Rich Tone Music

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  • InactiveXInactiveX Frets: 314
    edited July 25
    Well played for sending Rich Tone Music the link to this thread. Pointing out Rich Tone Music's shoddy way of doing things is the best way to make Rich Tone Music understand that they cannot expect Rich Tone Music customers to put up with such awful service.

    Hope it's all resolved for everyone now; this has been a great example in how to deal with dodgy music equipment suppliers like RICH TONE MUSIC. More power to us all.

    [search index keyword=rich+tone+music+sucks]
    Don’t follow influencers
    Watch the parking meters
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • NerineNerine Frets: 2362
    +1 for sending them this thread. 

    Hope they read and realise they’ve really fucked up here. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2427
    Great news @RobG3294 and @RaptorCheeses ; =)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Nice work guys. 

    These companies need calling out publicly when they mislead consumers and then fail to professionally deal with a fallout of their own making. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3432
    I’ve bought a few things from Rich Tone Music in the past both in store and online. 

    The last guitar I bought from them online arrived with undisclosed damage to the top. Looking at the photos online afterwards they had clearly taken flattering angles to avoid showing it. The guitar was already cheap for what it was and the partial refund was fair so I allowed them to get away with it. 
    In hindsight I wouldn’t do that again, well I won’t use them again after this thread. I don’t like the way they do business. 
    In store their staff are hit and miss, had one guy who was very cool to deal with and another who was basically a c*nt. I was interested in a used guitar tired it out and thought hmmm these strings are almost dead, can you please add a fresh set to the deal. He took the guitar from me plugged it in proceeded to shred for all his might , obviously a very good player and far far better than me, he handed it back and said I think the issues you. 
    2reaction image LOL 19reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2370
    grungebob said:
    I’ve bought a few things from Rich Tone Music in the past both in store and online. 

    The last guitar I bought from them online arrived with undisclosed damage to the top. Looking at the photos online afterwards they had clearly taken flattering angles to avoid showing it. The guitar was already cheap for what it was and the partial refund was fair so I allowed them to get away with it. 
    In hindsight I wouldn’t do that again, well I won’t use them again after this thread. I don’t like the way they do business. 
    In store their staff are hit and miss, had one guy who was very cool to deal with and another who was basically a c*nt. I was interested in a used guitar tired it out and thought hmmm these strings are almost dead, can you please add a fresh set to the deal. He took the guitar from me plugged it in proceeded to shred for all his might , obviously a very good player and far far better than me, he handed it back and said I think the issues you. 
     That's awful. Mind you, I'd be saying to him 'I hope you are better than me mate, your entire job is based on it' which is what I think about when people give so much praise to youtube musicians!

    A lot of us do this for fun and have skilled work outside of music, and unfortunately we don't get time to be a shred master.

    I've never gelled with physical music stores. The one where I grew up was great, but the bigger ones tend to feel awkward when you walk in. A lot of memories of trying to be ripped off with a semi used Fender Jazz bass from PMT that was being sold brand new from Fender. Fender got involved and basically gave the store a warning.

    No need for for all this dodgy dealing. If you can't make an honest living, f off. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2370
    I think I've only used Richtone once or twice online, for new gear, and to be fair it was a decent experience, but this was a long time ago. This thread does make me think twice now. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RobG3294RobG3294 Frets: 529
    grungebob said:
    I’ve bought a few things from Rich Tone Music in the past both in store and online. 

    The last guitar I bought from them online arrived with undisclosed damage to the top. Looking at the photos online afterwards they had clearly taken flattering angles to avoid showing it. The guitar was already cheap for what it was and the partial refund was fair so I allowed them to get away with it. 
    In hindsight I wouldn’t do that again, well I won’t use them again after this thread. I don’t like the way they do business. 
    In store their staff are hit and miss, had one guy who was very cool to deal with and another who was basically a c*nt. I was interested in a used guitar tired it out and thought hmmm these strings are almost dead, can you please add a fresh set to the deal. He took the guitar from me plugged it in proceeded to shred for all his might , obviously a very good player and far far better than me, he handed it back and said I think the issues you. 
    No place in any kind of retail for that kind of jerk. 

    If I'm honest, they've not enamoured me with their final response, own up to your crap. 

