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dictator ruled bands

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  • bazxkrbazxkr Frets: 619
    siraxeman said:
    What do you think about them in regard to one person calling all the shots...often dictating pay and everything else that goes on in band life? 2 famous name bands would be Richie Blackmores Rainbow and Bon Jovi.

    Could you stomach being a slave in such a band?

    In the case of Rainbow it was always Blackmores band, name, influence and money that drove the project. Why should he not call the shots ? He has a history of taking alot of nobodies and making them into a big name which is a good thing in a music industry which is pretty filthy as regards treating musicians & giving them opportunities....some of those members forget that fact once they are living the high life.

    Springsteen/Bon Jovi are amongst is the main guy that people go to see. Love Sambora but JBJ is who you go to see and Phil X probably played better alongside him than Sambora too.

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  • Metallica were better when Hetfield played all the guitar parts apart from the solos. 

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  • SteveRobinsonSteveRobinson Frets: 7128
    tFB Trader
    Brian Jonestown Massacre are one of the best bands I've ever seen and Anton is definitely the man.
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  • BensonBenson Frets: 242
    Metallica were better when Hetfield played all the guitar parts apart from the solos. 
    You mean they actually allow Kirk to play these days? The guy is horrendous. 
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9782
    Kim Jong-Un has his own girl pop group, Moranbong.

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  • It's still Axl calling the shots in Guns n roses. Was also a dictator back in the day 
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  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    It's the bands that pretend to be a democracy, but aren't that are the real killers.
    Was in one like this for about a year and a half.

    Soul-destroying... and I'm not just talking about the music.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    Garry from take that ..,,
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • carloscarlos Frets: 3533
    The Swans are like that but it works and that's what matters
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  • GarthyGarthy Frets: 2268
    Voxman said:
    The Eagles
    I do find myself conflicted with this, Frey & Henley founded the band and did most of the song writing & leg work. On the other hand they needed at least two other members for their band to work.

    Though not a dictatorship, I always felt Deacon tried to replace Taylor & May with synthesizers as and when the opportunities arose when writing songs for Queen in the 80s.
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  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    carlos said:
    The Swans are like that but it works and that's what matters
    Yes, but if Swans is your frame of reference for the way a normal band should work, you're probably a bit odd.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • Jez6345789Jez6345789 Frets: 1813
    I think the leader/dictator works till a band is famous then drugs are usually involved and all sorts of paranoid crazy stuff happens.
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24887
    Iron Maiden. It's 'Arry's band and always will be.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • carloscarlos Frets: 3533
    Bucket said:
    carlos said:
    The Swans are like that but it works and that's what matters
    Yes, but if Swans is your frame of reference for the way a normal band should work, you're probably a bit odd.
    I'd gladly play in The Swans and do 8 hour rehearsals of playing the same riff over and over again (that's how I imagine it is at least)
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  • carloscarlos Frets: 3533
    Zappa's bands were always a dictatorship and the music speaks for itself.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • GassageGassage Frets: 31155
    As I have mentioned before, I was a big fan of the Stranglers back in the 'day'.

    The fuede between JJ and Hugh towards the end of the original line up was huge.

    The setlist had to be precisely split to allow Hugh songs and JJ songs.

    The thing was JJ was just a hard cunt there was only going to be one winner and their music suffered as a result.

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • ParkerParker Frets: 961
    Aladeen and the Love Machine
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  • Jimbro66Jimbro66 Frets: 2432
    edited October 2016

    In a lot of pro and semi-pro bands there is someone who is the creative talent and main driving force and they often naturally assume a leadership role. It only becomes a dictatorship when that person is dismissive of any input from the other band members, who are free to leave if they wish.

    If those individuals go on to achieve fame it inevitably changes things because they then hire musicians who are expected to do what is asked of them. I believe most pro musos accept that. So whether that becomes a dictatorship perhaps depends on whether, or how much, the artist welcomes ideas from the supporting musos. Audiences go to concerts to see the star who is almost always a singer, not the band.

    When someone outside the band dictates it's a pain. I was in one band where all five members got on well and respected each other but the husband of the vocalist was always poking his nose in and had the attitude that we were lucky to be supporting his wife. That wasn't at all her attitude but his constant meddling and patronising comments caused the band to split up.

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  • cruxiformcruxiform Frets: 2668
    Being in Yngwie Malmsteen's band must be a nightmare, very much a control freak (which he admits to). 
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  • siraxemansiraxeman Frets: 1935
    I see this a little differently here we're talking about a famous name hiring muso's to back them, rather than a band that came together naturally and started their journey together on an equal footing. I've no issues with the former.
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