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One reason why we may be getting fat (Granola- wtf?!)

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  • dafuzzdafuzz Frets: 1522
    edited October 2014
    Oh man, life's too short to be checking all these numbers! 
    All I know is, I'm getting to that age where I can't keep eating or I'll put weight on... so I need to eat less and exercise more. Hard thing to do, especially if you sit down all day at work then at home when playing guitar!
    Completely agree. Myself, I try to get my 5 a day and generally favour foods that aren't too processed or full of junk, but if I feel I'm putting weight on my first instinct is to increase exercise, not cut down on food.

    And 500 cals for breakfast sounds like fuck all to me if the daily recommendation is 2500. I reckon I easily eat 1000 calories for breakfast... Actually I'm going to work it out now...

    EDIT: typical breakfast:
    85g Wild West Honey BBQ Beef Jerky - 210 cals
    1 banana - 107 cals
    1 orange - 65 cals
    1 bag Sour Cream Sunbites - 120 cals
    1 can Rockstar Guava Punched - 335 cals

    Total: 837.

    I'm pretty sure that's about the ball park for an average lifestyle
    All practice and no theory
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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    Meridian Peanut butter on wholemeal toast for me recently. THe Meridian stuff is more expensive, but is *pure* peanuts, no added salt and whatnot. It's fecking awesome.

    Need get back into eating more eggs though, and when I'm cycling (haven't been out for 8 weeks :() I tend to eat more porridge (with milk though, not water. I don't mind a bit of "milk sugar" to make it taste a bit better. Oh and I add some honey to it too. 

    Had a bad month or so though and am currently sat here eating a triple duck wrap from tesco with half a large bag of tyrell's salt and cider vinegar crisps, a twix extra and bottle of lucozade original! whoops! 
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  • KarlosKarlos Frets: 512
    Oh man, life's too short to be checking all these numbers! 

    Oh man the irony in that statement is off the scale.

    (the artist formerly known as KarlosSantos)
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  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 15916
    joneve said:
    Meridian Peanut butter on wholemeal toast for me recently. THe Meridian stuff is more expensive, but is *pure* peanuts, no added salt and whatnot. It's fecking awesome.

    I started making homemade peanut butter recently, wow what a difference from shop bought. Price wise it's probably slightly more than own brand, but streets ahead taste wise. Only issue is it doesn't seem to keep well...

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    VimFuego said:
    joneve said:
    Meridian Peanut butter on wholemeal toast for me recently. THe Meridian stuff is more expensive, but is *pure* peanuts, no added salt and whatnot. It's fecking awesome.

    I started making homemade peanut butter recently, wow what a difference from shop bought. Price wise it's probably slightly more than own brand, but streets ahead taste wise. Only issue is it doesn't seem to keep well...
    Never really thought about making my own - but the meridian stuff is worth a shout. You can buy it in Costco/Makro in huge 1kg tubs, but they've recently started stocking it in tesco (ours, at least) and it's awesome. If I try and eat "normal" stuff now, I find it WAAAAY too sweet. 
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31262
    edited October 2014
    You guys would do well to read the blogs of a mate of mine, Matt Lovell, who does the England rugby nutrition. Calories are but one part of a complex equation. Sugar, carbs, complex and simple, are all factors. So is timing ( breakfast like king, lunch like a prince dine like a pauper) and also timing of carb intake v protein. Matt is world class nurtitionalist -

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • SimonC said:

    Make your own granola - easy peasy and much better / healthier than anything you can buy in a box:

    I make mine in the oil free fat fryer thing as it constantly agitates the mix. I also add more sugar and stuff and press it and bake it for energy bars when I'm cycling.
    If you're going to eat it you've got to burn it off again!
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16463
    I've gone back to porridge ( made with water plus dried fruit or honey). I find 'posh' porridge annoying - the ones where they charge you several times more because they've added a bit of golden syrup flavouring. Much cheaper to buy porridge oats and a tin of syrup ( golden syrup, yum) if that's yer thing. And I eat a lot of eggs. And I am overweight. However, my cholesterol level is fine.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • I have porridge with soy milk and raisins. Raisins soak up the milk and become plump and delicious :-)
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31262
    Soy milk rocks

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • FX_MunkeeFX_Munkee Frets: 2493
    Breakfast = Marlboro and Black Coffee.
    Have I accidentally joined mumsnet?
    Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame, you give love a bad name. Not to mention archery tuition.
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31262
    @fx_munkee a definite wisdom for you buddy.

