does Sturgeon want us to use lottery money to rebuild Hadrian's wall?

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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited June 2016
    Drew_fx said:
    johnnyurq said:
    My personal experiences of working and visiting folks in England have been mostly positive but there are however a handful of times I was offered violence for bugger all but my accent, Twice I had to defend myself and the other were diffused by bystanders before becoming actually violent. On two ocassions they rounded on the females present for trying to defues the situation with a foul and violence tinted rant.
    Mate, welcome to the world. It's nothing unique to the English or the Scottish. I've had shit said to me by Scots that they thought was just banter, but was actually quite offensive. In Japan I was told to go home and that I wasn't welcome by a complete stranger on the street.

    Assholes are everywhere dude.
    Way to go on the selective culliong of my post as is your MO.

    Read the rest of it you dingus.

    I related that experiences exactly to point out to the dude I quoted that there are idndeed assholes all over, oh wait I actually wrote that in black and white on the rest of my post well bugger me.

    So you weigh in and wilfully ignore the point I was making on the back of that sorry tale lol.

    Read stuff properly you tool.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    johnnyurq said:
    Drew_fx said:
    johnnyurq said:
    My personal experiences of working and visiting folks in England have been mostly positive but there are however a handful of times I was offered violence for bugger all but my accent, Twice I had to defend myself and the other were diffused by bystanders before becoming actually violent. On two ocassions they rounded on the females present for trying to defues the situation with a foul and violence tinted rant.
    Mate, welcome to the world. It's nothing unique to the English or the Scottish. I've had shit said to me by Scots that they thought was just banter, but was actually quite offensive. In Japan I was told to go home and that I wasn't welcome by a complete stranger on the street.

    Assholes are everywhere dude.
    Way to go on the selective culliong of my post as is your MO.

    Read the rest of it you dingus.

    I related that experiences exactly to point out to the dude I quoted.

    So you weigh in and wilfully ignore the point I was making on the back of that sorry tale lol.

    Read stuff properly you tool.
    Says the guy who deliberately misreads a joke in order to sow further turmoil on the forum! LOL. Topkek m8.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    Back to the original question - Sturgeon is being criticised rightly or wrongly for being vocal and responding to questions about the future, while Cameron (who is still prime minister) and Osbourne maintain total silence. And the leave campaign leaders have admitted they don't have a plan. You would've thought they might have at least had a wee think about it... Meanwhile the Labour party leadership implodes.... A total clusterfuck - how the rest of the world must be laughing!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    Drew_fx said:
    johnnyurq said:
    Drew_fx said:
    johnnyurq;1126719" said:
    Drew_fx said:

    So she is the UK's Trump then?

    Dude you have really jumped the shark recently, you used to be edgy and amusing. Sign o' the times I guess. :))

    But hey lets have another thread as an excuse to knock the jocks eh after all we were going piss on the out lots right to leave and keep us in....oh wait but that never happened now did it.

    That is directed at the OP and @Capo4th BTW before you get all high and mighty Drew. The first bit is all for you though luvvie :).

    As ICBM says for here (which is eff all to do with Scottish nationalism) a lot on here have no grasp of the Scottish mentality in these matters and rather predictably fall back on dumb fucking stereotypes. Check your flavour of nationialists who are in much greater numbers even our most vociferous ones don't even come close, plus an awful (the majority) lot of SNP voters are not nationalists in any shape or form.
    Lost your sense of humour johnny?
    Not at all mate mine is intact. How about yours eh?

    Just sick of the BS and real bigotry some are displaying I am afraid, and you know as I signposted the comment aimed that it was tongue in cheek but if you want to be a cupcake, snowflake bedwetter help yourself mate. See now you must see I  mostly jest with you. ;-)

    Or maybe you are feeling emasculated by your Japanese poontang fermenting the fruit of your loins for you. ;-)
    So wait... it's okay for you to make a joke but anyone else and all of a sudden it's bigotry? Fuck off mate.

    Right so as well as cherry picking my posts you somehow think I am aiming any talk of bigotry at you?

    Read again what I wrote on my (maybe poorly judged) quip at yourself, Christ man I even said in the next sentence only that was aimed at you. So what is your major malfunction man, reading, comprehension or just wanting to pick a fight or slanging match. If the latter then chunter away me ole china.

    Methinks you need to be able to take what you dish out seriously dude or some fucking manpons for your butthurtedness.

    To be truly clear there are small cadre of anti scottish bigots inhabiting, you are not one of them from what I can see, douchebag mebbes, bigot no.

    Yet loads on here (rightly in my opinion) were getting their panties in a bunch over being tarred as bigots for voting out, but hey that is OK but as soon as any scottish dimension comes up the usual suspect come out and have a pop, not cool mate and you fucking no it.

