Not looking good for Queenie

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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73359
    Sporky said:

    Since at least the mid seventies, queenie abused crown consent to hide and boost her personal fortune. Chaz also has form for this. They have exploited the country for personal gain for decades, and that is not OK. 
    I agree, but it's actually hard to see what real personal benefit they got from it - they're fantastically wealthy to the point they never need worry about anything to do with money. Making themselves even richer wouldn't seem to enhance that, so why? Small-minded blocking of changes they felt might restrict their freedoms? I don't know, and it is corruption, however apparently trivial compared to some of the things done in the name of the Crown by governments.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Sporky said:
    Or, she safeguarded the wealth and future of the institution she was sworn to protect?

    She stood in front of a gold piano to lecture the nation about poverty. Palace jobs pay below minimum wage. Royal wealth is many, many billions - not just tens or even hundreds of millions - billions - while the country has food banks to try to stop people starving. Cancer operations were cancelled for her funeral. Ordinary peoples' funerals were cancelled for hers. It is utterly obscene, and she clearly cared not one jot for "her" subjects. 
    Royal wealth is billions, mostly in property.  If the royal family was gone, so would the wealth be, probably spent on a tax cut mostly benefitting the wealthy before an election, the property sold for less than its worth to the Chinese or Arabs.

    The royals cannot be blamed for food banks or the existence of wealth and privilege.  Food banks can be blamed on the democratically elected Conservative party, who keep getting elected... I.e. are normal peoples fault, not the royal family.

    Wealth and privilege have always existed and always will, I'm all for creating a more equal country but that's a matter for the tax system and politicians... a few billion released by abolishing the royals will quickly be spent, and the prestige and soft power it costs us internationally will lose us far more.

    You are the dreamer, and the dream...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • BoromedicBoromedic Frets: 5061
    edited September 2022
    Sporky said:
    Or, she safeguarded the wealth and future of the institution she was sworn to protect?

    She stood in front of a gold piano to lecture the nation about poverty. Palace jobs pay below minimum wage. Royal wealth is many, many billions - not just tens or even hundreds of millions - billions - while the country has food banks to try to stop people starving. Cancer operations were cancelled for her funeral. Ordinary peoples' funerals were cancelled for hers. It is utterly obscene, and she clearly cared not one jot for "her" subjects. 
    Royal wealth is billions, mostly in property.  If the royal family was gone, so would the wealth be, probably spent on a tax cut mostly benefitting the wealthy before an election, the property sold for less than its worth to the Chinese or Arabs.

    The royals cannot be blamed for food banks or the existence of wealth and privilege.  Food banks can be blamed on the democratically elected Conservative party, who keep getting elected... I.e. are normal peoples fault, not the royal family.

    Wealth and privilege have always existed and always will, I'm all for creating a more equal country but that's a matter for the tax system and politicians... a few billion released by abolishing the royals will quickly be spent, and the prestige and soft power it costs us internationally will lose us far more.

    My wife and her family are very royalist (some people might find this hard to believe, based on some of my posts ), and like I said I'm pretty ambivalent. I don't agree with some of the things that have been done in the name of the crown or to protect the institution and it's finances, far from it. However, I'm broadly in agreement with your sentiments above, if there was a vote tomorrow I wouldn't get rid of the central monarchy or direct line of succession, or cash in their properties.

    I also have a lot of respect for the Queen and the work she has put in over the decades, fulfilling duties she never expected to have to take on until Edward VIII abdicated, and then her father passed suddenly. I appreciated others points about the apparent hypocrisy, yet during Covid her dignified appearance at Philips funeral following the rules whilst our political class couldn't give a fuck spoke volumes about her. I think that sense of duty shows she was a decent woman at heart, I also know a few people who have met her and she did more than just shake hands, she knew who each and every one of her garden party guests were and why they were there, that's not someone going through the motions. She was also working until her final days at 96!! Thats some lady right there!

    It may seem against the odds of the memes I've posted, but I'm not mocking HRH or the monarchy, I'm knocking that clown Andrew the dirty f*ckwit. Those defending his service record wouldn't be so keen on him if it was their barely legal daughters he'd been grooming and worse, he's no different to the guy's who were grooming kids in Rotherham. Hope he disappears for good after this. I feel for the others and the grandkids/great grandkids, not sure I'd have had Charlotte there personally but that's their decision.

    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19627
    Boromedic said:
    Sporky said:
    Or, she safeguarded the wealth and future of the institution she was sworn to protect?

    She stood in front of a gold piano to lecture the nation about poverty. Palace jobs pay below minimum wage. Royal wealth is many, many billions - not just tens or even hundreds of millions - billions - while the country has food banks to try to stop people starving. Cancer operations were cancelled for her funeral. Ordinary peoples' funerals were cancelled for hers. It is utterly obscene, and she clearly cared not one jot for "her" subjects. 
    Royal wealth is billions, mostly in property.  If the royal family was gone, so would the wealth be, probably spent on a tax cut mostly benefitting the wealthy before an election, the property sold for less than its worth to the Chinese or Arabs.

    The royals cannot be blamed for food banks or the existence of wealth and privilege.  Food banks can be blamed on the democratically elected Conservative party, who keep getting elected... I.e. are normal peoples fault, not the royal family.

    Wealth and privilege have always existed and always will, I'm all for creating a more equal country but that's a matter for the tax system and politicians... a few billion released by abolishing the royals will quickly be spent, and the prestige and soft power it costs us internationally will lose us far more.

    My wife and her family are very royalist (some people might find this hard to believe, based on some of my posts :) ), and like I said I'm pretty ambivalent. I don't agree with some of the things that have been done in the name of the crown or to protect the institution and it's finances, far from it. However, I'm broadly in agreement with your sentiments above, if there was a vote tomorrow I wouldn't get rid of the central monarchy or direct line of succession, or cash in their properties.

    I also have a lot of respect for the Queen and the work she has put in over the decades, fulfilling duties she never expected to have to take on until Edward VIII abdicated, and then her father passed suddenly. I appreciated others points about the apparent hypocrisy, yet during Covid her dignified appearance at Philips funeral following the rules whilst our political class couldn't give a fuck spoke volumes about her. I think that sense of duty shows she was a decent woman at heart, I also know a few people who have met her and she did more than just shake hands, she knew who each and every one of her garden party guests were and why they were there, that's not someone going through the motions. She was also working until her final days at 96!! Thats some lady right there!

    It may seem against the odds of the memes I've posted, but I'm not mocking HRH or the monarchy, I'm knocking that clown Andrew the dirty f*ckwit. Those defending his service record wouldn't be so keen on him if it was there barely legal daughters he'd been grooming and worse, he's no different to the guy's who were grooming kids in Rotherham. Hope he disappears for good after this. I feel for the others and the grandkids/great grandkids, not sure I'd have had Charlotte there personally but that's their decision.
    How dare you come here, spouting your subtle nuanced non polarised, black or white opinions.
    That simply will not do.
    We want antipathy & baying mobs with pitchforks at one another's throats, don't you know?

    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29304
    I don't agree that the only options are to hand the loot over to the Russians and let the palaces crumble. Return the stolen bits to their rightful owners, keep the rest as a tourist attraction.

    The French haven't had a royal family for a fair few years now; Versailles is still in decent nick and is a major tourist attraction. 

    On queen's consent and poverty, my point is that she was meant to act for the nation and her subjects, but used it for personal gain. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Hahaha, saw something this morning that made me laugh, now Andrew is the Earl Of Inverness, he's been dubbed the Loch Ness Noncer. :)


    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

    12reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19627
    edited September 2022
  • The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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