Line 6 Helix

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  • sgosdensgosden Frets: 1995

    I think the issue people have is jumping in and trying to do everything at once. That's where the option paralysis comes in.

    As @cabicular did, I also started by using helix to replicate my analogue pedal board (+ a drive pedal). Once I got my head around that I started playing with full amp blocks into a real cab. And last night at rehersals, my band mates didn't even notice I'd switched off the actual cab and was running direct into PA.

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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    I started off with a similar goal in mind - replace my pedalboard. Then I added in all the extra stuff over time.

    Right now my Helix has been my main soundcard, effects pedal board, and amp modeller for ... coming up to 3 months now. I'm at a point where I'm really comfortable with it.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    edited August 2017
    I did much the same - recreated my previous pedalboard (with some extra facilities).

    Now I spend quite a lot of Helix time seeing what happens if I combine things in silly ways.

    Yesterday I did a parallel path so that the reverb went through fuzz and tremolo, but the dry signal didn't. That was odd. I might find a use for it at some point.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1284

    Question - one thing I'm not liking is the looper.

    I have a LT and run bottom row of switches 4 snapshots, top row modifier pedals (so top row reads:

    Chorus, Trem, Delay, Drive

    Bottom row reads:

    Clean, SRV, Angus, Metal

    How are people integrating a looper? At the moment I seem to be faced with using a Ditto pedal or similar externally, or a midi controller pedal.

    Anything I've missed?

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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8849
    These things take time. Whenever I've had a new FX unit, and I've been through three generations of them since the 1990s, it's taken a week or two to get an initial configuration that I'm happy with, and at least six months to really understand it. Once that investment is made then there's a lot you can achieve. 

    Come to think of it, the same has happened whenever I've had a new car.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    peteri said:

    How are people integrating a looper? At the moment I seem to be faced with using a Ditto pedal or similar externally, or a midi controller pedal.

    I built an external looper controller - Arduino with a MIDI board, then a 6-button footswitch that does record/play/overdub/undo/speed/reverse.

    I did a build thread that no-one read:

    Were I doing it again I might buy one of those doodads that Thorpy's selling. A chunk more money, but a chunk less work.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • sgosdensgosden Frets: 1995
    Sporky said:
    peteri said:

    How are people integrating a looper? At the moment I seem to be faced with using a Ditto pedal or similar externally, or a midi controller pedal.

    I built an external looper controller - Arduino with a MIDI board, then a 6-button footswitch that does record/play/overdub/undo/speed/reverse.

    I did a build thread that no-one read:

    Were I doing it again I might buy one of those doodads that Thorpy's selling. A chunk more money, but a chunk less work.

    that's very cool.

    I have a behringer fcb1010 set up for helix looping at home.

    live I don't loop much so just mush through with onboard jobbie.

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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7834
    Sporky said:
    peteri said:

    How are people integrating a looper? At the moment I seem to be faced with using a Ditto pedal or similar externally, or a midi controller pedal.

    I built an external looper controller - Arduino with a MIDI board, then a 6-button footswitch that does record/play/overdub/undo/speed/reverse.

    I did a build thread that no-one read:

    Were I doing it again I might buy one of those doodads that Thorpy's selling. A chunk more money, but a chunk less work.
    That is awesome!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    It works and everything.

    Though it doesn't have feedback, so it doesn't know if the looper is already running, or if it's already in reverse. Not generally a problem though.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1284

    Looks a bit bigger than I need! One button for looper mode would be nice tho.

    Big breakthrough last night - increased the sag control massively on the pre-amps I'm using for drive.

    Makes the sound much more responsive and 'amp like'

    Getting there!

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    peteri said:

    Looks a bit bigger than I need! One button for looper mode would be nice tho.


    Then a single button MIDI controller that sends CC67, alternating values of 0-63 and 64-127.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2353
    I've decided to spend more time with it. I got it new and sealed for an excellent price so it seems a shame not at least to try it for a week then send back if it isn't for me.
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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    I had a bit more of a play last night - tried it through my 44 Magnum instead of the TH30 fx return (both into a 1936v 2x12)...also played a bit through headphones using the stock cabs.

    I think mine's a just sounds good. And I had my pedalboard pretty much replicated in 10 minutes...with expression pedal control of amp gain, drive, volume boost, reverb, delay, chorus. The performance mode works really well. I wasn't sure if that would be useful since you have to look at the screen then relate it to the buttons below but since the colours match, it is very instinctive. Mine's an LT so no scribble strips but I don't see that being an issue.

    Started to get a bit of option paralysis when trying to choose an I go with a high gain amp and dial it back for crunch and clean, or a cleaner amp and use drives for hi gain? Too many options! Some of the factory presets with a crunchy Marshall being driven by a Klon or OCD sound great. I also liked the Line6 Elektrik amp, surprisingly...the Soldano ones are great too. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter...they would all work.

    And I haven't even thought about running two amps yet...might try that - one clean, one dirty...hmmm. :)

    One thing is it sounds quite different through the Magnum 44 compared to the TH30...the TH30 is much less toppy (one reason why I think I didn't immediately feel a lot of need to put in a hi cut eq I think). So...I think I'd need to tweak a fair bit if I wanted to swap between them (the Magnum is great for practice...). I guess ultimately going straight to PA would be the solution but that's a whole other rabbit hole, with cabs, IRs etc. Plus I guess one PA sounds different to another? Or are they pretty consistent, being FRFR?

    If you go straight to PA, is it as simple as adding in a cab at the end of the chain and plugging into the desk? At its simplest?

    Oh do you move blocks between path A and B?

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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24878
    I've decided to spend more time with it. I got it new and sealed for an excellent price so it seems a shame not at least to try it for a week then send back if it isn't for me.
    ... is the right answer!

    PM me an email address and I'll send you a couple of presets if you like?

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2353
    I've decided to spend more time with it. I got it new and sealed for an excellent price so it seems a shame not at least to try it for a week then send back if it isn't for me.
    ... is the right answer!

    PM me an email address and I'll send you a couple of presets if you like?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • handsomerikhandsomerik Frets: 1008
    edited August 2017

    Helix Native is now available to buy/trial
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  • sweepysweepy Frets: 4218
    Downloaded and will try it tonight :)
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    Brevity snip
    1. Plus I guess one PA sounds different to another? Or are they pretty consistent, being FRFR?

    2. If you go straight to PA, is it as simple as adding in a cab at the end of the chain and plugging into the desk? At its simplest?

    3. Oh do you move blocks between path A and B?

    1. PAs are all different and rooms are all different but usually its minor tweaking rather than major surgery
    2. Yes. Only thing to be wary of is setting the XLR to line or mic lever depending on how hot a signal the desk needs and also no phantom power or it sounds horrendous.
    3. You don't. You copy paste then delete 


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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    Ta! :)
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    I think I'm gonna ... *gulp* .... sell all my single stomps.... I've not really used them for months now. The Helix has pretty much replaced the following:

    Small Stone
    DC5 PSU
    Micro Amp
    Ibanez DE7

    Question is... what do I buy in their place!?! I'm very fond of the Timeline, DD500, and Nemesis... but there's very little point in keeping them.
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