    Like you rather than go sniping and flagging I chose to tell them to fuck of and grow the fuck up, if they are offended or dislike my comments then they can flag away and kiss my shiny metal one.

    In conclusion if you cannot see the true bigotry being spouted here time and again in these threads then you are clearly not paying attenttion.

    So how about you fuck the fuckety fuck off and go sign up for mumsnet and join either an SJW or anti SJW group for your kicks.

    Prize Plum, and I do not mean the colour.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    Riiiiiiight... someone didn't have their cornflakes this morning!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    For what it's worth...if she genuinely can veto acting on the referendum result, I would personally be quite happy to sacrifice the Scots' reputation within the UK in order to do so :D

    (it'd certainly make up for the years of abuse I've had from them about rugby results)
    I and I suspect a huge majority of my fellow Scots would not support or condone this and if they did I would be one of the first to tell them to bugger off.

    As things are bad enough I would hate that making things much worse.

    Bad move and bad strategy in my opinion.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    ewal said:
    Back to the original question - Sturgeon is being criticised rightly or wrongly for being vocal and responding to questions about the future, while Cameron (who is still prime minister) and Osbourne maintain total silence. And the leave campaign leaders have admitted they don't have a plan. You would've thought they might have at least had a wee think about it... Meanwhile the Labour party leadership implodes.... A total clusterfuck - how the rest of the world must be laughing!
    I'd like to tear Cameron and Osbourne apart and create some sort of Hellraiser monster from their respective organs.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BabonesBabones Frets: 1209
    Her upper lip is crying out for a bushy moustache.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    ewal;1126921" said:
    Back to the original question - Sturgeon is being criticised rightly or wrongly for being vocal and responding to questions about the future, while Cameron (who is still prime minister) and Osbourne maintain total silence. And the leave campaign leaders have admitted they don't have a plan. You would've thought they might have at least had a wee think about it... Meanwhile the Labour party leadership implodes.... A total clusterfuck - how the rest of the world must be laughing!
    Er, a new PM needs to be chosen, the party is being canvassed for who has support, then a Eurosceptic cabinet has to be picked.

    Ask yourself why is nobody commenting on Sturgeon's noise? Because its just unimportant noise that is lower priority than sorting out the next PM and Cabinet.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27093
    johnnyurq said:
    For what it's worth...if she genuinely can veto acting on the referendum result, I would personally be quite happy to sacrifice the Scots' reputation within the UK in order to do so :D

    (it'd certainly make up for the years of abuse I've had from them about rugby results)
    I and I suspect a huge majority of my fellow Scots would not support or condone this and if they did I would be one of the first to tell them to bugger off.

    As things are bad enough I would hate that making things much worse.

    Bad move and bad strategy in my opinion.
    I was joking, dude. Well, mostly. Probably about 90%.

    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited June 2016
    Drew_fx said:
    Riiiiiiight... someone didn't have their cornflakes this morning!
    Ha ha dude you crack me up.

    Seriously though not willign to admit you cherry picked my post and assumed even though I wrote it wasn't that I was somehow calilng you a bigot. Really mate sometimes your logic and critical skills mantras turn out to be very hypocritical.

    If you want we can play your game or talk sensibly makes no odds to me.

    Say it ain't so dude.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    edited June 2016
    johnnyurq said:
    Drew_fx said:
    Riiiiiiight... someone didn't have their cornflakes this morning!
    Ha ha dude you crack me up.

    Seriously though not willign toi admit you cherry picked my quite and assumed even though I wrote it wasn't that I was somehow callng you a bigot. Really mate sometimes your logic and critical skills mantras turn out to be very hypocritical.

    If you want we can play your game or talk sensibly makes no odds to me.

    Say it ain't so dude.
    I cherry picked your quite? Mate, how many Buckfasts you had today?

    For what it's worth I was merely comparing my experiences with your experiences. I don't see what is so offensive about that, but you're having a right old jolly time with your indignant victim complex so fuckin' crack on pal!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    Chalky;1126948" said:
    [quote="ewal;1126921"]Back to the original question - Sturgeon is being criticised rightly or wrongly for being vocal and responding to questions about the future, while Cameron (who is still prime minister) and Osbourne maintain total silence. And the leave campaign leaders have admitted they don't have a plan. You would've thought they might have at least had a wee think about it... Meanwhile the Labour party leadership implodes.... A total clusterfuck - how the rest of the world must be laughing!
    Er, a new PM needs to be chosen, the party is being canvassed for who has support, then a Eurosceptic cabinet has to be picked.

