Typical GAK...returning to old ways? (wish I'd never started this....just having a rant and whoosh!)

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  • BloodEagleBloodEagle Frets: 5320
    It was a Thursday afternoon as I recall, him - wearing a cravat and smelling strongly of dog, me - eating a burger and praying loudly
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  • flyingvflyingv Frets: 555
    edited May 2015
    Had the very same thing on two separate occasions With GAK. Both times I ordered, I later received emails telling me they were out of stock? Even though it clearly said in stock when placing the order(s) Can't even remember what one or what it was now??? An amp I think? Took over three weeks to arrive! Been into the shop a few times when I've been down to Brighton, and it's awesome! Full of realy cool gear, CS guitars, boutique amps you name it, but as an internet shopping experience, totally crap!
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  • Fair enough. However, withholding funds for up to five days is unacceptable as I had to source alternate items and couldn't due to this. I'm sure you'll blame the banking system etc, but to me as a customer I don't really care. If I paid the money instantly then I expect it back instantly. Especially when it's pretty much the only spare cash I have.
    You can't expect GAK to change the way the banking system works. Yeah, it's not great, but that's just how it is, it isn't GAKs fault.

    I can completely see there's been a cock-up here that's inconvenienced you, but the guy has come on here and apologised, and offered a useful insight into how it all works. Fair play to him.

    Yes, there are a few other complaints, but there is always going to be, it's just the nature of the best, you can't expect GAK to manage an online system that rivals Amazon.

    Maybe not, but I can expect an item to be delivered next day if it says "next day delivery". The thing is I needed these items fast and I would never have ordered them from Gak if I'd have known.

    I'm sure the banking system's not their fault, but withholding my money when I need it to buy essentials for a tour isn't on. I'm sure there could be a way round it, how about let the transaction go through and transfer me the money from their own funds?

    And yes, fair play to Yoseph for taking the time to talk to us, but that doesn't change the fact that another employee at GAK flat out ignored me when they couldn't be arsed to deal with the issue. 
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  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    Fuck gak, what's the score with mrchi and blood eagle ? Much more interesting.

    Ps leave the gak fella alone.
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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    Yeah tell us more about Thursday afternoon
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  • BloodEagleBloodEagle Frets: 5320
    Not much to tell - he tried it on (as I knew he would), I didn't reciprocate, and months later we get what has just happened in this thread - very public and very undignified
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28044
    edited May 2015

    Everyone - cool it with the personal comments/insults.

    Any more similar comments, or comments about previous comments, will be deleted without further discussion.

    If you want to have a slanging match, do it via PM or in SC.  Don't derail this thread any further.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • CatthanCatthan Frets: 371
    Fair enough. However, withholding funds for up to five days is unacceptable as I had to source alternate items and couldn't due to this. I'm sure you'll blame the banking system etc, but to me as a customer I don't really care. If I paid the money instantly then I expect it back instantly. Especially when it's pretty much the only spare cash I have.
    You can't expect GAK to change the way the banking system works. Yeah, it's not great, but that's just how it is, it isn't GAKs fault.

    I can completely see there's been a cock-up here that's inconvenienced you, but the guy has come on here and apologised, and offered a useful insight into how it all works. Fair play to him.

    Maybe not, but I can expect an item to be delivered next day if it says "next day delivery". The thing is I needed these items fast and I would never have ordered them from Gak if I'd have known.

    I'm sure the banking system's not their fault, but withholding my money when I need it to buy essentials for a tour isn't on. I'm sure there could be a way round it, how about let the transaction go through and transfer me the money from their own funds?

    And yes, fair play to Yoseph for taking the time to talk to us, but that doesn't change the fact that another employee at GAK flat out ignored me when they couldn't be arsed to deal with the issue. 

    Can't argue with that! It's that kind of flexibility (or at least an effort towards it) you're describing that reps here could try offering. 
    I've had to take the blame for sb else's fuck on at work and I know this sucks too however. What to do, blame it on the other guy, blame it on business practices you had nowt to do with establishing? I really don't know how to deal with this everytime it happens, other than listen to all the complaints and try to somehow resolve the issue. That's maybe why I tend to be kinda understanding towards Yoseph in this case. That doesn't change the facts tho as you say 

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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2405
    Yoseph said:
    Not really @shuikit , the alternative is that we have to manually take down every item every time we sell out, we stock thousands and thousands of items, all of them available for order whether in stock or not, every single shop on the internet displays items both in and out of stock. As usual with this sort of thing it's more a case of practicality than some evil master plan.

    To be honest this sort of assumption is pretty indefensible from my position. You'll all have your opinions, and I guess that's what forums are for, but I signed up to this as did Mark before me, off of our own backs so we could help out and offer special deals for forum members, answer questions etc. If this sort of thread is the trend for The Fretboard I don't see any point in continuing, I can't justify the amount of time spent. What can I say here? We are a small shop in Brighton made up of about 30 staff, we run a website and list all the stuff we can order. There is no Goldfinger at the top, we are not a corporation, I'm sorry that a few of you have had problems, we will always do our best to sort out any hitches and do our best to make sure they don't happen in the first place. 

    If you need anything or have any questions please get hold of me on joe.branton@gak.co.uk
    I don't think there's some kind of massive conspiracy, but when a shop is acting a certain way because it suits it and is more convenient for it (which is entirely its prerogative, I should add), you can't really complain when customers point out that using this system makes it more inconvenient for them (which is also their prerogative).

