IK Multimedia TONEX Pedal

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  • relic245relic245 Frets: 1037
    You know...I originally thought the TONEX stuff was total rubbish, just a toy for mucking around at home like Amplitube.

    The more I use the One, though, the more convinced I am that I'd be totally happy to gig it, maybe even direct. I'm pretty limited in the captures I've been using (to be honest, mostly one of the ADA MP-1 captures), but it's absolutely nuts-on and gives exactly the feel I'm after from a high-gain rig.

    I think I'm even more impressed with this than I was with the Helix.
    That pretty much sums up my thoughts too. I’m getting a lot out of the plugin for my high gain needs. Like others above me, I’m seriously considering the full fat pedal now, too, to form the basis of a high gain, amp less, pedalboard.
    relic245 said:
    Hiya, looking for recommendations for some Marshall JCM 800 2203 captures please. DI would be best for my needs, I think.

    I would check out amalgam. 

    I have their JCM 800 pack and it's incredible. Not sure if it's specifically a 2203 but I'm sure their site will tell you. 

    I have an amp and cab set but they do most of them in DI versions too. 

    They have spring sale on at the moment 3 packs for the price of 2, or 5 for 3. 

    Tbh they are a bit like DFS and seem to always have a sale on but i've got several of their packs and they are top draw.
    Funny enough, I accidentally downloaded their 800 + cab pack today, not realising they do DI only packs, which I spent a further few quid on when I realised! Doh. They sound tidy, any tips on best ways to tweak to get the best out of them? They sound a tad on the weak side but perhaps that’s a problem with me than with them. I don’t think they’re far off though. Thank you for your advice.
    Do you have your input trim set correctly?

    To me they are anything but weak, but it's all personal perspective.

    To be honest I don't tweak them I just play them exactly as is. That's why I love them. With previous helix gear I was forever tweaking.

    With the tonex I've just literally found a tone that sounds good and play.

    I'm currently only using a single capture and the volume control on the guitar.

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  • champ222champ222 Frets: 35
    relic245 said:
    Paul_C said:

    I'm just looking through the free amp downloads and I'm delighted to see someone has put up a Katana MkII :)
    There are some weird ones.

    I've seen a capture of a blackstar ht5 too. when I had one I really liked it but in the land of profiling where I can have any amp I wqnt its not top of the list.
    We need a valvestate 8080 capture!!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Jonathanthomas83Jonathanthomas83 Frets: 3496
    relic245 said:
    You know...I originally thought the TONEX stuff was total rubbish, just a toy for mucking around at home like Amplitube.

    The more I use the One, though, the more convinced I am that I'd be totally happy to gig it, maybe even direct. I'm pretty limited in the captures I've been using (to be honest, mostly one of the ADA MP-1 captures), but it's absolutely nuts-on and gives exactly the feel I'm after from a high-gain rig.

    I think I'm even more impressed with this than I was with the Helix.
    That pretty much sums up my thoughts too. I’m getting a lot out of the plugin for my high gain needs. Like others above me, I’m seriously considering the full fat pedal now, too, to form the basis of a high gain, amp less, pedalboard.
    relic245 said:
    Hiya, looking for recommendations for some Marshall JCM 800 2203 captures please. DI would be best for my needs, I think.

    I would check out amalgam. 

    I have their JCM 800 pack and it's incredible. Not sure if it's specifically a 2203 but I'm sure their site will tell you. 

    I have an amp and cab set but they do most of them in DI versions too. 

    They have spring sale on at the moment 3 packs for the price of 2, or 5 for 3. 

    Tbh they are a bit like DFS and seem to always have a sale on but i've got several of their packs and they are top draw.
    Funny enough, I accidentally downloaded their 800 + cab pack today, not realising they do DI only packs, which I spent a further few quid on when I realised! Doh. They sound tidy, any tips on best ways to tweak to get the best out of them? They sound a tad on the weak side but perhaps that’s a problem with me than with them. I don’t think they’re far off though. Thank you for your advice.
    Do you have your input trim set correctly?

    To me they are anything but weak, but it's all personal perspective.

    To be honest I don't tweak them I just play them exactly as is. That's why I love them. With previous helix gear I was forever tweaking.

    With the tonex I've just literally found a tone that sounds good and play.

    I'm currently only using a single capture and the volume control on the guitar.