    Not "Ohh yeh sorry got this wrong, didn't mean to"

    There were far too many ducks in a row on this thread for it to be an accident. People aren't thick.

    Even today they're continuing to list SH stuff in their same lazy cookie cutter way, nowt will change and some time in the near future there will be another disappointed buyer.

    If it seems like a remotely good second hand deal on their site (i.e. an outlier versus the stuff priced at market value - assume it has something wrong with it because they won't disclose it in the written prose) and try it out in store (if they'll gloss over stuff over email, they'll bloody well do the same over the phone)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HaychHaych Frets: 5880
    A while back Rich Tone had a used Boogie thiele 1x12 cab for sale with an EVM12L inside.  There must have been a mistake as they only wanted £120 for it.

    I deliberated for the day and told myself if it was still there after work I'd buy it.  It was, I did.

    I then promptly sold it for almost three times the price I paid for it.  About the only piece of gear I've ever sold for more than I paid for it!

    There is no 'H' in Aych, you know that don't you? ~ Wife

    Turns out there is an H in Haych! ~ Sporky

    Bit of trading feedback here.

    1reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • duotoneduotone Frets: 1030
    Think I will add Rich Tone Music to my avoid list after reading all that shenanigans.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • prowlaprowla Frets: 5037
    edited July 26
    grungebob said:
    I’ve bought a few things from Rich Tone Music in the past both in store and online. 

    The last guitar I bought from them online arrived with undisclosed damage to the top. Looking at the photos online afterwards they had clearly taken flattering angles to avoid showing it. The guitar was already cheap for what it was and the partial refund was fair so I allowed them to get away with it. 
    In hindsight I wouldn’t do that again, well I won’t use them again after this thread. I don’t like the way they do business. 
    In store their staff are hit and miss, had one guy who was very cool to deal with and another who was basically a c*nt. I was interested in a used guitar tired it out and thought hmmm these strings are almost dead, can you please add a fresh set to the deal. He took the guitar from me plugged it in proceeded to shred for all his might , obviously a very good player and far far better than me, he handed it back and said I think the issues you. 

    I had something similar at a restaurant yesterday: I sat down for my meal and the music was a bit loud, so I asked the waitress if they could turn it down a notch; she came back and said the manager would do so in a minute.
    Well, I finished my meal (and also found a bone in my chicken escalope) and they hadn't turned it down, so so I decided to go across to the bar to pay up.
    I asked for the manager and he was sat there at the end of the bar with a couple of other staff; he came across and said he was busy but he'd do it in a few minutes, to which I said it doesn't matter, as I've finished now.
    He said if I didn't like the music I should go and eat elsewhere next time.
    I also mentioned the bone in the food and he said they have the items delivered so it's not the restaurant's fault, to which I said it's their responsibility to ensure the quality of the food which arrives on my table.
    After a bit more to-ing and fro-ing he gave me a 50% discount.
    In case you're thinking restaurants do play music, I accept that they do have their themes and that's OK, but on this occasion the restaurant was a Carluccio's.
    There was only me and another table of two customers there, so you'd think they'd be a little more customer-focused, but I think I'll be giving that one a miss in future.

    Respect: so hard to earn but easily burned.
    0reaction image LOL 5reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • fretfinderfretfinder Frets: 5147
    A few years ago I was thinking about buying a used Les Paul Custom from Richtone that seemed a reasonable price. I phoned and asked the condition and the guy said yeah it’s pretty good overall. I asked him to talk me through any dings, nicks, damage or wear and tear, from the top of the headstock all the way down. Turns out the guitar was actually in what I would call really shite condition so I didn’t buy it. In this day and age where transparency is so important it’s just not acceptable that they don’t give any proper details online of the condition of used guitars. I’ve just looked through the first dozen or so most expensive used electrics on their website, some from the 60s and 70s up to the present day. Guess what they state the condition is of every single one. Yep, they’re all “Condition: Good.” What an incredible coincidence! 
    260+ positive trading feedbacks:
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • WhitecatWhitecat Frets: 5563
    Just for absolute balance, I ordered a Roland JC40 amp a couple weeks ago from them, condition was described as “good” so I didn’t set my hopes TOO high but it was a good price. I would say it was actually “excellent” once I got it. No manuals or kettle lead included, just the amp itself, but I would say they under-declared the wear levels on that one. So this all sounds like it’s a bit of a crap shoot unfortunately, which in itself isn’t good. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • FelineGuitarsFelineGuitars Frets: 11842
    tFB Trader
     getting the frets pulled and some new shiny ones plonked in. Just a case of finding someone in Derbyshire who can do it.

