Easy mistake to make....I suppose (ebay & Chappers content)

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  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3691
    So, he had all his gear nicked, started a crowd fund to help him out with replacing it, bought new gear , showed off his new gear or a part of it and somehow got scorned for it? really? what a chancer , eh?
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
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  • DLMDLM Frets: 2513
    edited March 3
    elstoof said:
    The birth year for his son claims was after questions were raised about the timing of his “new axe” post, coming as it was hot on the heels of a round of crowdfunding to pay for a load of gear he had stolen and insurance wouldn’t cover
    My memory is that the stuff that was stolen wasn't his personally but belonged to his bandmates/crew.
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2592
    edited March 4
    robgilmo said:
    So, he had all his gear nicked, started a crowd fund to help him out with replacing it, bought new gear , showed off his new gear or a part of it and somehow got scorned for it? really? what a chancer , eh?
    The stolen gear was cameras, laptops, batteries, passports and the like, no guitars, a comprehensive list was published online. The timing of it was incredible, just days after raising 7 grand in an emergency appeal he proudly shows off the most expensive guitar he’d ever bought, all while avoiding any questions of whether they were insured for theft
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27125
    edited March 4
    elstoof said:
    robgilmo said:
    So, he had all his gear nicked, started a crowd fund to help him out with replacing it, bought new gear , showed off his new gear or a part of it and somehow got scorned for it? really? what a chancer , eh?
    The stolen gear was cameras, laptops, batteries, passports and the like, no guitars, a comprehensive list was published online. The timing of it was incredible, just days after raising 7 grand in an emergency appeal he proudly shows off the most expensive guitar he’d ever bought, all while avoiding any questions of whether they were insured for theft
    You make it sound like Rob personally pocketed all the cash at everyone else's expense. To be absolutely fair (and I'm really only saying this in the interests of balance), it wasn't Rob's gear that was nicked as I recall - it was mostly everyone else's.

    The fact that he bought an expensive guitar really has nothing to do with that. I mean...if you'd been planning to buy a really expensive unique guitar for a while and then your band's gear got nicked at a gig, would you forget your guitar purchase and buy your uninsured bandmates new gear instead?

    I certainly bloody wouldn't.
    <space for hire>
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  • ChimpankieChimpankie Frets: 353
    I’m a lefty who plays righty, over 22 years, and I still struggle if I let my right hand get out of rhythm practice even by a couple of days. There’s no point relearning now as the time it would take to get my right hand up to fretting capability could just be spent training it with picking, but if I could go back in time I would have learned on left handed guitars. 

    Despite having never played leftie in my life, my left hand can pick sixteenth notes faster than my right hand. Sigh. 
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2592
    I’m not trying to make it sound anything in particular, the facts as they are presented do all the heavy lifting there. I don’t really have any stong opinion on Chapman either way but the backstory to this particular guitar I found baffling at the time. 

    Would I chip in if my mates had their gear nicked on tour with me? I don’t know, maybe. Depends how flush I was at the time. I absolutely wouldn’t pass a cap around asking for fan contributions then show off a huge new purchase straight after, wait a few months at least! 

    But then, I wouldn’t sell off a birth year present for my child just because they might be left handed either, something like that would be far too sentimental by now
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27125
    elstoof said:
    I’m not trying to make it sound anything in particular, the facts as they are presented do all the heavy lifting there. I don’t really have any stong opinion on Chapman either way but the backstory to this particular guitar I found baffling at the time. 
    Well, if you want the facts to do all the heavy lifting, you'd probably want to get them right...

    elstoof said:
    The birth year for his son claims was after questions were raised about the timing of his “new axe” post, coming as it was hot on the heels of a round of crowdfunding to pay for a load of gear he had stolen and insurance wouldn’t cover
    As noted - it wasn't his gear that was nicked. To read your account, it was his gear that was stolen, and then he took the crowdfunded money and bought himself a shiny new guitar.

