Manchester airport arrest

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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12895
    edited July 25
    ^^ I did - I didn't word my post very well.  "If those who had kicked off had not done so, their families would not have been traumatised" is what I was trying to say.

    It's also VERY early in the day to be hanging a racial angle off this (unless I've missed something).
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19797
    edited July 25
    BillDL said:
    That officer was out of control & out of order. No excuses for such behaviour.
    From the video footage on the BBC, I can clearly see the kick to the head, but what looks like a stamp near to the mans head, not on it?
    Not attempting to reduce or mitigate in any way the severity of the offence, but it is important to try to get the facts right.
    I fully agree about the necessity of getting facts right, however to be pedantic even if the "stomp" didn't make contact it is still an assault along with the kick to the face or head. The stomp was clearly intended to make contact with the guy's head, and would have caused injury had it done so, therefore an assault was committed by that stomp as well as the kick that did make contact.
    Thanks for the clarification in the light of your life experience 1 
    If I were playing devil's advocate, I'd argue that as it clearly missed his head, the stamp was intended to make a noise to intimidate the person, not to injure, like a Marvel super hero making a landing & punching the ground.
    The policeman then went down one one knee in a classic hero pose, although I'd possibly not want to use that defence in a court of law...  B
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  • CaseOfAceCaseOfAce Frets: 1468
    Every time I read an Emp_Fab thread I'm reminded of this picture

    ...she's got Dickie Davies eyes...
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  • PetepassionPetepassion Frets: 1118
    BillDL said:
    That officer was out of control & out of order. No excuses for such behaviour.
    From the video footage on the BBC, I can clearly see the kick to the head, but what looks like a stamp near to the mans head, not on it?
    Not attempting to reduce or mitigate in any way the severity of the offence, but it is important to try to get the facts right.
    I fully agree about the necessity of getting facts right, however to be pedantic even if the "stomp" didn't make contact it is still an assault along with the kick to the face or head. The stomp was clearly intended to make contact with the guy's head, and would have caused injury had it done so, therefore an assault was committed by that stomp as well as the kick that did make contact.
    Thanks for the clarification in the light of your life experience 1 
    If I were playing devil's advocate, I'd argue that as it clearly missed his head, the stamp was intended to make a noise to intimidate the person, not to injure, like a Marvel super hero making a landing & punching the ground.
    The policeman then went down one one knee in a classic hero pose, although I'd possibly not want to use that defence in a court of law...  B
    I wouldn't say the stamp clearly missed his head, and if his intention was to not injure the person I doubt he would have kicked him so hard in the head.
       In my opinion it comes across as an officer who is clearly emotionally charged following the attacks on his work colleagues, but obviously we need a lot more context/facts yet. 
    ‘It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society’
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  • Devil#20Devil#20 Frets: 2021
    edited July 25
    Offset said:
    ^^ I did - I didn't word my post very well.  "If those who had kicked off had not done so, their families would not have been traumatised" is what I was trying to say.

    It's also VERY early in the day to be hanging a racial angle off this (unless I've missed something).
    Too late for that. A few hundred of the muslim community congregated outside the Rochdale nick last night threatening a non-peaceful protest if the policeman/policemen aren't sacked and prosecuted immediately. I don't think this was a race issue, but as usual that is what it's being politicised to be. Airport police would have acted the same if they had been white. Airport police, being armed, operate on a fine trigger (no pun intended) and people need to understand this. Escalating this to be a racial issue is wrong by that local community and if it does get out of hand this is going to become a serious problem. Also, what will people do if they need to get a taxi. 


    Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

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  • redwedgeredwedge Frets: 19
    I would suggest that at the least the main officer thug is looking at a serious GBH charge or, with a good opposing brief attempted manslaughter charges.  What amazes me is why only 1 suspension. There are other officers who act inappropriately and none, and I repeat none, step in to prevent their colleague assaulting a guy or even arrest him.  Suspend the lot.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Creed_ClicksCreed_Clicks Frets: 1460
    Why were the police searching them in the first place? Was it the woman police officer who tried to search the woman and the others objected? 
    Whatever happened you can’t stamp on someone’s head while arresting them !
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  • swillerswiller Frets: 1545
    Dont worry, be silly.
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  • DeadmanDeadman Frets: 4002
    I’m starting to hear some bollocks about armed officers being forced to take harsh measures so as not to risk their weapon being compromised from about their person. Never heard such bollocks.