    You're basically saying, "We're not deliberately trying to screw you, we're just looking out for ourselves!"

    Which is absolutely fair enough.

    But that's all (most of) the customers/consumers (potential and actual) in here are doing too.

    In fact, some of them are actively trying to help you by pointing out problems that you might not have noticed yourself.
    Yoseph said:
    I get that you especially have a problem with GAK, and the answer to that is not to shop with us,
    If someone has a problem with a shop they're not allowed to warn others?

    I agree that you should give the business the chance to sort it out first (I don't know if he did or didn't), but if you do, and they don't, I think warning others (as long as what you're saying is true) is actually to be encouraged.
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  • pmgpmg Frets: 301
    I had nothing but positive dealings with Gak in the past. Recently I called them up regarding a product that was "available to order", they advised it was out of stock and when it would be back in stock. Simple.
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  • musteatbrainmusteatbrain Frets: 890
    meltedbuzzbox;650853" said:
    musteatbrain said:

    Some of the comments on this thread are the reason I post less and less on this forum.

    95% of the time it is in Guitars. The rest of the forum is pretty cool 
    I find it really odd that there are more comments in off topic than guitars on a guitar forum. I now lurk in the amp section mostly as I learn a lot from the technical gurus that post frequently there.
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  • bobliefeldbobliefeld Frets: 425
    The stock info on websites is hardly ever accurate. Pages are cached etc. Some places will only hit their stock api once a day or whatever. Some sites have no real idea and just use stock statuses for marketing. "Only 1 left!" Etc. I waited 2 months for a cotbed from very.co.uk. Baby had to sleep in a guitar case that GAK got to me next day. Ymmv
    6reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28044
    For anyone wondering why their post has disappeared, I'll repeat;

    TTony said:

    Everyone - cool it with the personal comments/insults.

    Any more similar comments, or comments about previous comments, will be deleted without further discussion.

    If you want to have a slanging match, do it via PM or in SC.  Don't derail this thread any further.

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 9717
    I'm fortunate to have expendable to hand, and I buy a lot of pedals n stuff...

    I appreciate the guy from Gak coming on here but I'd have to say, Id think twice about ordering personally from them. I like my stuff next day, or at least when promised... And i simply cannot be doing with terminology, defintions and excuses. For this reason, I'm out (as they say)

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  • FortheloveofguitarFortheloveofguitar Frets: 4293
    edited May 2015
    The trouble is these shops just don't want to hear about how they've let you down. 'We've had your money off your card despite not checking if we've got the item in stock despite the fact that we've said we've got it' 'Oh and stop your crying that you have to wait days to get your money back so therefore can't go elsewhere until such time as we decide to issue your refund' Tough luck Mr customer
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  • Way I see it this one has got way out of control, all online companies have online stock control issues, even the sainted Thomann, I've had this from quite a few online retailers big and small inside and outside of the music industry...take a step back and put the pitchforks down..even amazon get it wrong...at least GAK to the best of my knowledge pay all thier taxes in the UK...maybe if they operated from Luxembourg they could offer you a better online experience...
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    Amazon got it wrong for me a couple of weeks ago - although it was actually the courier that lost the watch I'd ordered, it was amazon that ticked me off when they promised it would arrive the next day 3 days in a row and then offered a refund that took nearly a week to come through and blamed the bank for the delay.    I didn't need the cash but if I had wanted to use that money to shop elsewhere it would have been annoying.

    I ordered from elsewhere and moved on.  Yes it bugged me that the prime thing didn't work but anything you buy online has so many possible ways to go wrong that you have to balance the few times it doesn't go smoothly against the saving and convenience.    
    GAK didn't get it right this time and they accept the term available to order isn't perfect but no need to get all shouty.

    Need it today - go to a shop,  
    Happy to risk a delay in return for a cheaper price and it being delivered to your door then go online.  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • underdogunderdog Frets: 8334
    pmg;650851" said:
    I had nothing but positive dealings with Gak in the past. Recently I called them up regarding a product that was "available to order", they advised it was out of stock and when it would be back in stock. Simple.
    But if you were ordering online you would have available to order, which, to most, would mean you'd get it soon, or is that unreasonable to think? Why should you have to phone for this information, why can't it be available in the web site they're happy to sell via? This isn't 2005, online shopping isn't new, not is it expensive to run for a business.

    In my opinion GAK with their current system are leaving g themselves open to criticism.
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  • leerockerleerocker Frets: 610
    OK! Whats happening to this place??

    First off this isnt the first time recently there has been too much bitching and moaning on here for my liking, the way @rockmonster got berated on here about a guitar that wasnt as described and the guy drove miles to look at it etc. I know rod and hes good as gold and the op wasnt expecting rod to show photos and tell his side, This thread is also complete bollocks, 

    Gak are good as gold ive used them for years and never had the problems ive been reading about, Secondly Its not fucking hard to read if it says in stock or avalaible to order i have no complaint about their website or the way they conduct their business and i am no way affiliated with them whatsoever.

    To me this site is on the wane and i thought this was a site for gearheads and guitar lovers not a bunch of moaning women that should be on jeremy kyle..

    There are more important things in life to worry about than the stupid things that get escalated on here.

    @yoseph , i wouldnt blame you for doing one as i wouldnt put up with this either,

    Maybe i should fuck off as well then as this place is no longer becoming helpful or interesting.
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