    We'll happily help and you can send us just the neck in a box if you wish and we can get a lovely refret done for you.

    I'm not sure who is great in Derbyshire , but Haydn Williams or Shaker maybe .

    Many guitars have a re-sale value. Some you'll never want to sell.
    Stockist of: Earvana & Graphtech nuts, Faber Tonepros & Gotoh hardware, Fatcat bridges. Highwood Saddles.

    Pickups from BKP, Oil City & Monty's pickups.

      Expert guitar repairs and upgrades - fretwork our speciality!  Facebook too!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4100
    I’ve had two or three used items off them, they were well priced and thankfully have been spot on, but I guess it’s the uncertainty of it that will put people off.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11499
    I was briefly interested in a guitar that they had but reading the online description and the caveats they put in it basically amounted to "here's something for sale, the shape is what some people might recognise as being an electric guitar but we won't say anything more about it, so it's up to you sonny Jim".

    Errr, pass.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • AdeyAdey Frets: 2534
     getting the frets pulled and some new shiny ones plonked in. Just a case of finding someone in Derbyshire who can do it.

    We'll happily help and you can send us just the neck in a box if you wish and we can get a lovely refret done for you.

    I'm not sure who is great in Derbyshire , but Haydn Williams or Shaker maybe .
    Also, don't forget that a guitar that has the frets dressed and dressed until they are flat is probably a good guitar. The previous owner obviously played it to death. If it was rubbish it would probably have pristine frets still.

    My best guitars have been bought with virtually no frets left. I have regretted them and they have been great!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • FelineGuitarsFelineGuitars Frets: 11842
    tFB Trader
    Adey said:

    My best guitars have been bought with virtually no frets left. I have regretted them and they have been great!

    My least favourite autocorrect that crops up so often for me in typing emails or messages

    Many guitars have a re-sale value. Some you'll never want to sell.
    Stockist of: Earvana & Graphtech nuts, Faber Tonepros & Gotoh hardware, Fatcat bridges. Highwood Saddles.

    Pickups from BKP, Oil City & Monty's pickups.

      Expert guitar repairs and upgrades - fretwork our speciality!  Facebook too!

    12reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • M1ck said:
    Just a case of finding someone in Derbyshire who can do it.
    Jon Shuker close enough at Hope Valley? 

    Ah thanks. I have heard that name before. Hope Valley's pretty close to Chesterfield as well.

    Boromedic said:
    Personally, I'd send it to Feline, can highly recommend their services.

    Cheers. I've heard great things about him on here. Sadly I've never sent a guitar through the post before and I'd be concerned about DPD using it as a football during their dinner break.
     getting the frets pulled and some new shiny ones plonked in. Just a case of finding someone in Derbyshire who can do it.

    We'll happily help and you can send us just the neck in a box if you wish and we can get a lovely refret done for you.

    I'm not sure who is great in Derbyshire , but Haydn Williams or Shaker maybe .

    Thanks chap. I vaguely remember the name Haydn Williams although I may be thinking of an actor. I'll look him up as I'm not keen on sending stuff like this through couriers. I've read too many horror stories. Probably on here!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Adey said:
     getting the frets pulled and some new shiny ones plonked in. Just a case of finding someone in Derbyshire who can do it.

    We'll happily help and you can send us just the neck in a box if you wish and we can get a lovely refret done for you.

    I'm not sure who is great in Derbyshire , but Haydn Williams or Shaker maybe .
    Also, don't forget that a guitar that has the frets dressed and dressed until they are flat is probably a good guitar. The previous owner obviously played it to death. If it was rubbish it would probably have pristine frets still.

    My best guitars have been bought with virtually no frets left. I have regretted them and they have been great!

    Haha. That's the biggest reason I went for a partial refund rather than send it back. It actually plays very nice indeed. There's certainly no fret buzz.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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