The Theresa May General Election thread (edited)

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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    thomasw88 said:
    Boris can always be relied on for fun and games he gave us Brexit.

    Many people think he would make a great prime minister ! 
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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    edited May 2017
    Thomas you read the Sun

    I am disappointed that you read that absolute rag and I now have a greater understanding of your mindset.
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  • thomasw88thomasw88 Frets: 2346
    edited May 2017
    capo4th said:
    Thomas you read the Sun

    I am disappointed that you read that absolute rag and I now have a greater understanding of your mindset.
    Though you should read everything my little troll pal. It enriches the mind.

     So Hammond's gaff today on the news about getting completey wrong figures for the cost of HS2.
    Why isn't that being covered in the media?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    thomasw88 said:
    capo4th said:
    Thomas you read the Sun

    I am disappointed that you read that absolute rag and I now have a greater understanding of your mindset.
    Though you should read everything my little troll pal. It enriches the mind.

     So Hammond's gaff today on the news about getting completey wrong figures for the cost of HS2.
    Why isn't that being covered in the media?
    You keep reading The Sun Thomas it will probably enrich your mind. Enjoy yourself !

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    So, the BBC have said the Conservative manifesto is out and focuses on immigration - had hoped to see it. But the Conservative website has nothing... 

    Really hope there's more of a plan than "keep out johnny foreigner" as they're likely to do the winning it would be nice to think they have more on their mind than Brexit and sealing the boarder :(
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22603
    capo4th said:
    Boris can always be relied on for fun and games he gave us Brexit.

    Many people think he would make a great prime minister ! 
    Then it is a relief that those people weren't Conservative Members of Parliament during the leadership campaign then. 

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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22603
    Hurrah for the Liberal Democrat manifesto section on reform. Yes the shortlist aspect is debatable. But there's a lot of decent notions on there.

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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    Myranda said:
    So, the BBC have said the Conservative manifesto is out and focuses on immigration - had hoped to see it. But the Conservative website has nothing... 

    Really hope there's more of a plan than "keep out johnny foreigner" as they're likely to do the winning it would be nice to think they have more on their mind than Brexit and sealing the boarder :(
    Hopefully it's more along the lines of "keep out Johnny Foreigner who has no skills to bring to the table, and who might have terrorist sympathies"
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • DarnWeightDarnWeight Frets: 2567
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    New fangled trading feedback link right here!
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    That's a bit of a mean spirited reading of what we know so far.

    "In addition, winter fuel payments - currently paid to pensioners irrespective of income - will be means-tested in future, with the proceeds going directly to care for the elderly."

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Don't see why all the rich old fucks should get the same winter allowance as the poor old fucks.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Hurrah for the Liberal Democrat manifesto section on reform. Yes the shortlist aspect is debatable. But there's a lot of decent notions on there.
    Good luck with that .. Tim nice but Dim was on Newsnight .. wet as a haddock's bathing costume (Blackadder) had an event in a nightclub and then found that some of his core voters saw him as weak so they're voting for May.  It's pitched as "we know we can't win, but ..." 

    I can't remember an election where the opposition party leaders were so shite.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • DarnWeightDarnWeight Frets: 2567
    Drew_TNBD said:
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    That's a bit of a mean spirited reading of what we know so far.

    "In addition, winter fuel payments - currently paid to pensioners irrespective of income - will be means-tested in future, with the proceeds going directly to care for the elderly."

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Don't see why all the rich old fucks should get the same winter allowance as the poor old fucks.

    I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek there, but the pensioner vote is something that the Tories bank on.  With Labour taking a "tax-the-rich-and-the-corporations" approach, it will leave the Conservatives open to some form of attack, i.e. the "we've-paid-our-taxes-and-now-they're-taking-our-homes-off-us" type stuff.
    New fangled trading feedback link right here!
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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6424
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    Hang on, hardly pensioner bashing - the £100k limit is to be raised from the current £23k limit (that's when you stop having to funding social care yourself). That's a bloody GOOD thing !!!!!!!

    Winter fuel being means tested is fair IMHO - I know people in their mid 60s getting it who go on mega cruises once or twice a year, that's not right IMHO.

    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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  • DarnWeightDarnWeight Frets: 2567
    edited May 2017
    Jalapeno said:
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    Hang on, hardly pensioner bashing - the £100k limit is to be raised from the current £23k limit (that's when you stop having to funding social care yourself). That's a bloody GOOD thing !!!!!!!

    Winter fuel being means tested is fair IMHO - I know people in their mid 60s getting it who go on mega cruises once or twice a year, that's not right IMHO.

    Again, see my previous comment...I'm just putting it in the context of where Labour are targeting the money they're raising for their spending plans.

