Labour MP Shot and Stabbed!!

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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    edited June 2016
    Ro_S said:
    it seems that a few people have a problem with basic reading comprehension.
    Try this. Imagine Jo Cox was your sister, and shortly after her death you're reading this thread with the one individual in it going on a frankly bizarre series of rants apparently for their own amusement.

    Go on, give it a bash. You might surprise yourself. 
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    @Fretwired whilst I'm in a reconciliatory mood, I'll concede your point about UKIP and Cameron. It doesn't mean I'm not sick to the core of the toxic atmosphere this referendum is causing.

    Anyway, that's me done. I'm off upstairs to lacquer my neck, see if I can't cheer myself up with some nitrocellulose thinners. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    Some poor composition skills from the BBC there

    8reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2178
    It's horrendous. My deepest sympathies for her family. By all accounts she seemed like a decent politician.
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    Ro_S said:
    it seems that a few people have a problem with basic reading comprehension.
    say what about my bisexual riding cohesion?
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    So now he pretty much calls himself a terrorist with links to Britain first , it's now all about mental health provision is it?
    Again imagine what Farrage and tits like you would be saying if this was a Muslim.

    i didn't say it was
    all about mental health provision.   

    another comprehension fail.

    ''Links to Britain first''?  When did he reveal he had links with the political organisation 'Britain First', as in a member or associate?
    Even from the limited eyewitness accounts of what the attacker said, it isn't clear whether the attacker said ''put Britain first'', ''put Britons first'', ''Britain first'' or ''Britain First''.
    Sure, it sounds like he shared similar views, but at least present the established facts right.   
    Unless, I've missed some new revelation, I'm not aware of such a link having been established. 

    [edit:] p.p.s.  For the record, before someone makes such a suggestion, I have zero affiliation with Britain First or any other similar organisation. I am not a supporter of Britain First or their methods. I do not support the way they go into areas deliberately to provoke trouble.
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    ^^  #windupmerchant
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • iseverynamegoneiseverynamegone Frets: 1576
    edited June 2016
    You haven't seen the picture on the Britain First website of this fella capaigning for them in dewsbury this year against Islamic extremism?

    You tard.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    edited June 2016
    You haven't seen the picture on the Britain First website of this fella capaigning for them in dewsbury this year against Islamic extremism?

    You tard.

    I was pretty sure I could smell the sweet scent of troll right from the off. By now I'm fairly sure there's not a bookies in the land who'll give you odds on him being genuine about any of this. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6178
    Ro_S said:Mmm.
    Maybe we need to make less of this man's extremist far right views; and instead make more about a seriously mentally ill man who had a mental health issues over several decades, and that we have failed over many decades to give enough support to those experiencing mental health issues.   This is what can happen due the manner in which 'Care in the Community' is implemented.  Mental health services are wholly inadequate.

    With one giant leap he bounds from one soapbox to another. Astonishingly tasteless.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    randella said:
    Ro_S said:
    it seems that a few people have a problem with basic reading comprehension.
    Try this. Imagine Jo Cox was your sister, and shortly after her death you're reading this thread with the one individual in it going on a frankly bizarre series of rants apparently for their own amusement.
    My initial point ('rant'?) was about the way this murder would be spun and exploited by some people for political purposes in respect of the forthcoming referendum.
    Such a concern was proved to be well-founded.  The predictable spinning started within hours of her death, if not before she even died!  Disgusting!

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    You haven't seen the picture on the Britain First website of this fella capaigning for them in dewsbury this year against Islamic extremism?

    You tard.

    No I haven't.  I'll have to look this up.  Do you have any links?   Thanks.

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    Well just for everyone's interest , in middle , third photo down.

    But of course, he is a loner. And this has nothing to do with politics of hate and division we have had for last decade. Nothing at all.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    Hmm. It could be him, yes; hardly definitive, though.   Any other photos?

    Where has he stated he was Britain First supporter and/or attended any of their activities or events?   That's what you stated above.

    But of course, he is a loner. And this has nothing to do with politics of hate and division we have had for last decade. Nothing at all. 

    Again, I never expressed such a thing.   I'm not responsible for your inability to read something properly.    

    What I actually expressed was that attention also needed to be given to his mental health as also being a factor.   

    We need to wait to find out exactly what is mental health issues were.  Maybe he had a serious personality disorder?   Had he had any psychotic episodes?   What medication was he on (or not taking)? 

    It seems that he had these extremist far right views for a very long time - far more than decade.  Since the 1980s? 

    So what prompted him to attack someone at this time?  

    Had he attacked anyone before?  Did he have a history of violence?

    Was he immediately inspired in the immediately aftermath of the Orlando event?   Did the referendum campaign provide a general context to inspire him?

    Was he in the middle of a serious and/or sudden mental health episode?   A psychotic episode?  

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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    Nobody thinking that "cooling" Sam was a bit Knee-jerk-y now?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Mair (the killer) is the guy in the cap .. looking less like Brexit ...


    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FortheloveofguitarFortheloveofguitar Frets: 4293
    edited June 2016
    Fretwired;1115717" said:
    Mair (the killer) is the guy in the cap .. looking less like Brexit ...
    I can't see this really affecting things
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • @ro_s go troll somewhere else, you child.

    Ignore list engaged.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    @ro_s go troll somewhere else, you child.

    Ignore list engaged.
    Try disengaging your inability to read or comprehend something properly.

    I hope you never get called up to do jury service.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    It's curious that one the prominent purported eyewitnesses is alleged to be a member or former member of the BNP.  I dunno what to make of that.
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