Line 6 Helix

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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 7768
    Drew_TNBD said:
    Drew_TNBD said:
    Holy shit! I'm an idiot. I just realised that when using the Helix as a USB interface, the guitar DI and microphone inputs automatically get routed to USB7 and 8. Which means you don't need to use paths in the preset to capture those signals, which means more DSP available for your actual guitar sounds!
    That sounds interesting.

    As a recording noob - what?
    Basically it just means when you select input 7 and 8 in your recording program, you get the raw guitar or your raw microphone. Which means no more using Path 1B or Path 2B to send the raw signals to the daw on a different channel. Teach me not to read the manual I spoze!
    and (although probably more obvious/known) any audio playing out of the computer is available in USB1/2 as an input in Helix too (e.g. could be used as a path input to mix in a backing track or virtual instrument) 

    and I think you can edit which channels these ins/outs happen on in Globals 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    Just got back from practice.

    Used path 2 for my vocal chain, and then routed it to the XLR outputs which were also linked to the phones output. Monitored my vocals using headphones instead of going through our shit PA. Worked very very well.

    Got to thinking.... a variation on my 'do everything' patch... I could do something like this....

    So basically... Path 1 is my real amp in 4-cable method. Path 2A is then a modeller chain for hearing my guitar in the phones, and Path 2B is my vocal straight through to the phones as well.

    Could potentially be a good solution for monitoring myself. Grunt of a real amp on stage, with modelled amps in my ears balanced with the microphone.
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  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2353

    Well, I can assure you all that just through the power section of a Boss Katana 100, using it basically as a powered speaker cab (obviously not flat) it sounds great at low volumes. I was in the super low volume setting of the Katana, and the amp really opens up when you crank it, so I'm looking forward to the possibilities.

    One thing I need to clear up, I didn't use the 4CM as I was just skipping the pre-amp of the amp itself, however, if I setup certain patches for use with amps such as this with the 4CM can I do the following:

     - Use the Helix as the amp/effects tones, then use the Katana to power it,

    - Within the same patch use the pre-amp of the Katana and use the Helix just for effects before and after the pre-amp? Or, do I have to use a different patch?

    Patch/Preset - not sure what the correct terminology is, sorry!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Well, I can assure you all that just through the power section of a Boss Katana 100, using it basically as a powered speaker cab (obviously not flat) it sounds great at low volumes. I was in the super low volume setting of the Katana, and the amp really opens up when you crank it, so I'm looking forward to the possibilities.

    One thing I need to clear up, I didn't use the 4CM as I was just skipping the pre-amp of the amp itself, however, if I setup certain patches for use with amps such as this with the 4CM can I do the following:

     - Use the Helix as the amp/effects tones, then use the Katana to power it,

    - Within the same patch use the pre-amp of the Katana and use the Helix just for effects before and after the pre-amp? Or, do I have to use a different patch?

    Patch/Preset - not sure what the correct terminology is, sorry!

    Yes you can do that in one patch. You're Katana preamp will appear as "Loop 1" or 2 or whatever when connected in 4CM. This means you can toggle between that block and the block containing the Helix amp or preamp
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Musicman20Musicman20 Frets: 2353

    Well, I can assure you all that just through the power section of a Boss Katana 100, using it basically as a powered speaker cab (obviously not flat) it sounds great at low volumes. I was in the super low volume setting of the Katana, and the amp really opens up when you crank it, so I'm looking forward to the possibilities.

    One thing I need to clear up, I didn't use the 4CM as I was just skipping the pre-amp of the amp itself, however, if I setup certain patches for use with amps such as this with the 4CM can I do the following:

     - Use the Helix as the amp/effects tones, then use the Katana to power it,

    - Within the same patch use the pre-amp of the Katana and use the Helix just for effects before and after the pre-amp? Or, do I have to use a different patch?

    Patch/Preset - not sure what the correct terminology is, sorry!

    Yes you can do that in one patch. You're Katana preamp will appear as "Loop 1" or 2 or whatever when connected in 4CM. This means you can toggle between that block and the block containing the Helix amp or preamp

    Great - lot's of tonal capabilities!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Anyone else running the Mic Tube Preamp in front of your amp model...?


