Any Dads advice? (Non sleeping baby)

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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106 We used this stuff for a while! Not sure if it's homeopathic or not but it certainly helped him sleep.
    No looks to be herbal :-)
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    How long's this been going on for? My kids are older than that now but they've always got up earlier and taken longer to go to sleep during the summer months when it's light outside at bedtime. Blackout curtains FTW.

    As others have said, cutting down on daytime naps might be a good idea (but will involve dealing with a tired and mardy child, which is always fun), and if he's teething, Calpol might be useful. Shit is magical.

    ...and of course there's no guarantee that it's just one thing. He might be taking ages to get to sleep because it's light outside, then getting upset because he doesn't want to be in bed, then getting even more upset because he's tired and wants to be asleep, then waking up in the night because he's teething....

    @stimpsonlostson is right though- even if it lasts for weeks and you never get the faintest idea of why he's doing it, it'll get better one day as mysteriously as it started. Kids are weird.
    About 3 weeks so far. We thought it was because he was too big for his cot. But that looks like it wasn't the issue. 
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17501
    We used teetha first time around. May have just been a placebo, but it was something to try, and at that age you need anything you can get. At that age ours started nursery, so she had every bug going as well as teething. You will get through it and you will mostly forget. Then they suggest going for another.... Keep looking at this thread to remind yourself how you felt at this time.

    My second is 9 weeks old. I forgot about all this ;)
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  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6375
    When my eldest daughter was a baby, she never slept through the night until I went to stay with my brother who had one of those rocking cots. When the baby moves it makes the cot rock naturally.
    It was the first decent night's  sleep me and the wife had in months.
    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
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  • shaunyshaun1234shaunyshaun1234 Frets: 286
    edited July 2016
    When the boy was teething we would give him Calpol, load his gums with Bonjela and then give him a sachet of that herbal stuff. It's really difficult when they can't tell you what is wrong and you are working on trial and error to work it out! I assume you have tried feeding him when he wakes? He may be having a growth spurt and be getting hungrier quicker.
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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    When the boy was teething we would give him Calpol, load his gums with Bonjela and then give him a sachet of that herbal stuff. It's really difficult when they can't tell you what is wrong and you are working on trial and error to work it out! I assume you have tried feeding him when he wakes? He may be having a growth spurt and be getting hungrier quicker.
    Yeah he refuses the bottle. Basically inconsolable until you pick him up. 
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    WezV said:
    We used teetha first time around. May have just been a placebo, but it was something to try, and at that age you need anything you can get. At that age ours started nursery, so she had every bug going as well as teething. You will get through it and you will mostly forget. Then they suggest going for another.... Keep looking at this thread to remind yourself how you felt at this time.

    My second is 9 weeks old. I forgot about all this ;)
    Ha!!! Another is very much off the cards, I'm surprised the missus and I haven't knifed each other yet.....
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • ElxElx Frets: 412
    Nikko said:
    Id cut them out completely to be honest.
    Really? He really struggles to stay awake by 9:30..... I can't see him making it through the day yet. 
    Of course not, it would only make it worse. My girls are 4 and 2, I've been going through this a lot in the last 4 years. It's a phase, and it will be over soon. It could be many things, but he's probably teething. I totally understand the way you feel, but very soon you will be facing different problems :)
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  • DesVegasDesVegas Frets: 4714
    edited July 2016
    Advice deleted

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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    edited July 2016
    DesVegas said:
    Advice deleted

    why did you write cock??
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    So I got home to both of them in tears......
    its gonna be a great night I can tell lol. 
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BogwhoppitBogwhoppit Frets: 2754
    edited July 2016

    I couldn't go through all that again. Its OK for Ronnie Wood, he can just hand them over to hired help.

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  • hywelghywelg Frets: 4327
    hywelg said:
    Bring him in bed with you. One of you to sleep in a separate room, no point you both being awake. Beer or strong spirits helps. Get yourselves a routine. My two didn't sleep through the night until 2yrs old. Tried driving around nowhere in particular. Tried going for a walk at 3 in the morning. Calpol helps but really shouldn't. They do grow out of it, eventually. But then they start up again about15!
    Trying not to co-sleep as everywhere says it's a bad habit to form, the thing is he sleeps really well usually, it's been about 3 weeks now and it's doing us in. 
    I have been on the sofa last week and a bit, but he's so loud it wakes me up anyway. 
    Sometimes you have to ignore advice, as it'll be different next year anyway. Not advocating bringing him in straight away, just when he really wont settle on his own or he's cried himself into a state. We had to do it with both of ours at times, but it didn't become a habit and they soon get used to being on their own as soon as they slept right through.

    Sorry to tell you this but 3 weeks is no time at all. Like I said neither of mine slept right through until 2 years. They always woke up for a drink, cuddle, nappy change or whatever and then wanted to be up. Kids are all different and you have to do what they need. Allowing them to cry for ages does neither you nor them anygood, though you do usually know when they are trying it on!

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  • So I got home to both of them in tears......
    its gonna be a great night I can tell lol. 
    Ah crap.
    Give her a wee break & maybe time for a nap- 
    Chuck him in the buggy & walk to your second closest take away & buy dinner. Stop at the offie on your way home- she's not breast feeding so that's OK. 

    All the best. 
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  • If sympathy helps, mine had her jabs today. Airbed bring blown up as I type. 
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  • shugzshugz Frets: 775
    so out of the blue, my 10mth old Boy has started not sleeping well, routine is the same, food, bath (if required) bottle, bed.
    previously a good sleeper, now he's taking 1-2 hours to fall asleep, and waking up after about 3 for about 4 hours then crashing finally around 4am
    i get up at 5.....
    i very seriously considered sticking my hand in a 3 phase board today.
    missus and I are beyond shattered.....
    please help. 
    The Cry It Out thing does not work. 
    3 hours of him screaming and showing no signs of stopping. 
    Only falls asleep with holding and rocking, if you stop, he wakes, if you try to put him down, he wakes.....

    please help. 

    Our 11 month old hasn't slept from Day 1. Sorry if this is a depressing post but we've just resigned ourselves he'll sort himself out one day as nothing we've done has made a blind bit of difference.

    Hope you have better luck than us.


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  • joeyowenjoeyowen Frets: 4026
    man alive have we been there... honest solution, and it has been said already. When they wake in the night, bring them to bed. and take shifts sleeping in a different room. They eventually will sleep through. Of course, be careful sleeping 2 adults and baby in the same bed. People will say it's a bad idea. But screw them. my experience has taught me that the entire family becomes tired, and no is too happy in the day as well as a night. Remember to stay human :) It's ok to get pissed off at children at 3am, don't feel guilty for it
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  • monofinmonofin Frets: 1118
    My boy didn't sleep though til he was nearly 4 and my 3 year old girl has just started sleeping though the odd night. I feel your pain. Just try whatever works and work as a team
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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    Thanks all, he's in bed, calpol, bonjela, missus cuddling, I'm in the bath eating peanut butter sandwich.......
    mus'nt fall asleeeee.........
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • joeyowenjoeyowen Frets: 4026
    btw, above all else, remember it is normal! It's easy to question your own parenting, or child's behaviour but must kids do it. We are all quick enough to brag about kids, might as well share the shit parts too haha!
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