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    edited October 2014

    This is what you need, I saw it on sale in a Key West shop window.

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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 3091
    Gassage said:
    Re 6 eggs, so when was the last time you actually managed a pooh?

    Once a day, every day, without fail. The whole 'egg binding' thing is a myth. And yes, there is cholesterol in eggs but the good cholesterol out weighs the bad, according to my GP, anyway.
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    edited October 2014

    I thought about this, the problem is this. You need food to use your brain.  Quite a lot of it actually.  Anyone who hasn't eaten enough knows full well what a brain fog even basic mental tasks become.  However you CAN work through the pain barrier and do physical graft, even faster than people who have eaten well, especially on sugar, however your body will eventually shit on you for it longer term, usually roundabout the age of 40.  Get me to hump 200 kilogram compost barrows of rejects or cut a perfectly straight hedge or conifer, no worries.  Get me to lay a paving without a plan and I will literally spend the rest of the day measuring, forgetting, measuring again, forgetting again, until the sun has gone down, unless I eat well.  It drives you nuts.

    So if you use your brain a lot and have a sedentary job, you are basically stuffed.  No amount of 2 hour gym workouts are going to substitute for a whole days physical toil.

    I only worked this afternoon, so far I've had two eggs, a Yorkie and a Dr Pepper, now I am on the Carlsberg and I pushed a 60kg mower 11 kilometres, collecting the cuttings and did a load of blowing.  This was a very easy day for me and not really typical.

    Seriously there is something up with you if you can't crap easy in the morning.  I crap faster than I piss, every morning without fail.  If you can't crap, it ruins your quality of life and you walk around full of crap all day.

    It also depends on how you embrace food.  I think eating is a chore personally, it gets in the way and food costs money.  When I eat I am quick to try and use all that energy up, much like an alcoholic lives for the first buzz of a drink.  Some people relax, sit down and digest, watch TV and consequently get fat.  Me I jump about, never sit down, twitch a lot and talk to myself.  I like the buzz of the calories.

    Basically in summary, fat person always will prefer to sit down to play the guitar.  Lean person can't play the guitar sitting down.

    Being fat.  Definitely a 1st world problem.  Why can't you just sit back and revel in the fact that you are so rich, you have calories to burn.

    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    edited October 2014

    As long as you are fit and can run with your own bulk, why worry?  Everyone needs a bit of fat.  Look at women, they have an extra layer of fast and live longer.  Body definition is over rated, it's not healthy and when you go down the beach, you float, but 6 inches under the waterline, like an old log, that is, if you don't freeze to death first. 

    Although being lean has it's advantages too I guess.  I mean, the lean guys on the titanic, although most of them probably drowned in stowage, the one's who made it to the icy water, most likely died very quickly thankfully, if not instantly.

    Conversely however, all the fat so's more than likely bobbed up and down like human life buoys, for what most probably seemed to them like an eternity, as they watched all the middle class women and children row to their salvation as they painfully and slowly succumbed to their icy graves, inch by inch, whilst cursing all the burgers they had eaten.

    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31262

    9 inches below the waterline, I'll have you know

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • I eat fruit and nut muesli and a banana.

    I'm also well fat.

    But I eat quite healthy, it's being lost - I just eat too many biscuits with tea after work for it to fall off fast.

    Also, YOGHURT IS MOSTLY BAD FOR YOU. Seriously, look how much sugar is in it.

    Then compare it to the soya yoghurt alternative, plain or vanilla. Tastes lovely, the plain is great with fruit because it's got a bit of sharpness. And the vanilla one is just fucking lovely.

    Not a fan of soya milk, but I do quite like rice milk. Soya milk plain is okay, but most of them are sweetened so much it's like having a coke on your cereal.
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4779
    For granola get lizis, it's got half as much sugar as the next nearest brand, no fruit but good nuts and seeds, not sweet at all. And something I've discovered lately is Greek yoghurt. Massive dollop of yoghurt and just a sprinkle of granola is an ace breakfast. Make sure the yoghurt is Fage Greek yoghurt, things like Yeo valley all natural or supermarket Greek style is not the real deal, it has twice as much sugar and half at much protein as Fage which has 10% protein.
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