Not looking good for Queenie

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  • robertyroberty Frets: 10916
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  • octatonic said:
    Has anyone here met her?

    I did in 1981 or so, she came to the Rokeby Police Academy in Tasmania where my dad worked and we lived on base.
    She spoke to me- complimented me on my green school jumper.

    I did a bit of google-fu and found something remarkable.
    There is a photograph here of her meeting one of my father's junior officers on the same day.
    I haven't seen that face for a long time- I forget his first name, might be Tony or Ray, but his surname was Curran.
    They lived on base, three doors up- his son was a little shit who lied about having a Pacman machine in his house that I wasn't allowed into.

    In between those two houses were a couple of Japanese police (and their families) who had been brought in one an exchange.
    Their names were Taka and Toshi.
    Toshi was a huge man who taught me judo.
    I haven't thought about any of this for 40 years- I'm surprised I remember it at all.

     My Dad met her, don't know the year off hand - I'd have to ask him, but she came up to where I live donkey years ago, long before I was born, to open the then new primary school that my father went to.  He got to shake her hand and she said something to him which he can't remember, but what he remembers most about it was her makeup, namely how much of it she had on, apparently she had so much on it looked like it was applied with a trowel by a bad plasterer, it was caked on and cracking it was so thickly and unevenly applied. 

    I almost met her, missed meeting her by 1 day.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Dominic said:
    I'm quite surprised at the anti-monarchy sentiment here ........I always thought that ,at most, one in 10 people were opposed .
    I'm not especially a Royalist but I'm comfortable with having a King /Queen and quite like the pomp and majesty of the Royal Parades ......they are a lovely bit of anachronistic street theatre and the grandeur is entertaining .....even changing of the guard.         It's a shame they don't compete in Jousting Tournaments or lead troops into Battle surrounded by their Knights of the Round Table or modern equivalents ........those were the glorious days of their Ancestors but there is still some Medieval Pageantry about the whole thing . 
    In short ,the Queen has been dutiful and excellent , they are an oddity in the modern world but a nice and innocuous bit of theatre ......they shouldn't have any power but merely be Ambassadors and Promotional tools but I wouldn't want to lose them or their pomp and see them like Belgian,Swedish or Spanish Royalty who are very uninteresting and pointless.; although I think certain offspring and some of their spouses are pretty vile.
     I actually suspect that HM has already passed away earlier this afternoon .....too much fuss,commotion and gathering of the Clans going on .......not their style . They are preparing statements , arrangements and putting on a homely united front to pretend they were all there at the time and it was a gentle ,fully attended passing of the baton.
     I bet when the announcement is officially made she will have been gone for some time .
    When George VI went there was a delay of about 5 hours before the press release I believe.
    With today's instant media world I can imagine the process is now more complex to get it done properly.

    For previous Monarchs it was the BBC and The Times that got it first and then the others picked up on it. No chance of that happening these days. It will be everywhere in seconds.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DominicDominic Frets: 16308
    scrumhalf said:
    When she finally goes and Charles takes over, it'll be the end of the Elizabethan era and the beginning of the Charlesian? era? That assumes he takes the name of Charles and doesn't become George VII or Edward IX. 
    Carolean actually.......just like the two namesakes before him didn't end well for them either 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • goldtopgoldtop Frets: 6327
    ^ There was some talk about today's BBC presenters swapping outfits for dark/sombre to do the Beeb's rolling news streams.

    Out of respect for what might soon be (which sort of seems a bit previous to me) or do they already know but can't say?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I admire the Queen but I find the idea of having a “royal” family to whom we all kow-tow offensive.  It’s total BS in this age. And its effect cascades down through our ridiculous class system. The quirky ceremonies are nice but don’t justify not having a meritocracy. Why shouldn’t your son or my daughter have a chance of becoming head of state? Answer - because they weren’t born into the right family… FFS. 

    I actually have quite a high opinion of Charles too. He was talking about the environment decades ago. But he should be the last monarch. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • dazzajldazzajl Frets: 5978
    VimFuego said:
    I'm a pretty staunch anti royalist, but there's no doubt that, as well as being a mother etc, she's been a pillar of stability in a sometimes very turbulent world and chaotic times. IMO she has carried out her duties, even when I'm sure she didn't want to, to the best of her abilities and trod that fine line between duty and personal preference. I also believe that when she does peg it, there should be a very adult conversation about the future roll of the monarchy. 
    I'm not an anti royalist. I think they are part of what defines us as a nation and a large part of why people come here and spend their money. But this is exactly right and something all sides agree on I think. Not one of the remaining royals will take on the job in the way the Queen has done and there is absolutely no need for such a large and extremely expensive institution any more.

    This is the perfect time to strip back and make something that reflects the current era. I will be really sad to see the Queen go, I agree with Dominic that it's almost certainly happened already. She has put her job before herself for over 70 years and I don't think anyone deserves to rest at peace more. I've had the feeling that ever since Philip died she has been determined not to go before Johnson did and I can completely understand that.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Dominic said:
    I'm quite surprised at the anti-monarchy sentiment here ........I always thought that ,at most, one in 10 people were opposed .
    I'm not especially a Royalist but I'm comfortable with having a King /Queen and quite like the pomp and majesty of the Royal Parades ......they are a lovely bit of anachronistic street theatre and the grandeur is entertaining .....even changing of the guard.         It's a shame they don't compete in Jousting Tournaments or lead troops into Battle surrounded by their Knights of the Round Table or modern equivalents ........those were the glorious days of their Ancestors but there is still some Medieval Pageantry about the whole thing . 
    In short ,the Queen has been dutiful and excellent , they are an oddity in the modern world but a nice and innocuous bit of theatre ......they shouldn't have any power but merely be Ambassadors and Promotional tools but I wouldn't want to lose them or their pomp and see them like Belgian,Swedish or Spanish Royalty who are very uninteresting and pointless.; although I think certain offspring and some of their spouses are pretty vile.
     I actually suspect that HM has already passed away earlier this afternoon .....too much fuss,commotion and gathering of the Clans going on .......not their style . They are preparing statements , arrangements and putting on a homely united front to pretend they were all there at the time and it was a gentle ,fully attended passing of the baton.
     I bet when the announcement is officially made she will have been gone for some time .
    When George VI went there was a delay of about 5 hours before the press release I believe.
    With today's instant media world I can imagine the process is now more complex to get it done properly.