    Having said that, I’ve never been arrested, let alone manhandled by a copper at the airport, probably because I’m not a complete muppet.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • musteatbrainmusteatbrain Frets: 899
    I know some of the officers from this team. Not the ones on video. I’m not going to ask them anything as I bet they’ve had enough already, but I can say the ones I know are exemplary officers who regularly put their life on the line for the greater good of society and we rarely hear about it. 

    Exactly the sort of people most people would want in this role. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Devil#20Devil#20 Frets: 2021
    redwedge said:
    I would suggest that at the least the main officer thug is looking at a serious GBH charge or, with a good opposing brief attempted manslaughter charges.  What amazes me is why only 1 suspension. There are other officers who act inappropriately and none, and I repeat none, step in to prevent their colleague assaulting a guy or even arrest him.  Suspend the lot.
    If he's going to be arrested then so must one, if not all, the men who were involved in the assault on the police officers originally. Somebody needs to be charged with flooring 3 armed officers and breaking a woman's nose. Otherwise, the police officer gets dismissed and maybe faces a custodial sentence and probably loses his police pension yet the original perps will file a private prosecution and receive a huge compensation payout. Would that be fair? I think not. 

    PS. I spoke to a doctor friend of mine and he says you cannot develop a cyst on the brain from a blow to the head. It will have been there for some time and is most likely benign. 


    Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

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  • euaneuan Frets: 1714
    Imagine the officers nose was actually broken by a stray elbow from a fellow officer.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19797
    Having exhibited all the requisite talents in his promo video, the officer involved in the kicking incident has been approached by the producers of 'Strictly Come Dancing'   B)
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5646
    edited July 25
    Devil#20 said:
    redwedge said:
    I would suggest that at the least the main officer thug is looking at a serious GBH charge or, with a good opposing brief attempted manslaughter charges.  What amazes me is why only 1 suspension. There are other officers who act inappropriately and none, and I repeat none, step in to prevent their colleague assaulting a guy or even arrest him.  Suspend the lot.
    If he's going to be arrested then so must one, if not all, the men who were involved in the assault on the police officers originally. Somebody needs to be charged with flooring 3 armed officers and breaking a woman's nose. Otherwise, the police officer gets dismissed and maybe faces a custodial sentence and probably loses his police pension yet the original perps will file a private prosecution and receive a huge compensation payout. Would that be fair? I think not. 

    PS. I spoke to a doctor friend of mine and he says you cannot develop a cyst on the brain from a blow to the head. It will have been there for some time and is most likely benign. 

    You can develop a brain cyst after blunt trauma. I learned this from my neurosurgeon who diagnosed my brain tumour which was most likely the result of blunt trauma from a snowboarding accident.
    Cysts and tumours are clearly different things, but trauma could possibly trigger either.
    What I think more likely is that this cyst was probably already there, undiagnosed, as they are usually slow growing.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Devil#20Devil#20 Frets: 2021
    edited July 25
    euan said:
    Imagine the officers nose was actually broken by a stray elbow from a fellow officer.
    Well I suppose it's possible in the absence of video leading up to the incident we've all seen but I wouldn't put money on it. What is obvious from your posts is that you are showing an anti-police bias and siding with the fuckwits who got themselves in this situation in the first place. The last place you fuck about in is in an airport and certainly not where police have firearms.

    Most of the time the police are accused, and rightly so, for operating as a watching brief rather than getting stuck in but when they finally do they can't win that way either. Don't worry though. If it all kicks off in Rochdale they can revert to type and give in to mob rule and run off, like they did in Leeds. You either want a police force or you don't. I see the BLM have now re-surfaced on the back of this incident and taken to the streets. That was predictable I suppose. If this incident had happened in a US airport or most other major international airports these guys would have been in body bags now.

    We need to put this in perspective. The officer was probably in a highly adrenalised state, he's seen his officers attacked but he's  human and not a robot. He was overly robust, looking at it as a bystander, but he was there to control a potentially much more dangerous situation with guns around. He certainly did that. 

    Some of the the incitement coming from muslim community leaders calling for violent protest, using this as a political excuse, is totally unacceptable and needs to be addressed now. That's hate crime isn't it? In fairness I did here some leaders calling for peaceful protest and I hope that's as far as it gets for everyone's sake. Otherwise, mob rule is taking over unless we deal with it. Not a time to be backing down. 


    Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

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  • Devil#20Devil#20 Frets: 2021
    DiscoStu said:
    Devil#20 said:

    PS. I spoke to a doctor friend of mine and he says you cannot develop a cyst on the brain from a blow to the head. It will have been there for some time and is most likely benign. 