    Just tried it last night in front of the Modded 2204 as a clean boost, and it really thickens it up nicely. Seems to give it a better 'feel' as well somehow.
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  • John_AJohn_A Frets: 3775
    FarleyUK said:
    Anyone else running the Mic Tube Preamp in front of your amp model...?


    Just tried it last night in front of the Modded 2204 as a clean boost, and it really thickens it up nicely. Seems to give it a better 'feel' as well somehow.
    Not tried that - will give it a go - Thanks for the tip :)
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24891

    I shall try that too

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Was at one of my band's rehearsal's last night, and we use a JamHub thing to all plug in and play. I just connect the Helix direct to it, but always found that - as the JamHub has an amp built in that you cannot turn off - the tone was horrible. However, last night I tried just the JCM800 preamp model in the helix (with no poweramp), and it sounded great!

    With the mix preamp in front of it, of course ;)

    Got a gig on Friday night at a small venue, so I'm going to be plugging the bass player into the Helix as well... should be interesting!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    Thats interestjng
    i sometimes use a jam Hub in the house but they are gawdawful
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Cabicular said:
    Thats interestjng
    i sometimes use a jam Hub in the house but they are gawdawful
    Yeah, I'm not too impressed with it, although it serves it's purpose (just!). The preamp model instead of full amp certainly cleaned up the sound a bit though.

    Now though I'm stuck between using a stereo setup path or a w/d/w hybrid with my 2 FrFr speakers.... anyone have any recommendations to use one over the other? Currently doing the w/d/w setup with 50% of signal after cab block going to the center on XLR, and the other 50% going to path 2a - which in turn then pans hard left and hard right on the XLR outs for the wet stereo.
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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    edited August 2017

    One thing is it sounds quite different through the Magnum 44 compared to the TH30...the TH30 is much less toppy (one reason why I think I didn't immediately feel a lot of need to put in a hi cut eq I think). So...I think I'd need to tweak a fair bit if I wanted to swap between them (the Magnum is great for practice...). 
    Oops...looks like I had the Magnum on the 'bright' setting. Silly me  On the normal setting it's actually pretty close to the TH-30. At least at home volumes. Not tried it up loud yet.

    As an aside...the Magnum 44 is really pretty decent as a power amp, given the cost / size etc. Certainly loud enough for bloody anything. Never had it up past a quarter. Mental. If I do start going straight to PA with the Helix I think it's really all I need for monitoring. And through a decent cab it holds its own as backline...
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  • John_AJohn_A Frets: 3775
    I gigged with a AMT pre-amp, a Magnum 44 and a 1x12 cab for ages, they certainly much louder than you expect them to be.
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Anyone else get a LOT of noise when using an OD pedal in the Helix loops....? It seems that the signal from the loop send into the pedal - or maybe the return? - is waaay too hot, even when set to be instrument level.
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    FarleyUK said:
    Anyone else get a LOT of noise when using an OD pedal in the Helix loops....? It seems that the signal from the loop send into the pedal - or maybe the return? - is waaay too hot, even when set to be instrument level.
    I thought that was just me. Yes both the KOT and the BE OD were very hissy. put a gate after them and that masked it. Eventually just dropped the external pedals though as they weren't giving me anything

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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Cabicular said:
    FarleyUK said:
    Anyone else get a LOT of noise when using an OD pedal in the Helix loops....? It seems that the signal from the loop send into the pedal - or maybe the return? - is waaay too hot, even when set to be instrument level.
    I thought that was just me. Yes both the KOT and the BE OD were very hissy. put a gate after them and that masked it. Eventually just dropped the external pedals though as they weren't giving me anything

    Glad it's not just me... was just about to drop £200 on a BE-OD, but won't bother now!

    Very disappointing; have you tried it in front of the Helix, BTW?
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    no, it doesn't suit how I work
    I always have a phaser and a TS in front of any OD in the chain
    To be fair the Friedman is a hissy pedal on it's own, it just seemed worse with the Helix

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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    OK, cheers!
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    It has a MENTAL amount of gain. There is a trim pot inside it but it still has a mental amount of gain at almost any setting
    Had a Ramble FX in there as well at one point. Still quite hissy
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    BTW I've switched all my patches from the modded 2204 to the Line 6 epic
    a lot more mid range and a great sounding rock amp

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