Which Movie Scene Freaked You The Most

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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299
    I'm not sure what you mean @Philly_Q

    I seen Salo by chance when Sky had a Film 4 Extreme channel. Regretted watching it, I must have been 15 I think at the time. Serbian Film I know pretty much the whole story and won't be watching it. Sounds horrific. 

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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23682
    edited April 2015
    Deijavoo said:
    I'm not sure what you mean @Philly_Q

    I seen Salo by chance when Sky had a Film 4 Extreme channel. Regretted watching it, I must have been 15 I think at the time. Serbian Film I know pretty much the whole story and won't be watching it. Sounds horrific. 

    I thought you were deliberately getting the titles wrong, calling them 120 Days of Sodomy and Siberian Film!  Apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Salo I think is interesting, ridiculous at times but not really that disturbing.  A Serbian Film is horrible, even though I've only seen the cut UK version.  I also saw it at a bad time in my life which probably made the whole experience worse.

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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299
    Ah, no. That'll just be my error, I barely remember my own name let alone song or film titles etc.... :-)

    I think I found the closing of it and the look on the master's (?) face most disturbing. There is also a series of films a mate of mine keeps trying to convince me to watch but they sound appalling.  I'll find out what they were and see if you've seen them, what you thought etc....
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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299
    August Underground. They just sound so pointless. 

    While on the hunt I also found Irreversible which was a once only watch for me. Stunning work but that rape scene..... :(

    Begotten is supposed to pretty impressive too I hear. 
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  • randomhandclapsrandomhandclaps Frets: 20521
    edited April 2015
    Philly_Q said:
    Deijavoo said:

    I thought I'd seen a lot until this, so I'd have to nominate just about everything that occurs after about the first 25 minutes of this -


    It's not even just the obvious either, the sheer hopelessness of the situation is intensely gut-wrenching.

    Yup. This is supposed to be grim.

    Salo: 120 Days of Sodomy was pretty bad and I simply refuse to watch Siberian Film.
    Martyrs is a tough watch but it's so unrelenting - pretty much non-stop horribleness for the whole film - that I actually got bored eventually.

    Same here and I actually considered switching it off but held on hoping there would be some light at the end of the tunnel - there wasn't.

    Drew_fx said:
    One night, my best mate and I watched the following on 25g of dry shrooms each:

    Waynes World
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
    Naked Lunch


    Yeah couldn't sleep for a night or so after.
    I'm really, really surprised that no-one had mentioned Eraserhead before now.   :-?
    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745

    Funny how some movies set you on edge or full of adrenaline, almost like the real thing, even to the extent that they influence your way of thinking in the moment or leave a long, bitter after taste that you have been wronged.  Has anyone done any studies on people's reactions to movies and mental illness?  I mean, failing drug injections, it would be a good means/medium of explaining the emotional ins and outs and intensity of some mental illness to someone who otherwise never gave it any thought.

    I watched Ca$h last night and was disappointed that the girl didn't get it on with old Sharpe, but I did I did laugh when they set light to that boy on Eden Lake.  

    I know these films were just trivial daytime comedies, but what sort or person actually watches the softcore snuff movies for entertainment?  I mean seriously?  I mean enough bad things happen in real life don't they?  But at least in real life you can rationalize them.  Why take a few extra years off your life by watching them?  Or does it get to the point that you have to look up beheadings or mutilations on the internet just to motivate yourself to get up every day?

    I don't mind black comedy, but these dark, dark films that leave you thoroughly depressed I just don't understand.  I don't get it. In real life you might murder someone, but you can usually rationalise it afterwards and the sun still rises another day.  It's unfortunate, but it happens. 

    But these films just provide a drip feed of voyeuristic dark stuff that only gets darker. 

    Better for you to go out and stab someone on a Friday night I say, far healthier for your mental state and at least you can attribute emotions and brain chemistry to real life events.

    I think what worries me the most isn't the obvious visual dehumanising element of it, but the physical effects of how, after endless private showings, it must have a moderating effect on the brains chemistry, which in itself, must result in mental health issues surely, to extremes which must result in a human brain being unable to experience joy or pity and having to go to extreme lengths to even get an adrenaline buzz or endolphin reward.

    It's not the chavs and unprovoked violence on the street you have to be wary of, it's the middle class, media addict kids, tucked away with their surround sound, big screen TV's and secret internet viewings.  Case in point, it seems to have been proven that these are the ripe recruiting grounds for ISIS.

    Have any studies been done on this subject?

    Yours sincerely,


    Mary Whitehouse and the Cockmongers.

    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • racefaceec90racefaceec90 Frets: 1022
    cough (page 2) Philly_Q said:
    Not a specific scene, but seeing Eraserhead for the first time.

