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  • BluesLoverBluesLover Frets: 693
    Linda Ronstadt: the sound of my voice (bbc iPlayer)
    Terrific documentary, I didn't realise what a fantastic voice she had, and the range of music types she was interested in.
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16550
    Linda Ronstadt: the sound of my voice (bbc iPlayer)
    Terrific documentary, I didn't realise what a fantastic voice she had, and the range of music types she was interested in.
    I saw the second half of that. I didn’t know much about her at all but rock to country to Gilbert and Sullivan to traditional Mexican music, astonishing set of pipes. Great shame that illness robbed her of it. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 24201
    Just started on Cobra Kai season 6.

    Oh god, it's so stupid.  But a least the episodes are short.
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12582
    edited July 22

    boogieman said:
    Started on High Country (BBC/ iplayer). Australian crime drama set in the wilds of Victoria, concerning a female police sergeant who’s gone out to work in a rural station for reasons as yet unknown. She’s gay, half aborigine and has a troubled teenage daughter via her partner, so a lot of the PC bases are covered, although rather unsubtly. The scenery is stunning, the acting less so, although the Irish ex police chief plays a pretty good part. It’s intriguing enough to keep me watching. 

    I watched episode 1 and wasn't entirely gripped, the Irish guy was the grandad in Derry Girls. 
    I did wonder if @octatonic knew that area at all, the 'alps' region of Victoria as, IIRC, he's from Tasmania so it's relatively nearby (in Australian terms). Incredibly pretty area and probably not many people's mental image of Australia. 

    Finished High Country over the weekend. It was all a bit odd, as though the writers couldn’t quite decide what it was really about, as the plot line lurched all over the place from child abduction to blackmail, to murder and drug cartels before settling on something completely unconnected (I won’t say what as it will spoil things), all with a bit of mysticism thrown in for good measure. The acting never really improved much either. I don’t know if they’ll drag another series out of it, but it felt that way. 
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  • BluesLoverBluesLover Frets: 693
    Yes, the plot was a right mess...but the scenery was fantastic.
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  • goldtopgoldtop Frets: 6342
    Being way behind the times, we've just started watching Game of Thrones (on Sky/NowTV). It started off pretty well - and oo-err ... a bit frisky - but there seem to be too many story threads in Season 2. We keep saying "oh, we'd forgotten about them" as we switch to some weary bunch struggling in the snow, or one of about 5 groups of bedraggled oiks traipsing through woods.

    Not sure we'll stick with it. My pet peeve is directors interrupting actual compelling drama to jump to a completely different part of the world where SFA is happening. 
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12582
    edited July 23
    goldtop said:
    Being way behind the times, we've just started watching Game of Thrones (on Sky/NowTV). It started off pretty well - and oo-err ... a bit frisky - but there seem to be too many story threads in Season 2. We keep saying "oh, we'd forgotten about them" as we switch to some weary bunch struggling in the snow, or one of about 5 groups of bedraggled oiks traipsing through woods.

    Not sure we'll stick with it. My pet peeve is directors interrupting actual compelling drama to jump to a completely different part of the world where SFA is happening. 
    Stick at it, it’s brilliant. (Well, up till the last season.) It’s a huge story arc and there a ton of characters but the different threads all start to tie up as it progresses. Think we’ve watched it right through about four times now and it’s still just as entertaining. 

    There’s currently a prequel showing too, House of the Dragon. Not quite in the same league as GoT but it’s still pretty good. 
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  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    edited 2:22AM
    boogieman said:
    goldtop said:
    Being way behind the times, we've just started watching Game of Thrones (on Sky/NowTV). It started off pretty well - and oo-err ... a bit frisky - but there seem to be too many story threads in Season 2. We keep saying "oh, we'd forgotten about them" as we switch to some weary bunch struggling in the snow, or one of about 5 groups of bedraggled oiks traipsing through woods.

    Not sure we'll stick with it. My pet peeve is directors interrupting actual compelling drama to jump to a completely different part of the world where SFA is happening. 
    Stick at it, it’s brilliant. (Well, up till the last season.) It’s a huge story arc and there a ton of characters but the different threads all start to tie up as it progresses. Think we’ve watched it right through about four times now and it’s still just as entertaining. 

    There’s currently a prequel showing too, House of the Dragon. Not quite in the same league as GoT but it’s still pretty good. 
    It's a kind of 'everything-but-the-kitchen-sink' extravaganza. My wife and I both enjoyed it, but I found the characters a bit empty. As a result, when various ones got knocked off, I felt nothing. One gets killed, roll another one in!
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  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    edited 5:17AM
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  • Bit late to the party but I've just finished the first season of Bosch on Amazon Prime. Nothing particularly flash or original, just a really well put together crime drama based on Michael Connelly's successful novels. Really enjoyed it. Hopefully the next 6 seasons and the recent spinoff lives up to the promise! 
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  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    edited 5:19AM
    Double post
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  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    edited 5:19AM
    And again!
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12582
    Just started on Shogun (Disney). I didn’t see the Richard Chamberlain original series and haven’t read the James Clavell book, so no idea how closely this follows either, but it’s very good. Well produced with a good and grand scale to it all : if things like the ships are CGI, then it’s extremely well done. Takes a couple of episodes to get going and to sort out the various (numerous!) characters but it picks up the pace after that. I’ve not heard of the lead actor (Cosmo Jarvis) before but he’s obviously a Richard Burton fan as he plays the part with a similar accent and delivery style. Or maybe that’s just the way he speaks anyway? Whatever, on the actor-luvvie scale he’s a solid 9.7. 
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