Any Motörbike riders here?

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  • No rear view helmet for me. Seeing my pillion grinning back at me would creep me out.
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  • Really like the idea of HUD. Sure it's distracting at first, but after a while it becomes natural. Still, won't stop drivers messing you about unfortunately...

    Thought about putting a really loud horn on the cafe conversion, but in the end opted for refurbing the original horn, relatively feeble though it is.
    "Nobody needs more than 20 strats." Mike Landau
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12519
    Fusionista;168840" said:
    My new lid, in-line with the new minimalist/retro rider ethos, I've ditched the armour, leathers and full-face, gone kevlar and open-face
    Not a fan of open face helmets, ever since I mashed my face up wearing one in a bike accident in my teens. If I'd had a full face helmet I might have got off with lighter damage. As it was I lost several teeth and had to have my jaw wired. Worn a full face one ever since I took up biking again.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    Lid looks great but there is no way I'd wear an open face helmet.
    I don't go for flip front either as I know that it would be flipped if/when I come off.
    Full face only for me.
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  • It's what's called 'risk management'.  I've been off a few times and would never wear shoes, or not wear gloves, or a helmet, but putting all the gear on got to be such a faff (and an expense) that I all but gave up riding. Fact is too one cannot see as much inside a full-face, and of course one cannot shout either. 

    Of course the problem with risk management is that if the worst-case scenario happens, you are 'under-insured'.  I've weighed up that risk and decided to take it.  Wish me luck.
    "Nobody needs more than 20 strats." Mike Landau
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  • I know what your saying about open face but I really struggle with full face, I feel claustrophobic and left and right corner vision isn't as good, its enough(if there is such a thing) but nowhere near as good as the other 2..

    my 3 helmets, Caberg on the left is my most used, good wind/flying debris protection from visor, flip down sunglasses are superb.. MT open face, don't use this much if at all zero wind/flying debris protection, it was a mistake purchase.. MT flip front, better protection obviously not as good as proper full face but out of the 3 its the best and I do use it in the winter mainly for the warmth, its weighty, vision not as good and I cannot wait to get it off when I use it.

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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    I know what your saying about open face but I really struggle with full face, I feel claustrophobic and left and right corner vision isn't as good, its enough(if there is such a thing) but nowhere near as good as the other 2..

    my 3 helmets, Caberg on the left is my most used, good wind/flying debris protection from visor, flip down sunglasses are superb.. MT open face, don't use this much if at all zero wind/flying debris protection, it was a mistake purchase.. MT flip front, better protection obviously not as good as proper full face but out of the 3 its the best and I do use it in the winter mainly for the warmth, its weighty, vision not as good and I cannot wait to get it off when I use it.


    I hear what you are both saying- and you are more experienced than I.
    I guess if you are experienced then you are less likely to come off and perhaps know how to fall more than I.
    Regarding limited side vision- I try to be more active in turning my head to check, lifesavers etc.
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  • cruxiformcruxiform Frets: 2668
    I've only ever worn full face helmets and wouldn't entertain an open face. 2 years ago on the M25, a large stone hit the chin section of my full face Arai, causing a large crack to appear and rendering the helmet useless. It was like being punched on the chin. With an open face helmet I don't even want to think about what damage it may have caused. Of course, people's personal choice overrides this and I respect their wishes to wear what they want.

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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    cruxiform said:
    I've only ever worn full face helmets and wouldn't entertain an open face. 2 years ago on the M25, a large stone hit the chin section of my full face Arai, causing a large crack to appear and rendering the helmet useless. It was like being punched on the chin. With an open face helmet I don't even want to think about what damage it may have caused. Of course, people's personal choice overrides this and I respect their wishes to wear what they want.

    That must have got your attention.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    Do people who wear full-face prefer Arai or Shoei (or something else)?
    I bought my second Shoei helmet at the London show last weekend- got a GT Air, mainly for the integrated sun visor, also I wanted a more visible helmet.