    It was the early '80s, I was at University and I had this radio-cassette player with a 5" black and white TV screen.  Late one night, channel-hopping (all four of 'em) I stumbled on Eraserhead.  I'd never heard of it, never heard of David Lynch, didn't have a TV listings magazine to find out what the hell it was..... sitting there watching that strange, strange film on that fuzzy little screen it just didn't seem like reality.  I thought I'd picked up something from another dimension and I was the only person watching it.  It was truly disturbing... but in a good way.

    p.s i remember seeing it for the first time when i awoke from a drunken sleep (the tv was on). guess what was on ;-)

    i don't drink any more (but love david lynch :-)
    i like cake :-) here's my youtube channel   https://www.youtube.com/user/racefaceec90 

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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    edited April 2015
    I saw Salo when I was kid, owned it on DVD for a time too. Went through a phase of liking extreme cinema - Man Bites Dog is another one that was a interesting watch.

    But it kinda just bores me now. I wont be watching Serbian Film or any of Lars Von Trier's stuff... coz I just can't be fucked. I'd rather watch Total Recall again and again and again.

    Saying that though... I love Japanese horror movies. Miike's Audition is right up there.
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  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    edited April 2015
    Saw Videodrome the other night. Thats worth a watch if you want a headfuck.

    Also Happiness, which isnt terrible in a gory way, but its a film about horrible people doing horrible things to seek happiness and never getting it. Probably he blackest black comedy I've ever seen.
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  • spacecadetspacecadet Frets: 671
    Also the odd scene from Salems Lot and pretty much anything from Hammer Horror.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23682
    edited April 2015
    Deijavoo said:
    August Underground. They just sound so pointless. 

    While on the hunt I also found Irreversible which was a once only watch for me. Stunning work but that rape scene..... :(

    Begotten is supposed to pretty impressive too I hear. 
    I've read about the August Undergound films and Begotten (probably when they came out on DVD years ago), but haven't seen any of them.  I'd watch them if they were on TV(!) but I wasn't going to pay to import the US DVDs to see something I might hate anyway.

    Irreversible I think is a very powerful film, heavy going of course but challenging and thought-provoking. 

    I'm a big fan of horror movies and will watch pretty much anything - which sometimes means sitting through something quite challenging or distressing, but mostly means watching a load of badly-made, by-the-numbers dross which wouldn't scare your granny.  I go to FrightFest in London every summer and also check out the darker stuff at the London Film Festival (along with many other types of films).

    The London Film Festival can be quite funny - it tends to be an older, fairly "respectable" audience and people will often take a punt on a film without knowing anything about it.  If it turns out to be heavy going one or two will leave, then a few more will follow.... I remember seeing Bruno Dumont's Twentynine Palms where it seemed like half the audience walked out. 

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    Fazer said:
    i couldnt find a video clip, but the 2 oddbods creeped the fuck out of me

    I LOVE that film! Pure british comedy genius. The (short) fight at the end between Jim Dale and the Oddbods is hilarious!
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    hugbot said:
    Saw Videodrome the other night. Thats worth a watch if you want a headfuck.

    Yeah, that is disturbing!
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    Just remembered another - the eye scene from "un chien andalou". 

    Seriously, don't look it up. I saw it at art college in 1981 and I haven't wanted to see it again.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73076
    axisus said:
    Just remembered another - the eye scene from "un chien andalou". 

    Seriously, don't look it up. I saw it at art college in 1981 and I haven't wanted to see it again.
    I would say that as well, although it has slightly less impact when you *do* see it again knowing how it was done. Still uncomfortable to watch though.

    Made in 1929 - and still one of the most striking and disturbing films ever.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 3090
    edited April 2015

    Gizmo said:
    For me TV Static scene from  Poltergeist 1982 (i was 8 at the time)


    In-fact the whole film freaked me the fuck out,and for years later id get a tinggle up my spin if i saw an untuned TV set,even walking past them in shop windows would set me off ;)

    Yeah - the Poltergeist thing did for me when I was a kid, too.

    Not so much the TV scene, but the bit where the dude tears his face off in the mirror..... nasty business.

    I think it was the second VHS we rented as a family (the first being Who Dares Wins) and I can remember my Dad asking the bloke behind the counter if Poltergeist was a video nasty..!

    Tobe Hooper + Spielberg = win!

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  • ellangusellangus Frets: 250
    The foot amputation scene in "Audition" eugh!
    Along with many others, I got Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer. Full details about his behaviour on this and other forums can be found on this thread. If you have been Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer, let us know and even if you haven't, putting a similar message in your own signature will help us warn others.
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Anybody mentioned Return to Oz?

    Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

    And the bit where he kills the boot is just sad.
    My V key is broken
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  • mellowsunmellowsun Frets: 2422
    Sassafras;584047" said:
    A mate of mine said it was his favourite film. I couldn't believe it. It's a load of silly space nonsense with a load of mediocre visual effects, yawn.
    Event Horizon is actually one of the most influential sci-fi/horror films since Alien. Whole scenes from it were ripped off by Sunshine and Interstellar, for example.

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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30320
    I much prefer films that make me jump out of my skin than films that make me feel sick. Suspense is a lot more shocking than crap like all the Saw and Hostel type slice and dice films that try to nauseate rather than thrill and make your hair stand on end (a forlorn hope these days,alas).
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