are completely anonymous.

    People are stupid as well and that has to be taken into account. Often people arrange to buy something without properly checking where we are. I had someone last week asking if we could deliver a £5 dog bed to Harlow in Essex, about 70 miles away, if they paid fuel. I politely pointed out it would be cheaper for them to buy a new one. Last Sunday someone messaged me at 10am about a game my son was selling. He lived about 2 miles away and said he would be out shortly, eventually turning up at 7pm just after we had taken the dog out and got stroppy because we weren't in........
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4699
    agree with most of most of what has been said but the first conversation was via text, the the next one was an actual PHONE CALL confirrming i would be there on Friday at 3pm and confirming the address and how to find the house. all just a bit fucking rude if you ask me 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • My experience of Gumtree has generally been positive. I've had a few tyre-kickers when I've sold stuff- "is it still available?" "yes it is", *deafening silence*- that sort of thing, but no real asshats.

    One guy bought a big CD rack from me, then got me to deliver it and carry it up about four flights of stairs with him in the rain, but hey...

    Don't talk politics and don't throw stones. Your royal highnesses.

    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • absolutpepperabsolutpepper Frets: 222
    edited October 2016
    Ive usually had good experiences but one sticks out. I sold a brand new Gibson firebird (didn't get on with it) that was 7 months old. Had the ad on for £900. Got a fair bit of interest so I went to the guy who messaged first and said he had first refusal. He said he'd defo take it. Popped round to my house, played it, loved it and then promptly said he'd pay no more than £700. I said no but thank you and off he popped. Went to contact the next guy in line an hour later only to find the first guy had reported me for spam and that all my contacts had disappeared as gumtree had blocked the ad.  Needless to say I was raging. Contacted gumtree who sorted it and reinstated the ad...sold it the next day to the second guy (who was far nicer to deal with) for the amount asked and everyone was happy...just shows there's some total p#%cks out there
    0reaction image LOL 4reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    Nowt wrong with gumtree.  Iv bought and sold loads of stuff, guitars and fitness gear.  

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • It happens Mike forget it n move on. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4699
    Cheers Dave , all good, just felt the need to vent :-) 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Cheers Dave , all good, just felt the need to vent :-) 
    I've sold a bit of stuff on here n ive had some right knob heads turn up. 
    The best was when I was selling our fender devill 212 recently.
    I priced it to sell and this american bloke came who lived in leeds.
    He spend 30 mins trying to look find fault n to haggle then he says or well I want a vox ac30. So just said stop wasting my time. Anyway he did buy it n paid my asking price. He was obviously just try it on to get the price down. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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