    The black Shoei Qwest was a problem for daily commuting as I travel into the sun both ways and was blinded, even with the light smoke visor. Also sun glasses wouldn't fit under the helmet comfortably.
    Wasn't cheap but I got a good deal on it for the show.
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  • FusionistaFusionista Frets: 184
    edited February 2014
    That's what I was going to do, but in the end it was too much faff to drive there (as the bike is not yet ready) and the Tube was closed (doh!).  Had my eye on the Nexx X60 Vision but in the end decided I prefer sun glasses to  drop-down visor.  Not ruling it out however...    
    "Nobody needs more than 20 strats." Mike Landau
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  • cruxiformcruxiform Frets: 2668
    It sure did! I remember pulling over to the hard shoulder to gather my thoughts. Also, I once hit a pheasant on a GSXR and managed to stay upright. Spent some time digging what was left of the bird out of the radiator afterwards. I've only had one off (touch wood) in over 20 years of riding which was a result of showing off while getting my knee down on a roundabout. My fault entirely. I was a hooligan back in my 20's and 30's and was very lucky, looking back. I took a lot of chances and got away with it. Saying that it's lots of close shaves that have made me a better rider over the years, as long as we learn from them then that's a good thing. I still like riding fast, but it's more controlled these days.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    That's what I was going to do, but in the end it was too much faff to drive there (as the bike is not yet ready) and the Tube was closed (doh!).  Had my eye on the Nexx X60 Vision but in the end decided I prefer sun glasses to  drop-down visor.  Not ruling it out however... 

    Driving wasn't too bad- although I was in a queue for the carpark for about 40 mins.
    £15 for parking though is obscene.

    Helmet was £320, down from £485- but I had to haggle for ages, in the end I think they just wanted to get rid of me.
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  • cruxiformcruxiform Frets: 2668
    I prefer Arai as they seem to fit my head. I've had cheaper helmets which were excellent such as the AGV.
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12519
    I've got an HJC at the moment. Seems decent enough and it's pretty quiet. Most Arai ones I've tried in the past have been noisy. Was a while back though, they might be better now.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    edited February 2014
    Let's talk security.

    Has anyone installed a ground anchor?
    I am about to buy a seriously heavy duty Almax chain and Defiant ground anchor.
    The plan is to put it in the front garden setting it in a new 50cm x 50cm x 10cm slab of concrete.
    Good idea?

    During the day I keep my bike in a secure carpark near my uni with a lighter chain and a disc lock- hoping these are enough to keep my bike.

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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12519
    I put a ground anchor in my garage where the bike's kept but only because Hein Gerrick were doing an offer where you got it free with the security chain I bought. I declared it when I was sorting out insurance thinking it'd be worth a few quid off the premium, but I actually got more discount for the Honda immobiliser fitted as standard to the bike. Probably a good idea if you've got yours stored outside though.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    edited February 2014
    boogieman said:
    I put a ground anchor in my garage where the bike's kept but only because Hein Gerrick were doing an offer where you got it free with the security chain I bought. I declared it when I was sorting out insurance thinking it'd be worth a few quid off the premium, but I actually got more discount for the Honda immobiliser fitted as standard to the bike. Probably a good idea if you've got yours stored outside though.
    Cheers- yes I was going to get an immobiliser for my next bike- hoping I only have the 125 for another month or so max.
    I didn't declare security devices to my insurance company as I heard that if it gets stolen they can ask you to prove that you used them.
    If I stop in at a shop for 5 mins I don't want to have to put on the disc lock and secure the bike to something and then have to undo it all 5 mins later.
    The insurance was only £10 a year cheaper with the security devices anyway- figured that £10 would save me a lot of hassle whilst still staying covered.
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12519
    Sorry I think I badly worded my post. I meant the ground anchor is a good idea as your bike's outside. I'd trust a good solid lump of metal and a lock & chain more than any alarm. ;)
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    Ah right- yes. ;)
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