What films have you watched recently?

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  • Uncut Gems. Superb.

    Off to see The LightHouse tomorrow. 
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  • Uncut Gems. Superb.

    Off to see The LightHouse tomorrow. 
    I found Uncit Gems quite annoying at the time of watching and thought about it a lot after it's finished. Interesting one and Sandler was so good (and his character so annoying). 

    Haven't seen the Lighthouse yet.
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  • I saw Powell & Pressburger's 'The Red Shoes' again yesterday.

    It's not been that many years since I last saw the film but I was once again completely knocked out to the genius of some of the sequences in particular and I don't think I paid as much attention to the incredible usage of colour in the film, not just the obvious reds for the central protoganist's hair and shoes but other ones which were used to great impact.  The famous sequences in question even though I've seen a few times now I think I could keep rewatching them countless times and keep on picking up something new. 

    The film's an assault on the senses in many ways right now in 2020, I can't even begin to imagine how the film would have been in post war London in 1948. 

    Ratings out of 10?  Impossible as it might be as close to cinematic perfection as is possible.

    Are there any fans of P&P here?

    They showed Black Narcissus which is another favourite of mine, look forward to revisiting it soon.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23759
    Are there any fans of P&P here? 

    They showed Black Narcissus which is another favourite of mine, look forward to revisiting it soon.
    I love Black Narcissus, It's an amazing film.  I've also seen a few of their other films including A Matter of Life and Death and The Tales of Hoffmann.  I think I've got The Red Shoes on Blu-ray but I'm not sure I've ever watched it from beginning to end!
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  • mixolydmixolyd Frets: 826
    edited February 2020


    2019 · 1 hr 29 min
    Bait is a 2019 British drama film written and directed by Mark Jenkin. Starring Edward Rowe as a struggling fisherman, the film deals with the tensions that arise between locals and tourists in a Cornish fishing village against a back drop of second homes, short-term lets and gentrification.

    Bait - shot in the style of a low budget British movie or documentary from the early 1960’s: black and white, old school ratio, crazy closeups and some clunky editing.  The style gives it an incredible sense of immersion like you’re in 2080 watching an old movie from 2020 and it rediscovers a whole cinematic vocabulary that had been abandoned but still works perfectly.  Great characters, lots of tension for what is mostly a kitchen sink drama and so many beautiful images.

    The cinematic equivalent of the worlds best lo fi pedal.  10 cod out of 10.

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  • goldtopgoldtop Frets: 6308
    I saw Powell & Pressburger's 'The Red Shoes' again yesterday.

    It's not been that many years since I last saw the film but I was once again completely knocked out to the genius of some of the sequences in particular and I don't think I paid as much attention to the incredible usage of colour in the film, not just the obvious reds for the central protoganist's hair and shoes but other ones which were used to great impact.  The famous sequences in question even though I've seen a few times now I think I could keep rewatching them countless times and keep on picking up something new. 

    The film's an assault on the senses in many ways right now in 2020, I can't even begin to imagine how the film would have been in post war London in 1948. 

    Ratings out of 10?  Impossible as it might be as close to cinematic perfection as is possible.

    Are there any fans of P&P here?

    They showed Black Narcissus which is another favourite of mine, look forward to revisiting it soon.

    +1 although I wonder if I'm a fan of P&P themselves or of their cinematographer - Jack Cardiff. He did The Red Shoes, Black Narcissus and A Matter of Life or Death. Interesting guy, and the subject of a fantastic bitter-sweet play - Prism - which starred Robert "Wolfie Smith" in the lead role.
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  • goldtopgoldtop Frets: 6308
    Parasite. Seems to be flavour of the month with a lot of reviewers, but I avoided hearing anything about it or watching the trailers. No spoilers here, so I'll just say it seems over-rated to me. First half was very witty and then it takes a left turn that (IMHO) is too heavy-handed. 6/10.
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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7222

    Are there any fans of P&P here?

    Yep, big fan of Life and Death of Colonel Blimp right here hombre!!

    (Black Narcissus is on iPlayer by the way)
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • Green Book, on amazon prime. 

    Mrs DJ found it so I had no preconceptions or prior knowledge. 

    Based on real characters, a white Italian American club doorman ends up being a driver for a black piano player on a tour of the south USA in the early 60s. 

    So a roadmovie, but with the backdrop of civil rights. Pretty good if a bit predictable. 

    Viggo whotsisname is the driver
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  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3691
    Watched a few lately,

    Light of my life,
    Interesting post apocalyptic film, slow , not as good as The Road but along the same lines, still found it quite watchable.

    Trash Fire,
    Very enjoyable, weird, but very watchable.

    Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.
    5 minutes then switched it off.

    Captive State,
    It was Ok, kind of 1984 with aliens but not quite.