    For previous Monarchs it was the BBC and The Times that got it first and then the others picked up on it. No chance of that happening these days. It will be everywhere in seconds.

    I don't doubt it, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if family members currently not trusted by the family tweeted the news
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19627
    goldtop said:
    ^ There was some talk about today's BBC presenters swapping outfits for dark/sombre to do the Beeb's rolling news streams.

    Out of respect for what might soon be (which sort of seems a bit previous to me) or do they already know but can't say?
    Probably just a precautionary measure by the BBC to head off the critical baying mob of Daily Fail gammons, for not showing enough 'respect & due deference'.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • mrkbmrkb Frets: 7095
    That’s blown my cover version challenge entry… God save the king doesn’t scan as well.
    Ebay mark7777_1
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robertyroberty Frets: 10916
    mrkb said:
    That’s blown my cover version challenge entry… God save the king doesn’t scan as well.
    The fascist ra-jim
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • LPManicLPManic Frets: 1120
    Is there any chance that Charles will abdicate or has he been waiting for this his whole life?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mrkbmrkb Frets: 7095
    roberty said:
    mrkb said:
    That’s blown my cover version challenge entry… God save the king doesn’t scan as well.
    The fascist ra-jim
    He can kiss my ring?.
    Ebay mark7777_1
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Top trolling by Huw there

    ”hate to interrupt you but we’ve got a dreadful….problem with the mic”

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DominicDominic Frets: 16308
    The more I think about it ...the more obvious it is that she has actually already passed away
    I suspect the note passed to Truss in parliament circa 2pm was exactly that news.
    The public Announcement will probably come at a TV /Family friendly 6.30 pm

    PS ......I'm going to look really stupid if I'm wildly wrong

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30322
    I'd feel very poorly if I'd had to meet Boris Johnson AND Liz Truss all on the same day!
    5reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • exocetexocet Frets: 1994
    edited September 2022
    Dominic said:
    The more I think about it ...the more obvious it is that she has actually already passed away
    I suspect the note passed to Truss in parliament circa 2pm was exactly that news.
    The public Announcement will probably come at a TV /Family friendly 6.30 pm

    PS ......I'm going to look really stupid if I'm wildly wrong

    I'd agree with that. What we have going on now is just a facade. All said and done, I'm a Republican who does hold Queen Elizabeth 2 in high regard.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • goldtop said:
    ^ There was some talk about today's BBC presenters swapping outfits for dark/sombre to do the Beeb's rolling news streams.

    Out of respect for what might soon be (which sort of seems a bit previous to me) or do they already know but can't say?
    After a couple of previous fiascos (well, much as I care) I presume they'll be in appropriate attire in case they get passed the piece of paper. 

    We had friends who got married on the day of Diana's funeral and they've just gone on holiday to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. So, if the queen goes I'm blaming Debbie and Kevin King (ooh, King - maybe they are trying to line themselves up...). 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Dominic said:
    The more I think about it ...the more obvious it is that she has actually already passed away
    I suspect the note passed to Truss in parliament circa 2pm was exactly that news.
    The public Announcement will probably come at a TV /Family friendly 6.30 pm

    PS ......I'm going to look really stupid if I'm wildly wrong

    I honestly don't think that would be possible, unless they've hand cuffed certain people to raidiators and confiscated their phones to stop them tweeting about it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GrumpyrockerGrumpyrocker Frets: 4179
    edited September 2022
    Dominic said:
    I'm quite surprised at the anti-monarchy sentiment here ........I always thought that ,at most, one in 10 people were opposed .
    I'm not especially a Royalist but I'm comfortable with having a King /Queen and quite like the pomp and majesty of the Royal Parades ......they are a lovely bit of anachronistic street theatre and the grandeur is entertaining .....even changing of the guard.         It's a shame they don't compete in Jousting Tournaments or lead troops into Battle surrounded by their Knights of the Round Table or modern equivalents ........those were the glorious days of their Ancestors but there is still some Medieval Pageantry about the whole thing . 
    In short ,the Queen has been dutiful and excellent , they are an oddity in the modern world but a nice and innocuous bit of theatre ......they shouldn't have any power but merely be Ambassadors and Promotional tools but I wouldn't want to lose them or their pomp and see them like Belgian,Swedish or Spanish Royalty who are very uninteresting and pointless.; although I think certain offspring and some of their spouses are pretty vile.
     I actually suspect that HM has already passed away earlier this afternoon .....too much fuss,commotion and gathering of the Clans going on .......not their style . They are preparing statements , arrangements and putting on a homely united front to pretend they were all there at the time and it was a gentle ,fully attended passing of the baton.
     I bet when the announcement is officially made she will have been gone for some time .
    I consider my position more of a positive one, rather than being anti something.

    I'm pro democracy. And that encompasses our whole political system, not just the monarchy. 

    Edit: I'm quite happy for all that pomp to remain - for those that like that kind of thing and tourists. But only If the royals pay for it themselves and they no longer have a position in our political system. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
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