Not looking good for Queenie

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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7288
    edited September 2022
    Archbishop said people of all faiths are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • merlinmerlin Frets: 6842
    rlw said:
    so you were  No 47 user too ?
    I used to take a 47 from Maida Vale to Kentish Town on a regular basis. In the meantime, for those of you who have run out of f***s to give, here is a decent video for entertainment. 

    And an instructive blog.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • tony99 said:
    Archbishop said people of all faiths will are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Apart from a few spotty teenagers who buy the Satanic Bible and wear those ridiculous boots and long coats, is there really such a thing as a Satan worshipper?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mrkbmrkb Frets: 7095
    tony99 said:
    Archbishop said people of all faiths will are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Apart from a few spotty teenagers who buy the Satanic Bible and wear those ridiculous boots and long coats, is there really such a thing as a Santa worshipper?
    Theres a whole season dedicated to it!!!! 
    Ebay mark7777_1
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7288
    "these words our saviour taught us" lol

    thought he was talking about our saviour tortoise.
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10413
    tony99 said:
    Archbishop said people of all faiths will are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Apart from a few spotty teenagers who buy the Satanic Bible and wear those ridiculous boots and long coats, is there really such a thing as a Satan worshipper?
    Yes. It's actually a very progressive and important movement in the United States particularly.

    The Temple don't really believe in Satan, they just essentially use it figuratively to combat the church groups in the USA and fight for progressive change under the banner of a religious group, as others do. For example, freedom of religion is enshrined in the American constitution yet the only imagery on display is Christian, so when they wanted to put a statue up of a Satanic image, they were refused. So they challenged the state because they had been refusing other groups the right to express themselves in the same way that Christians had been.

    There's a really good documentary on Netflix called Hail Satan?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • cm01cm01 Frets: 496
    edited September 2022
    Sporky said:
    Not an original thought, but if we didn't have a royal family, and someone suggested we have one, you'd think they were insane. Bring a couple of entitled inbred weirdos over, give them billions of pounds of land and businesses, set them up in a dozen palaces and houses, and let them tweak the laws to their own advantage, let them pass everything on to their dysfunctional children without inheritance tax... That sounds like a great idea! 
    This, in spades!!! Absolute insanity
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10413
    cm01 said:
    Sporky said:
    Not an original thought, but if we didn't have a royal family, and someone suggested we have one, you'd think they were insane. Bring a couple of entitled inbred weirdos over, give them billions of pounds of land and businesses, set them up in a dozen palaces and houses, and let them tweak the laws to their own advantage, let them pass everything on to their dysfunctional children without inheritance tax... That sounds like a great idea! 
    This, in spades!!! Absolute insanity
    And then explain that after all of that in a hundred years someone from a completely different country might come and murder them all after a war and usurp them and now you've got another bunch of weirdos in place. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RocknRollDaveRocknRollDave Frets: 6660
    edited September 2022
    tony99 said:
    Archbishop said people of all faiths will are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Apart from a few spotty teenagers who buy the Satanic Bible and wear those ridiculous boots and long coats, is there really such a thing as a Satan worshipper?
    Yes. It's actually a very progressive and important movement in the United States particularly.

    The Temple don't really believe in Satan, they just essentially use it figuratively to combat the church groups in the USA and fight for progressive change under the banner of a religious group, as others do. For example, freedom of religion is enshrined in the American constitution yet the only imagery on display is Christian, so when they wanted to put a statue up of a Satanic image, they were refused. So they challenged the state because they had been refusing other groups the right to express themselves in the same way that Christians had been.

    There's a really good documentary on Netflix called Hail Satan?

    My point exactly. They are not Satan worshippers, they just use the word Satanist for its shock effect.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10413
    tony99 said:
    Archbishop said people of all faiths will are of course welcomed; wonder if there will be any readings from satan worshippers.
    Apart from a few spotty teenagers who buy the Satanic Bible and wear those ridiculous boots and long coats, is there really such a thing as a Satan worshipper?
    Yes. It's actually a very progressive and important movement in the United States particularly.

    The Temple don't really believe in Satan, they just essentially use it figuratively to combat the church groups in the USA and fight for progressive change under the banner of a religious group, as others do. For example, freedom of religion is enshrined in the American constitution yet the only imagery on display is Christian, so when they wanted to put a statue up of a Satanic image, they were refused. So they challenged the state because they had been refusing other groups the right to express themselves in the same way that Christians had been.

    There's a really good documentary on Netflix called Hail Satan?

    My point exactly. They are not Satan worshippers, they just use the word Satanist for its shock effect.

    Yea, but they still do satanic style rituals. I know plenty of Christians who don't really believe in any of it too!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29304
    Yea, but they still do satanic style rituals. I know plenty of Christians who don't really believe in any of it too!
    Satanic rituals like eating the flesh and drinking the blood of (the anti-) christ? 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7288
    The organist dropped acid.
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 3232
    Never mind the Holy Spirit, I think the spirit of Les Dawson is playing the organ.

    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12692
    Shrews said:
    Never mind the Holy Spirit, I think the spirit of Les Dawson is playing the organ.

    He's playing the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Shrews said:
    Never mind the Holy Spirit, I think the spirit of Les Dawson is playing the organ.

    Yes, what a racket. Also disappointing that the lone piper didn’t break into The Birdie Song or some free jazz. 
    Still, they’ve been lucky with the weather. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GoFishGoFish Frets: 1630
    Satan Baby, put a tele under the tree... I wonder if that'll work?
    Ten years too late and still getting it wrong
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10413
    Sporky said:
    Yea, but they still do satanic style rituals. I know plenty of Christians who don't really believe in any of it too!
    Satanic rituals like eating the flesh and drinking the blood of (the anti-) christ? 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 3232
    The BBC choose their best 'naughty schoolboy' pic of Vlad

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12550
    My wife’s been watching the whole thing. I caught a bit when I was having lunch, where they were taking the coffin off the gun carriage and loading it into the hearse. Either those guys are hugely strong or the coffin weighed virtually nothing. Has Her Maj been cremated and put in a cardboard coffin ? I thought it was allegedly a lead lined wooden thing? 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 3232
    I think it's at least possible that she's in another coffin, perhaps already at Windsor Castle. It's got to be a risk, given how much the public coffin has been handled that it get's dropped, or if there's a terrorist event and she pops out like Mr Dead.

    I wouldn't be surprised either if the news coverage we are seeing is in fact 30 seconds or so behind what has already happened, just in case anything untoward happens on the journey.

    In effect, it doesn't really matter. What we're seeing is for the public and I doubt if anyone would moan if it was revealed that her body was somewhere else. Certainly there would be plenty to jump to the defence of the decision if that were the case.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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