    If pensioners can retain more of the value of their property then that's clearly a good thing.  Given (a) the massive reduction in pensioner poverty over the last 15-20 years, and (b) the Tories commitment on them being the party of low taxation, then we can only guess where the money to fund this might be coming from.  There were rumblings of the pensions triple lock being abandoned/loosened post-Election, but I'm guessing there won't be any sign of this in the manifesto.  Remember also, that this policy will predominantly benefit the poorest pensioners most, so (call me cynical) can be seen as another play to win over traditional, older Labour voters.

    Personally, I totally agree with means testing of winter fuel payments.  Wasn't it a Miliband pledge from 2015?  Seem to recall it was mooted anyway.
    New fangled trading feedback link right here!
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    Sorry mate but if you own your own house, have large amount of savings and a private pension why shouldn't you pay something? Where I live there are literally thousands of wealthy pensioners in detached or semi-detached houses who are well off. Why should hard working younger people subsidise their care in old age?

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    A YouGov poll for The Times put the Conservatives on 45 per cent, down 1 points compared with last week, Labour on 32, up 2 points, the Lib Dems on 8, down 3 and Ukip on 6, up 1. This would mean a Conservative majority of 66 if the swing to the Tories is uniformly spread across the country.

    Labour bounce back, Tories stall and Lib Dems going backwards ..

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • DarnWeightDarnWeight Frets: 2567
    Fretwired said:
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    Sorry mate but if you own your own house, have large amount of savings and a private pension why shouldn't you pay something? Where I live there are literally thousands of wealthy pensioners in detached or semi-detached houses who are well off. Why should hard working younger people subsidise their care in old age?
    I guess I could point out that older people were all hard working younger people at one time in their lives, but that's painfully obvious.  For a lot of older people, their property effectively is their pension, so this will hit them.  Wealthy pensioners, not so much, I agree, and footing some of their own care bill is inevitable.

    The last Conservative pledge on social care funding ended up getting "deferred until 2020" (the 72K cap), but its complete absence from this manifesto means it ain't gonna happen.  Andrew Dilnot, the guy who headed Cameron's review into social care funding, is livid.

    The social care problem isn't going to go away, so to try and reframe it as some kind of inter-generational warfare isn't really going to address the issue. 
    New fangled trading feedback link right here!
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Fretwired said:
    Early stuff coming out now regarding tomorrow's Tory manifesto.  Looks like they're relying on their poll lead being big enough to take a hit from some pensioner-bashing policies...cuts to winter fuel allowance, a 100K limit on social care funding from the value of your property.  No doubt they'll be pushing the "responsible and in the national interest" angle heavily, to mitigate some of the flak this will attract.
    Sorry mate but if you own your own house, have large amount of savings and a private pension why shouldn't you pay something? Where I live there are literally thousands of wealthy pensioners in detached or semi-detached houses who are well off. Why should hard working younger people subsidise their care in old age?
    I guess I could point out that older people were all hard working younger people at one time in their lives, but that's painfully obvious.  For a lot of older people, their property effectively is their pension, so this will hit them.  Wealthy pensioners, not so much, I agree, and footing some of their own care bill is inevitable.

    The last Conservative pledge on social care funding ended up getting "deferred until 2020" (the 72K cap), but its complete absence from this manifesto means it ain't gonna happen.  Andrew Dilnot, the guy who headed Cameron's review into social care funding, is livid.

    The social care problem isn't going to go away, so to try and reframe it as some kind of inter-generational warfare isn't really going to address the issue. 
    Care has to be paid for somehow - the NHS is under pressure and there are a lot of older people. Older people (I'm coming up for 60) did work hard but they could afford to buy houses, had free education and saw the value of their properties rise without them having to do anything. If I fall ill and need a care home I'm happy to pay towards it through the sale of my house - you can't take it with you.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • streethawkstreethawk Frets: 1635

    Ripped from a comments section elsewhere:

    "modern industrial strategy"

    The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development criticised Government and businesses for “two decades of underinvestment” that have left the UK lagging well behind its competitors on at least four key measures including literacy and numeracy, learning and development, and digital skills.

    The damning analysis comes in response to the Government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper and highlights multiple failings in the UK’s skills system.
    England and Northern Ireland together rank in the bottom four OECD countries for literacy and numeracy among 16-24 year olds, while the UK as a whole comes bottom of the class of 19 countries on young peoples’ computer problem-solving skills.

    Half of schools in England have been forced to ask parents for some form of financial help as a result of crippling budget cuts to education, new research has revealed.

    In a survey of around 1,200 teachers and school leaders, almost three quarters of respondents reported seeing cuts to spending on books and equipment in school, and almost half reported cuts to special educational needs provisions over the past year.

    When asked whether money had been requested from parents as a result, half admitted their school had asked parents to contribute by buying particular items to help with their child’s costs.

    As many as one in six schools were found to be directly asking parents for cash in order to help with a lack of school funding in the current school year

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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    Why shouldn't parents buy books for their children's education? 
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