    I’m not sure, mate. I am struggling with them though, maybe I need to learn more about string the input trim on the plugin…I thought it was as simple as turning the “input” control but that’s not really helping. Very weird
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • TheBigDipperTheBigDipper Frets: 4903
    edited May 29
    I'm a few weeks into my time with a full fat Tonex pedal and I'm getting things done. I'm playing original music - so no "signature sounds" to reproduce, just our own.... We all go direct as a response to too many poor sound engineers in small venues meaning we didn't enjoy what we hearing onstage and the FOH often being a loud muddy mess. That meant some compromises that we're learning to get round. 

    I'm a huge "analogue is best" bigot and I've spent so much time and effort in the past 12 months trying different solutions for my guitar tone that could work at home and onstage. Analogue "zero watt" amps, small solid state amps with speaker emulation, modellers of all shapes and sizes, valve amps with load box/IR technology.  For budgetary reasons, I've never played through a Kemper, Quad Cortex or Fractal product, but I've used nearly everything else. Most attempts started well but ended in disappointment. 

    The Tonex pedal is getting me sounds I like and a great degree of the playability I wanted. I've picked a few captures that sound good to me, sit well in the band mix and respond a bit to the guitar volume control and some extra boost/overdrive on the input. Presets are selected using MIDI from my ES-5 switcher. 

    I'm not using the app/plugin other than to load presets onto the pedal. I just don't want to faff around with configuring the app settings (input gain, etc) for my audio interface and then adjusting the presets I've downloaded to the pedal so they sound the same. That approach has probably saved my sanity. I look forward to the day the app will edit presets loaded on the pedal directly.

    I don't use the headphone output - there are effects downstream of the Tonex in my H90 that I use. I don't use the pedal as an audio interface, either. I just plug the mono output from my pedalboard into my analogue mixer/monitors or go straight into a Laney FR 112 for the "sound in the room".

    The "clean" capture takes drive and modulation pedals well. The crunch not so much (but that could just be my pedal choice doesn't suit). Now I've got the basics sorted, I'm curious about using captures of amps running flat out or with drive pedals  incorporated for solo sounds. 

    I've set the input trim to be right for my weakest pickup (a single coil) and turn the guitar down for higher gain ones. I balance levels between presets using the model volume parameter and generally find the crunch sounds work better if I reduce the gain a little. 

    No gigs with it yet,  we're doing some recordings and songwriting sessions at the moment, but some nice results in rehearsal.

    If this turns out into being a more extended honeymoon period and I ultimately decide against it, I'm going to be very upset... :-) 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dangriffithsdangriffiths Frets: 598
    @Jonathanthomas83 the Amalgam captures have required no tweaking for me at all. Karlis works to have the default input trim be the best starting point and I have found it always works well for me. I have about 15 packs - all good but I would say there was a recent 2203 which I don’t have. The original 800 wasn’t that great but I haven’t bought the new one yet. 

    Message me if you want more guidance. Karlis is also very responsive and helpful in general. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • guitarcookie1guitarcookie1 Frets: 468
    I’ve tried captures from Tone Junkie, Studio Rats, Sadites & Amalgam. 

    The Amalgam ones sound the best to me, especially the Marshall SL100 & Two Rock TCL. The latter (clean, balanced cab) with a bit of Klon, delay, reverb & kinky boost from my HX Stomp plus Vintera Tele covered everything I wanted at practice tonight (Eagles, Johnny Cash, Kinks). 

    One patch. Very impressed. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Jonathanthomas83Jonathanthomas83 Frets: 3496
    @Jonathanthomas83 the Amalgam captures have required no tweaking for me at all. Karlis works to have the default input trim be the best starting point and I have found it always works well for me. I have about 15 packs - all good but I would say there was a recent 2203 which I don’t have. The original 800 wasn’t that great but I haven’t bought the new one yet. 

    Message me if you want more guidance. Karlis is also very responsive and helpful in general. 
    Thank you @dangriffiths, you're a star. I will keep going with it as I'm really enjoying it. On the flip side, I've had some amazing results with NAM, too, so I'm buzzing at the moment with all these great tools at our disposal! Appreciate your help, mate.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • nick79nick79 Frets: 266
    Mine arrived a couple of days back, I wasn’t initially wowed by the stock captures on the pedal itself but I spent a bit of time this morning browsing tone net and tbh I’ve found some cracking sounds. 

    I think the software is a bit clunky to use but it sounds incredible. Looking forward to getting stuck into it now and building up a nice library of tones. 

