Manchester airport arrest

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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31346
    edited July 25
    There is no winner here.

    The reaction is clearly disproportionate but we don't know what happened previously. My guess is that if the female officers had been assaulted as claimed, that the police took an opportunity to give a little back- not the wisest thing to do.

    If GMP take severe action against their own, then the Police Unions etc will kick off.

    If they don't then the local community kicks off.

    It's a tinder box that's likely to explode today.

    ADD: if there are no criminal charges against the two that have been booted, then they can take a Private Prosecution against the police. Or, they can wait until the charges are heard THEN take a PP out. You can't take a PP if there's a concurrent crim charge (it'll be discontinued)

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • droflufdrofluf Frets: 4017
    drofluf said:
    Iamnobody said:
    I’d have more sympathy if he hadn’t just chinned 3 police officers including a female one…
    All three needed hospital treatment and one had a broken nose. Plus all three were firearms officers, and whilst they should have a greater degree of self control that a general officer, if someone attacks an armed officer there’s a reasonable risk that the officer’s weapon could be taken. So perhaps a greater degree of force is warranted, not that that excuses kicking the attacker once he was on the ground. 
    So why didnt one draw their firearm? Thats surely what they are for?
    A couple of reasons come to mind:

    • The situation didn't meet their "rules of engagement"
    • Too much risk to bystanders
    • As the guy was up close and they faced the risk of losing their weapon
    • It would have been a disproportionate response

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24840
    edited July 25
    Jonnyburgo is spot on.  The police are required to use the minimum amount of force necessary to bring a suspect under control - NOT to lose their temper and exact revenge or to vent their own personal feelings.  If this rule isn't enforced ruthlessly and without exception, public trust in the police is undermined massively - and that is the start of a very dangerous slippery slope for any society. 

    The problem here is that, especially in the past, the police tended to look after their own - much less so these days but it still goes on.  I can't imagine a scenario where this thug manages to keep his job but if he does then GMP will do more damage to themselves than a size ten to the head could ever do.

    You can see the defensiveness already in the initial response of one of the Assistant Chief Constables.. 
    "The use of such force in an arrest is an unusual occurrence and one that we understand creates alarm."
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • AK99AK99 Frets: 1697
    Provocation doesn't matter, the copper lost his shit. It is their job to be professional. I work with teens in care and have been kicked spat at and punched more times than I care to remember. If I hit back I'm done for and rightly so. Same for this copper. I understand the stress of the situation but it's no excuse.
    That's for sure. Those were bad tempered revenge kicks, the guy on the deck had been subdued and was zero risk to him or anybody else at that stage.  He lost control of his temper - bad enough in any copper, but a hell of a lot worse if he/she were supposed to be highly trained firearms officers.

    If you were a senior officer would really you want to have a loose cannon like that in your squad ?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • CaseOfAceCaseOfAce Frets: 1468
    AK99 said:
    First time I noticed the two guys on the receiving end  - and also by the look of it what seems to be their mother - were non-white.
    Put it back in the deck fella...
    ...she's got Dickie Davies eyes...
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • Open_GOpen_G Frets: 156
    I’m not going to make any form of comment on the actual event in question here but will give a little bit of a general comment on my experience of seeing airport policing. Having worked at Manchester Airport for a fair while, as well as Stansted I can confirm from my own experience at work and seeing them in action that armed officers don’t take anywhere near the same level of, let’s call it, “cheekiness” from members of the public who may “pushing their luck,” in the line of duty. The sheer level of risk associated with engaging with a group of individuals presenting challenges when armed with the weapons they carry means they have an absolute zero tolerance of the aforementioned “pushing their luck.” I’ve also seen the look of shock on some “cheeky” people when the police respond so heavily at the airport- almost a “they aren’t like this in town when I’m being cheeky on a Saturday night” feeling. 
    There was also an anecdotal thought among civilian colleagues at the airport that the airport posting was one for the misfits within GMP. 

    I also never got used to seeing the police walk around cradling weapons- 5 years of 40 hour weeks of seeing it and it still scared the crap out of me. 
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12505
    If it wasn't for the cameras these guys would have buddy'd up and got their story together. Happens all the time.
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  • euaneuan Frets: 1714
    The whole thing stinks of bad policing. The initial assault happened in the terminal and the men had left and were paying for their parking when they were approached by the police. It clearly reesculated at that point. 

    I’m not blaming the individual officers here but was there need to approach suspected violent individuals in a closed area where the general public were also still present. Specifically where these men had gone through passport control. You know who there are. You know where they live. You know what car they are getting in. 

    Is it not better to let them go, gather the evidence and arrest then at a later time with a full case already gather? This is no different to how football violence is policed rather successfully. 