    Ask yourself why is nobody commenting on Sturgeon's noise? Because its just unimportant noise that is lower priority than sorting out the next PM and Cabinet.[/quote]

    But Cameron is still PM, so he can't just opt out thus creating a leadership vacuum. Are we just to sit and twiddle our thumbs while the Tories sort out the mess (of their own making) they find themselves in.

    And as for Sturgeon - er have a look at the media - quite alot of people are commenting positively on it. Even bloody Sky News! You can be as disparaging as you want about her, but it won't change the fact that she is the political leader of a country, therefore she has a duty to express the position of her government. Yes, it is just a wee country, but like it or not it still matters.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    ewal;1126972" said:
    [quote="Chalky;1126948"][quote="ewal;1126921"]Back to the original question - Sturgeon is being criticised rightly or wrongly for being vocal and responding to questions about the future, while Cameron (who is still prime minister) and Osbourne maintain total silence. And the leave campaign leaders have admitted they don't have a plan. You would've thought they might have at least had a wee think about it... Meanwhile the Labour party leadership implodes.... A total clusterfuck - how the rest of the world must be laughing!
    Er, a new PM needs to be chosen, the party is being canvassed for who has support, then a Eurosceptic cabinet has to be picked.

    Ask yourself why is nobody commenting on Sturgeon's noise? Because its just unimportant noise that is lower priority than sorting out the next PM and Cabinet.[/quote]

    But Cameron is still PM, so he can't just opt out thus creating a leadership vacuum. Are we just to sit and twiddle our thumbs while the Tories sort out the mess (of their own making) they find themselves in.

    And as for Sturgeon - er have a look at the media - quite alot of people are commenting positively on it. Even bloody Sky News! You can be as disparaging as you want about her, but it won't change the fact that she is the political leader of a country, therefore she has a duty to express the position of her government. Yes, it is just a wee country, but like it or not it still matters.[/quote]

    As you say, Cameron is PM so he CAN do as he wishes.

    I'm not disparaging Scotland and I support Scottish independence. But Scotland is not a separate country recognised by the EU, UN, WTO, etc. So Sturgeon talking like it is makes no sense.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    Yes Cameron can do what he wishes, and in my opinion his (and Osbourne's) silence suggests he doesn't have a clue.

    Sturgeon was specifically talking about how Brexit might be handled at Holyrood - not unreasonable. Sturgeon also has the right to express Scotland 's position based on the referendum result. Whether Scotland is recognised by the EU, WTO or NATO or not, is of no consequence.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    IDS goes off-message on Brexit plan while Labour tears itself apart
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    Well it seems Sturgeon's "grandstanding" is not being ignored as Chalky suggested.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    Drew_fx said:
    johnnyurq said:
    Drew_fx said:
    Riiiiiiight... someone didn't have their cornflakes this morning!
    Ha ha dude you crack me up.

    Seriously though not willign toi admit you cherry picked my quite and assumed even though I wrote it wasn't that I was somehow callng you a bigot. Really mate sometimes your logic and critical skills mantras turn out to be very hypocritical.

    If you want we can play your game or talk sensibly makes no odds to me.

    Say it ain't so dude.
    I cherry picked your quite? Mate, how many Buckfasts you had today?

    For what it's worth I was merely comparing my experiences with your experiences. I don't see what is so offensive about that, but you're having a right old jolly time with your indignant victim complex so fuckin' crack on pal!
    Says the man with a sacks o potatoes on each of his shoulders about a wide range of things.

    And no you were not or else why leave the payoff in my last paragraph where I had already said there are assholes everywhere to refute the crass generalisation by the dude I quoted Or do you agree with him that we nasty Scots have the monopoly on that. paint it any way you like Drew, but you do this a lot mate.

    Seriously mate what did you have for brekky? If poon then cool but maybe a crack or herion fix, see what I did there joshing aout all those in London are junkies, yay me!!

    If you still contend there has not been a fair bit of anti scottish sentiment here ove rthe life of this vote and again now then I know you are fulll of it.

    Some is banter and good natured, I don't have anything to say on them, the others however like you with and those calling out voters racists I reserve the right to tell the to eff off.

    You get most indingnant re anyone dissing London wiht tired stereotypes so imagine how waering and dull it gets when little englanders charatcerise the whole of Scotland, haters of the English. benefit junkies and a whole host of other sweeping BS assertions present on here.

    Get a grip man or you will become part of the problem that is with the UK today.

    For the record your pejorative pop (mostly kidding BTW) about Buckfast is piss poor mate that is a central belt thing it si Merrydown zider here and neither have ever crossed my lips so bite me.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2658
    And look she's also noticed the leadership vacuum. As she says the UK really does deserve better from its leaders.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Does anybody realise Hadrians Wall ends in Wallsend (it's how it gets its name) by Newcastle?
    My V key is broken
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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