    Bizarrely I’m really enjoying the Mesa f50 captures, I had the real amp a while back and I don’t remember it sounding so good haha. 
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050

    Mine should be delivered today.

    I am looking forward to joining in the slagging of IK's software! :D 

    Then I just need to start trawling captures for 3 good guitar sounds and 3 good bass sounds. I'm trying to keep it really simple so I concentrate on playing and writing rather than endless tone tweaks.

    So something with a flavour of


    1: Hendrix Clean / pushed
    2: AC/DC rhythm
    3: Filth. No doubt JCM800 based, getting slammed with drive.

    (Keep those Fender amps away from me!!!!)


    1: Duck Dunn (usually Ampeg)
    2: Duff (GK)
    3: Dart (Markbass di. With all of the compression available in the known universe).

    If anyone has any suggestions for captures like those then I'd be grateful for them.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050
    It has arrived!

    Only plugged it in to check it's working so far - just with headphones.

    Stock sounds are a bit crap as expected - the Deizel isn't too bad. I'll download the software and try importing some captures another day.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • nick79nick79 Frets: 266
    I’m really struggling with the software.. 
    Connected the tonex pedal to my pc tonight, and got in a right pickle. I can load presets on to the pedal, but cannot figure out how I can play through presets which aren’t loaded on to the pedal, if that makes sense. 

    Same goes for when I’m browsing captures on tone net - it either plays whatever is loaded on that particular slot on the pedal, or if I hit the corresponding footswitch to turn it off I just get a dry guitar signal.

    so then I though bugger it, disconnected the pedal and plugged my Scarlett interface in and now it won’t let me browse tonenet because it wants me to plug the pedal in!! 

    For the love of god please someone help me lol.
    so far im definatly in a love hate relationship..
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  • fnptfnpt Frets: 760
    @nick79 In the set up menu choose input 2 and then press the pedal to turn the sound off. That way you are only listening to the software profile.
    "You don't know what you've got till the whole thing's gone. The days are dark and the road is long."
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  • nick79nick79 Frets: 266
    edited June 5
    I’ve just tried that and I’m still just getting a dry signal with the pedal turned ‘off’
    edit - I’ve figured it out, I hadn’t put the pedal in interface mode. 
    I’m loving the sounds but the software leaves a lot to be desired!
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  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 7967

    Unless I'm much mistaken, you can't hear a capture unless it's loaded onto the pedal.

    My approach has been to download a batch of captures, transfer them to the pedal, pick out the ones I like and swap out the ones I don't as I try another batch.

    It hasn't taken me long to land on around 30 I really like, and that's plenty for me.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050
    Anyone identified any good high gain captures?
    Hetfield / Mustaine / Wylde type things?

    Just to save me going through hundreds of crap ones!


    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • BodBod Frets: 1369
    My IK installs de-authorised this morning and I'm now getting a server error when trying to re-authorise. Anybody else seeing the same?
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050
    Bod said:
    My IK installs de-authorised this morning and I'm now getting a server error when trying to re-authorise. Anybody else seeing the same?
    I'm at work at the mo so I can't try, but I'm now nervous about doing that!

    Have you tried Tweeting at IK to ask?

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BodBod Frets: 1369
    I'm guessing it was a problem on IK's end, because it's now working OK.  I'd been planning on using my Tonex One for a gig this weekend, so was starting to get annoyed.
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  • nick79nick79 Frets: 266
    Now I’ve finally figured out how to navigate the software/hardware (line 6 makes it’s so easy..) I’m loving this thing. 

    Tried the brown face fender pack from Amalgam and the 64 tuxedo Princeton from Tone Junkie and they are superb. I’ll always love my hx stomp but I’ve never been blown away by the amps if I’m honest. Tonex just works when you find the right capture. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4101
    nick79 said:
    Now I’ve finally figured out how to navigate the software/hardware (line 6 makes it’s so easy..) I’m loving this thing. 

    Tried the brown face fender pack from Amalgam and the 64 tuxedo Princeton from Tone Junkie and they are superb. I’ll always love my hx stomp but I’ve never been blown away by the amps if I’m honest. Tonex just works when you find the right capture. 

    I’m hoping to get there… I’ve got a ToneX One, and I really love the sounds but I’m still finding the software absolutely infuriating after using Helix stuff.

    I was close to listing it for sale last night just because the software was giving me a headache, but the sounds I managed to record eventually convinced me to stick with it.
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