    I’m listening to Nicky Campbell right now and police officer after police officer are coming on making excuses for what effectively was mindless violence. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10434
    Definitely excessive force. The statement put out by the force doesn't add up right now. I've seen multiple videos and in all of the angles no police officer look like they've been assaulted and there was no excessive violence going on at the point. They just go at them and keep going. Even if there was a threat there's no need to stamp on the guy's head when he's on the floor and not resisting anymore. Awful stuff. 

    Something doesn't add up. This appears to be an extreme case of awful police brutality. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • euaneuan Frets: 1714
    Open_G said:
    The sheer level of risk associated with engaging with a group of individuals presenting challenges when armed with the weapons they carry means they have an absolute zero tolerance of the aforementioned “pushing their luck.” I’ve also seen the look of shock on some “cheeky” people when the police respond so heavily at the airport- almost a “they aren’t like this in town when I’m being cheeky on a Saturday night” feeling. 
    This make me think more that armed officers in this case shouldn’t be engaging in such low level crime where the risk to the general public is diminishing. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • euaneuan Frets: 1714

    Something doesn't add up. This appears to be an extreme case of awful police brutality. 

    I think the statement is accurate, videos are post the initial arrest attempt where officers were injured. The ginger haired officer is definitely bleeding from their nose. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10551

    Copper one hundred percent out of order regardless of what had previously occurred. He lost control.

    On the plus side, the 'perp' should be grateful this didn't happen in the US. He may have ended up with a face full of lead.

    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • AK99AK99 Frets: 1697
    CaseOfAce said:
    AK99 said:
    First time I noticed the two guys on the receiving end  - and also by the look of it what seems to be their mother - were non-white.
    Put it back in the deck fella...
    Just an observation fella. You can picture how that can/will be played out in broader discussion and local communities afterwards.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • euaneuan Frets: 1714

    Copper one hundred percent out of order regardless of what had previously occurred. He lost control.

    On the plus side, the 'perp' should be grateful this didn't happen in the US. He may have ended up with a face full of lead.

    That case is properly depressing. The officer could have removed himself from danger by walking out the door.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12893
    Iamnobody said:
    I’d have more sympathy if he hadn’t just chinned 3 police officers including a female one…
    They should have waited until they got the little fucker darn the nick... :-)
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GillyGilly Frets: 1242
    Whilst I agree the officer in the video is out of order and should be reprimanded, how much of a twat do you have to be to get into a fight with armed police in an airport?

    Unfortunately, we have to have armed police in airports because there are twats out there that want to kill us. Sometimes those officers are going to get involved in altercations because there are other twats who can’t behave like respectable human beings.

    I’ve been on the receiving end of abuse from pissed up stag do wankers on a plane so if indeed the guy getting booted was causing trouble I have zero sympathy for him. Throw punches at armed police and get what you deserve.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4706
    Chat shit, get banged 
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10434
    edited July 25
    euan said:

    Something doesn't add up. This appears to be an extreme case of awful police brutality. 

    I think the statement is accurate, videos are post the initial arrest attempt where officers were injured. The ginger haired officer is definitely bleeding from their nose. 
    I'm not going to accept a statement from the police as being true or accurate at this point. They have a lot of form here. 

    No one is bleeding from the nose in the new video I saw. They just go up to them and pepper spray them and then it all kicks off. Whatever the cause, and I'm open to new information, it does seem like the officers were out of control. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ElectricXIIElectricXII Frets: 1212
    Open_G said:
    I’m not going to make any form of comment on the actual event in question here but will give a little bit of a general comment on my experience of seeing airport policing. Having worked at Manchester Airport for a fair while, as well as Stansted I can confirm from my own experience at work and seeing them in action that armed officers don’t take anywhere near the same level of, let’s call it, “cheekiness” from members of the public who may “pushing their luck,” in the line of duty. The sheer level of risk associated with engaging with a group of individuals presenting challenges when armed with the weapons they carry means they have an absolute zero tolerance of the aforementioned “pushing their luck.” I’ve also seen the look of shock on some “cheeky” people when the police respond so heavily at the airport- almost a “they aren’t like this in town when I’m being cheeky on a Saturday night” feeling. 
    There was also an anecdotal thought among civilian colleagues at the airport that the airport posting was one for the misfits within GMP. 

    I also never got used to seeing the police walk around cradling weapons- 5 years of 40 hour weeks of seeing it and it still scared the crap out of me. 
    We also need to consider that the role of firearms officer may attract a certain type of police officer with a certain mentality. Often macho men who are drawn to aggression and violence.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10434
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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