    You can develop a brain cyst after blunt trauma. I learned this from my neurosurgeon who diagnosed my brain tumour which was most likely the result of blunt trauma from a snowboarding accident.
    Cysts and tumours are clearly different things, but trauma could possibly trigger either.
    What I think more likely is that this cyst was probably already there, undiagnosed, as they are usually slow growing.
    I think I didn't make things entirely clear. I implied it wasn't a result of the incident, which it isn't. He said it wouldn't have been from a recent head trauma. He said you get bruising on the brain at the site of the impact and also on the exact opposite side of the head at the same time. They would show up first on a scan if the kick was violent enough. That wasn't reported though. 


    Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

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  • PetepassionPetepassion Frets: 1118
    Devil#20 said:
    euan said:
    Imagine the officers nose was actually broken by a stray elbow from a fellow officer.
    Well I suppose it's possible in the absence of video leading up to the incident we've all seen but I wouldn't put money on it. What is obvious from your posts is that you are showing an anti-police bias and siding with the fuckwits who got themselves in this situation in the first place. The last place you fuck about in is in an airport and certainly not where police have firearms.

    Most of the time the police are accused, and rightly so, for operating as a watching brief rather than getting stuck in but when they finally do they can't win that way either. Don't worry though. If it all kicks off in Rochdale they can revert to type and give in to mob rule and run off, like they did in Leeds. You either want a police force or you don't. I see the BLM have now re-surfaced on the back of this incident and taken to the streets. That was predictable I suppose. If this incident had happened in a US airport or most other major international airports these guys would have been in body bags now.

    We need to put this in perspective. The officer was probably in a highly adrenalised state, he's seen his officers attacked but he's  human and not a robot. He was overly robust, looking at it as a bystander, but he was there to control a potentially much more dangerous situation with guns around. He certainly did that. 

    Some of the the incitement coming from muslim community leaders calling for violent protest, using this as a political excuse, is totally unacceptable and needs to be addressed now. That's hate crime isn't it? In fairness I did here some leaders calling for peaceful protest and I hope that's as far as it gets for everyone's sake. Otherwise, mob rule is taking over unless we deal with it. Not a time to be backing down. 
    But it doesn't have to be a choice of prancing around being chums with the public or brutally attacking them, there is such a thing as a middle ground, exactly what these professionals are supposed to be trained to do...and armed ones at that!
       It wasn't a split decision, the officer clearly had time to think and evaluate the situation, looking at the state of the recipient laying face down, tasered, on the floor. There was clearly no threat of his weapon being taken at this stage.
       This is how he responds after a couple of his colleagues get punched, surely he should be trained for far greater risk situations than this. 
       There are idiot cleaners, idiot shop assistants, idiot nurses, idiot politicians...there are also idiot policemen...they are not exclusive.
    ‘It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society’
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10434
    edited July 26
    Devil#20 said:
    Discostu said:
    You can develop a brain cyst after blunt trauma.
    I think I didn't make things entirely clear. I implied it wasn't a result of the incident, which it isn't. He said it wouldn't have been from a recent head trauma. 
    @DiscoStu is correct. Cysts can develop and present as a result from recent trauma to the brain if it was a serious contusion.

    What causes a brain cyst?
    Brain cysts are caused by the building up of fluid in an area of the brain. Brain cysts can form during the first few weeks when a baby is growing in the uterus. Some cysts might form because of a head injury or other trauma to the brain.
    Brain cysts may also be caused by head injury or trauma
    No one can know what is and what isn't caused by the trauma without looking at the trauma imaging post injury, but they absolutely can develop due to trauma.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • euaneuan Frets: 1714
    Devil#20 said:

    What is obvious from your posts is that you are showing an anti-police bias and siding with the fuckwits who got themselves in this situation in the first place. 
    You can believe that but then I’d think that I’ve mostly done in this thread is actually establish facts of the videos presented. There is no actual video of the initial reported crime nor the subsequent attempt at arrest. 

    If you’ve actually read my posts in here you will see me referring to what I regard as good policing aroubd football related violence. 

    I’m also critical of police engaging/starting vehicle pursuits because in a similar situation to here it actually increases the risk to the public and themselves, not reduces it. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Dr_NecessiterDr_Necessiter Frets: 357
    Apparently there is body cam video footage of what went on initially and it's being examined to work out what actually happened that lead to the guy having his head kicked. That's according to the Times this morning.
    "I've got the moobs like Jabba".
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