What films have you watched recently?

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  • 1990 Stephen kings IT . Quite enjoyable too 
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  • goldtopgoldtop Frets: 6308
    Scarface. I don't remember it being this bad. :-o Paper-thin characters, atrocious acting, completely plotless and memorable only for that "Say hello..." line (which is so out of character that it must have fallen off the script cuts from an '80s Schwarzenegger movie.) 2/10
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23794
    goldtop said:
    Scarface. I don't remember it being this bad. :-o Paper-thin characters, atrocious acting, completely plotless and memorable only for that "Say hello..." line (which is so out of character that it must have fallen off the script cuts from an '80s Schwarzenegger movie.) 2/10
    Brian De Palma/Al Pacino version, not the Howard Hawks/Paul Muni one, presumably? ;)  I thought it was great when I saw it in the cinema, but haven't seen it again since and over the years I've grown to loathe Shouty Al.  I don't know what I'd make of it now.
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  • Uncut Gems.  Uncomfortable chaos.  Strange but excellent.  I’m happy to recommend and at the same time never watch it again.
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  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6188
    edited February 2020
    Judy. Renee Zellweger is an incredible Judy Garland but she deserved a better script and direction. The movie is okay but rather pedestrian in its telling of her London trip to star at Talk of the Town and it's left to Zellweger to carry the movie single handed, which she does with ease. A remarkable actress.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23794
    I've fascinated by the comments on Uncut Gems.  I know almost nothing about it, except that it's not in any way a typical Adam Sandler movie.  The only film of his I've ever liked was Punch-Drunk Love so I'm intrigued by this one.
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  • DopesickDopesick Frets: 1510
    edited February 2020
    Uncut Gems was pretty excellent, if a bit long. Not because it's dull (far from it) but it's pretty relentless. It never really stops. Unlike many other comments here though I'd gladly watch it again. I'll always be weary of security doors from now on.
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  • HAL9000HAL9000 Frets: 9857
    Grunfeld said:
    20 Feet From Stardom

    Fascinating.  Inside the world of backing singers.

    Just watched it. Brilliant! Worth it just to see Darlene Love singing Lean on Me at the end.
    I play guitar because I enjoy it rather than because I’m any good at it
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23794
    edited February 2020
    Apparently this surreal 1966 comedy-drama is "a milestone of the Czechoslovak New Wave movement" and the most acclaimed Czech film ever made, but maybe I just wasn't in the right mood.  I'm sure it was a bold political and feminist statement in the context of the time and place it was made, but it's two young women behaving irresponsibly, mostly involving messing around with food and winding up older men.  It's only 76 minutes long but I got very very bored.
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  • Uncut Gems is great. Although intended, the constant manic soundtrack was painful. 
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  • HaychHaych Frets: 5801
    After so many people commented here about Uncut Gems I tried to give it a go last night. 

    I have a 15 minute rule most of the time with films. If it hasn’t grabbed me in the first 15 minutes I usually switch off. The last film to suffer this fate was 6 Underground which was 15 minutes of utter bollocks. 

    I’m sorry to say that Uncut Gems was turned off in similar fashion. It was 15 minutes of shouting and unnecessary swearing and if that’s representative of the rest of the film I just can’t be bothered with it. 

    There is no 'H' in Aych, you know that don't you? ~ Wife

    Turns out there is an H in Haych! ~ Sporky

    Bit of trading feedback here.

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  • Haych said:
    After so many people commented here about Uncut Gems I tried to give it a go last night. 

    I have a 15 minute rule most of the time with films. If it hasn’t grabbed me in the first 15 minutes I usually switch off. The last film to suffer this fate was 6 Underground which was 15 minutes of utter bollocks. 

    I’m sorry to say that Uncut Gems was turned off in similar fashion. It was 15 minutes of shouting and unnecessary swearing and if that’s representative of the rest of the film I just can’t be bothered with it. 
    I hear ya. 

    Uncut gems is one of those movies that annoyed during the watch but once finished all of the sudden got you thinking and stays with you for a while. 

    6 underground didn't even make 15mins with us - what a load of tosh that was. I'm yet to find an actor more annoying that RR.
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  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10443

    Polaroid on Netflix. 

    I watch this shit so you don't have to. 

    Please don't let my sacrifice be in vain. 

    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
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  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3692
    Angry Birds 2, brilliant!
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23794
    Anna and the Apocalypse
    Set in and around a Scottish high school (but with very few Scottish characters), this is... a zombie comedy Christmas musical. 
    I'd heard this was good but the comedy elements fall flat, the horror elements are hackneyed, predictable and not remotely scary, and the musical numbers - whilst not completely unbearable - are too frequent and mostly not very good.  To be fair, it probably had a nothing budget but it just doesn't have any energy or spark.
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  • A beautiful day in the neighbourhood ! 

    Like one post above 15 minutes was more than enough. I thought I might get something out of it being a feel good drama but it was just boring. 
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12534
    Watched a few films on a long flight. 

    Ad Astra. Very pretty to look at with excellent fx but the plot didn’t go anywhere. Seemed like a cross between 2001 and Apocalypse Now but with none of the intrigue or depth of characterisation of either film. 

    Ready or Not. Quirky black comedy. A couple of mildly funny moments but not very good. 

    John Wick 3. Same as 1 and 2 but with even more fighting and gore, if that’s imaginable. I quite liked 1, this one just got more and more ridiculous and frankly uncomfortable to watch after a while. I hear there’s a part 4 in the pipeline. God help us. 
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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 3091
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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 3091

    Saucy robots.   Great film, which took me an age to get around to watching but very glad I did. 
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  • Yesterday. I think we all know the premise. The first act is genuinely really funny and has some great moments. It all starts to get a bit odd from the second act onwards and seems to want to focus on the love story (that's Richard Curtis for you) rather than taking the premise any further. Ed Sheeran is more of a part of the plot than you'd expect and presents himself very strangely. Himesh Patel is very likeable as Jack though. 

    The Dead Don't Die. Well, I'm honestly not sure what to say about this. Don't watch it if you're expecting a zombie survival movie. I'd heard of Jim Jarmusch but not watched any of his other films but I understand that irreverent, meta, low key is his thing. The cast is pretty amazing and Tilda Swinton does not disappoint.

    Book Smart. I got home and the wife was watching this. It wasn't for me and if I was being harsh, I'd say it was a less funny, less well directed Superbad but then again, I don't understand teens today. There are a few funny moments but there are a lot of sequences that just feel like music videos rather than scenes in a film. 
    "As with all things, some days you're the dinosaur, some days you're the monkey." Sporky
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