    The Reliant.
    Complete and utter crap, beyond crap, well beyond utter crap. If it were toilet paper it would be the grease proof stuff you used to find in service stations.

    Triple Frontier,
    It was Ok, a good old soldier doing a solo type romp, watchable.

    Aaaah, cant say it was great but cant say I didn't watch it all the way through either,

    Terminator, Dark Fate.
    Just no, how the hell could they? I mean, if you've seen it you will know what I mean, dont regret watching it, it was Ok I guess.

    Will be watching The Ninth Configuration tonight, haven't seen it in 20 odd years but looking forward to it.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10615
    Joker :  too close to one of my favorite film s, The King of Comedy, not bad though

    Jojo Rabbit : Original, funny, moving and like nothing else ..... brilliant !!! should have won best film it's much better than 1917
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Terminator: Dark Fate - 5/10. Was OK up until Arnie appeared, strangely enough.

    Dr Sleep - 8/10. Enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting. Plus - Rebecca Ferguson.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23759
    edited February 2020
    Spider-Man: Far From Home
    Feels much more like a teen romantic(ish) comedy than a superhero movie and the main storyline is pretty weak, but the young cast members do save it, especially Zendaya as the wonderfully awkward, geeky MJ.  Not as good as some reviews suggested, but not bad.
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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6274
    Joker. Thought it was brilliant, though not as harrowing as its been made out to be. Very good though. His acting is superb throughout. 
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  • BlueingreenBlueingreen Frets: 2649
    edited February 2020
    I saw Powell & Pressburger's 'The Red Shoes' again yesterday.

    It's not been that many years since I last saw the film but I was once again completely knocked out to the genius of some of the sequences in particular and I don't think I paid as much attention to the incredible usage of colour in the film, not just the obvious reds for the central protoganist's hair and shoes but other ones which were used to great impact.  The famous sequences in question even though I've seen a few times now I think I could keep rewatching them countless times and keep on picking up something new. 

    The film's an assault on the senses in many ways right now in 2020, I can't even begin to imagine how the film would have been in post war London in 1948. 

    Ratings out of 10?  Impossible as it might be as close to cinematic perfection as is possible.

    Are there any fans of P&P here?

    They showed Black Narcissus which is another favourite of mine, look forward to revisiting it soon.
    Big P&P fan. I’ve seen most of their better known films several times - A Matter of Life and Death, Blimp, Narcissus etc - and most of the more minor ones at least once.  All great but for me Red Shoes is their masterpiece. Only slight weakness is a lack of presence from Moria Shearer and especially the very bland Marius Goring. All the same there was a period in my life when I’d probably have named it as my favourite film ever. I don’t think I’d go quite that far now but still likely top 10.

    I mentioned seeing Black Narcissus again earlier in this thread.
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  •  November, an Estonian film from 2017. Beautifully shot, tragi-comic story with a lot of strange things going on. It mixes elements of magical realism / dark fairy tales / folk horror / carnivalesque folk humour, but at heart is about love and the soul. Slow-paced, but there's so much imagination on display that it hardly dragged at all.
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  • Phantom Thread. This was a rewatch having seen it in the cinema on its release. Very stylish, fabulous visually, wonderful performances by all three principals. Let down for me by famous/infamous plot twist (being deliberately vague to avoid spoilers). It seemed to me both implausible and unnecessarily unpleasant. 7/10, 9/10 before the twist and 3/10 after it.
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  • MrsTheWeary watched She Knows Where She's Going yesterday which is a 1945 British drama. The plot is essentially about a woman who grows up always planning to ensnare a rich man but falls in love with a poor one. I watched bits of it. 
    There's a bit near the beginning where it's heavily implied that she gets ( non sexual) favours at the age of 12 from adult men by showing her legs in stockings. Assuming that Britain in 1945 was very conservative it's an interesting reflection on changing times. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12461
    Uncut Gems, phew what a ride, Sandler is excellent, I felt pretty stressed out and the soundtrack was very jarring sometimes making the dialogue hard to understand but apparently that was the idea to whip up the viewer and have them sense some of the chaos and panic. Excellent 9/10
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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12062
    edited February 2020
    Uncut Gems, phew what a ride, Sandler is excellent, I felt pretty stressed out and the soundtrack was very jarring sometimes making the dialogue hard to understand but apparently that was the idea to whip up the viewer and have them sense some of the chaos and panic. Excellent 9/10
    It is a very uncomfortable watch.  I was wondering why I was feeling unsettled and then it clicked the soundtrack has a huge hand in it.

    The story also just doesn't stop, so many things going on at once, it just keep throwing things at you.

    I have to say I was glad it ended.  A relief. 

    Effective movie? 100%, Good? Yes.  Enjoyable...not a bit.
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