    Only one of those things is actually true - he bought a guitar.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • YourArsenal87YourArsenal87 Frets: 312
    I remember finding the whole “buying this super expensive guitar for my newborn son”-thing odd and kind of cringe at the time. But then again, surely we all buy and sell gear for daft reasons from time to time? 
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2592
    Okay, it was a round of crowdfunding  to pay fora load of gear that had been stolen. Better?
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27125
    edited March 4
    elstoof said:
    Okay, it was a round of crowdfunding  to pay fora load of gear that had been stolen. Better?
    OK, so a round of crowdfunding to pay for a bunch of gear that was stolen from his bandmates.

    What has that got to do with him buying an expensive guitar, given that he regularly buys expensive gear and posts videos about it?

    This is my point. To link the two events is an obvious fallacy, because one happens regularly and isn't associated with anything in particular, and the other is an exceptional occurrence affecting other people's finances.
    <space for hire>
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2592
    edited March 4
    The only thing linking the two events is the timing, I’ve not once suggested he personally spent donations on a PRS but it could certainly be interpreted that way - as evidenced by your assumption that this is what I’m implying. My point is that this was like Bono using Live Aid coverage to announce he’s bought a new Ferrari. 

    Anyway, it’s just a part of the history of this guitar which may or may not be interesting to anyone reading, and now the price has dropped by a grand to £4k if anyone was interested in buying
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3691
    I remember finding the whole “buying this super expensive guitar for my newborn son”-thing odd and kind of cringe at the time. But then again, surely we all buy and sell gear for daft reasons from time to time? 
    I think its a lovely idea, Ive often heard people buying birth year guitars for them selves, buying one for your kid is lovely, and a lot cheaper too if you are as old as me! Poor Keith Richards though, his birth year pre dates history.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Mike58Mike58 Frets: 162
    I am left handed, when I was 4 , a local Priest tried to exorcise through prayer and slapping the sinistre out of me… that was fun.
    then I became a dentist, so have a God given right to all things PRS.
    still a lefty
    dont own a PRS. 
    4reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • steersteer Frets: 1220
    This forum never disappoints when all the people with chips on their shoulders emerge at the first sign of a thread involving Chapman. 
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  • KurtisKurtis Frets: 859
    I know nothing about the guy apart from what I've read on here.

    Seems a bit like a soap opera. 
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23760
    Kurtis said:
    Seems a bit like a soap opera. 
    If it is, it's more Albion Market than Coronation Street.
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  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2181
    Life is too short. Build a bridge and get over it. 
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24897
    Bats_ said:
    Shame there’s no best offer option…

    I’ve got a USA Strat that was QC’d the week my son was born (2012) put away in storage for his 18th birthday. 

    I did this for my daughter. Bought a 2003 USA Strat with the aim of giving it her on her 18th.

    She's now a hell of...... a clarinet player.

    I ended up buying the guitar from her as it's the best strat I've ever played. She is very happy with the financial arrangement.... me, less so!

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27125
    steer said:
    This forum never disappoints when all the people with chips on their shoulders emerge at the first sign of a thread involving Chapman. 
    There's always a hardcore of people who'll tie their brains in knots to find a way to make him out to be the devil with specious logic and innuendo.

    Fact is, he's done some questionable stuff in the past, but he's let go of it and at this point he's harmless and just a guy running a business, with a bit of an online presence.

    What's always forgotten is that, in a similar position (eg "my bandmates' gear got stolen, but I'd been saving for a while to get a birth-year guitar for my kid") there are very few of us who'd sack off the big purchase for the sake of our bandmates' lack of preparation. Equally, if we bought said birth-year guitar, it likely wouldn't be put into storage until the kid was big enough to play it, it'd be out and being used and then gifted to them - because a £4k PRS isn't something you can avoid playing for long.

    In other words, empathy.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10399
    edited March 7
    I don't like his content or his music but I don't know the guy and he might be perfectly nice, who knows. But I don't get all these curtain twitching, Inspector Gadget shenanigans. 

    Don't people have other stuff to do beyond trying to pick holes in people's stories? Or is this kind of thing along with arguing with idiots online about unimportant stuff, emailing companies because someone is selling a product cheaply on ebay to try and see if they conned people when there's no evidence of that what I've got to look forward to when I'm retired and/or bored? If so, I might crowd fund a one way flight to Switzerland. 

    A new hobby for some might be the answer! 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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