Labour MP Shot and Stabbed!!

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016

    I hope that the recent incident of the death of this MP can prompt a re-evaluation in this country of all the following (in no particular order):

    - the provision of mental heath services;

    - the manner in which extremist hate-ridden ideology - of whatever kind - is promulgated and adopted, and the susceptibility of certain demographic groups to it;

    - the personal safety and security of MPs and other politicians.
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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    You're know you're doing especially badly when both @chalky and I think you're making a tit of yourself. 
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    You're know you're doing especially badly when both @chalky and I think you're making a tit of yourself. 
    Quite a few others too, I reckon.
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    Ro_S said:

    I think a number of you are very capable of winding yourselves up for no good reason.

    Quite what I've written that you object to such much I don't know. 
    You're neither bright enough nor articulate enough to wind me up.  If the subject matter wasn't so serious your contributions would be comedy gold.

    However, the subject matter is both unpleasant and very serious indeed; I don't know about anyone else but that's the problem I have. 
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    Chalky said:
    Ro_S;1115913" said:
    Chalky;1115906" said:Yes I knew what you were on about - well in broad terms because you are given to making rather strange statements. But you are still a fool with micro-knowledge and macro-opinions.
    What have I expressed that you find ''rather strange" ?[/quote]

    Random example - "@Ro_S said:
    It's curious that one the prominent purported eyewitnesses is alleged to be a member or former member of the BNP. I dunno what to make of that."

    So many of those words - curious, purported, alleged, 'or former', and "I dunno what to make of that" - add nothing to your statement, which boils down to "is prominent eyewitness linked to BNP?" To which you have no answer.

    Meaning your whole statement is pointless.

    As I said, your statements are strange

    So you object to me wording something in a careful and precise way?   
    That's a problem?  Perhaps you would prefer something that jumps to conclusions and accepts tentative information as undeniable established facts?.  I've seen that in this thread from others. 

    You find it too verbose?   Perhaps you may find it easier just to use Twitter; I gather they have a very limited word allocation.  

    Maybe someone isn't always trying to make a point; they're just making an observation or presenting information.  That doesn't necessarily make it any less legitimate.

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    randella said:
    Ro_S said:

    I think a number of you are very capable of winding yourselves up for no good reason.

    Quite what I've written that you object to such much I don't know. 
    You're neither bright enough nor articulate enough to wind me up.  If the subject matter wasn't so serious your contributions would be comedy gold.

    However, the subject matter is both unpleasant and very serious indeed; I don't know about anyone else but that's the problem I have. 

    Thanks for your assessment of how bright I may or may not be.

    You are continually calling me a troll and a wind-up-merchant etc.  You took my comment, quoted above, as referring to you.  Both suggest you're probably one that is wound up.  Or are you simply trolling and not contributing anything material to the discussion?

    Btw, I'm not trying to wind anyone up.  (If I was though, this forum seems to be an easy place to do so).
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24694
    <pops head in door> Oooh, is there a punchup going on in this room without me ?
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    Someone has decided to take Sambostar's place of being the forum dick and it is very, very, very dull.
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  • BudgieBudgie Frets: 2112
    This referendum has really rolled over a few rocks for the morons to crawl from under. #BoreOff @Ro_S
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    octatonic said:
    Ro_S said:
    KKJale said:
    Ro_S said:
    No other eyewitnesses yesterday reported the attacker said such a thing.
    There are reports across multiple media that two eyewitnesses heard it, and both have been named. 
    The important words in your sentence are ''reports'' and ''two''.

    Only media reports.  Being repeated across the media.  Modern journalists tend to merely repeat and report things they heard, rather than exactly investigate and find out for themselves.

    So only two witnesses say the attacker said such a thing.  How many didn't say he did?

    You have to be joking.

    One of the two eyewitness reports alluded to above by KKJale has transpired to be bogus.

    A healthy degree of scepticism is always a good thing, I find.

    No, I wasn't joking.  My scepticism proved to be correct.

    The other eyewitness alluded to is unable to recall a verbatim quote of what the attacker said.   
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  • LodiousLodious Frets: 1959
    Oh FFS....why don't you just give it a rest?
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  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    Except today the guy stood up in court and effectively said "oh just to clear it up, I AM a crazed nationalist" so its a bit of a moot point now isnt it.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    From The Independent

    'The danger now is twofold. First, that Jo Cox’s murder appears to skew the referendum vote towards Remain, allowing Leave to complain they were not beaten fairly. Second, that the fierce national discussion on real issues we were just starting to have is banished for being too inflammatory. In both eventualities, our democracy would be the loser.'

    The article is here

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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    edited June 2016

    octatonic said:
    Someone has decided to take Sambostar's place of being the forum dick and it is very, very, very dull.
    I missed the majority of that particular dust-up, and have no great desire to familiarise myself with it.  That said, he (Sambostar) did have a habit of using one of my favourite Australianisms, "Gone Troppo", which is a point in his favour :)
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984

    randella said:

    octatonic said:
    Someone has decided to take Sambostar's place of being the forum dick and it is very, very, very dull.
    I missed the majority of that particular dust-up, and have no particular desire to familiarise myself with it.  That said, he (Sambostar) did have a habit of using one of my favourite Australianisms, "Gone Troppo", which is a point in his favour :)
    One of mine too.
    My favourite is 'going off like a frog in a sock'.
    It has to be said at the proper speed though, which won't be easily understood to anyone not from Oz.
    Going is pronounced 'Garn' btw.

    Sambostar was, at times, quite hilarious- I suspect he is actually Aussie himself.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929

    Newspaper photo editors must have had an orgasm when they encountered this photo of the alleged murderer, with bright red gloves on (and a tool in his hand).

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  • SkippedSkipped Frets: 2371
    edited June 2016
    The bickering on the thread is depressing. Not to worry.

    Surely there must be one or two "sensitive musician types" on this forum who, like me, are just catching up with the family visiting the crime scene today, and Jo's sister speaking to the crowd.

    This is unbelievable.
    The words of Jo's sister are moving and 100% Yorkshire down to earth.
    Where does the Mother get the strength from to stand there and somehow hold it together?

    I am very moved.
    Please watch it here if you have not seen it.

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    Skipped said:
    The bickering on the thread is depressing. Not to worry.

    Surely there must be one or two "sensitive musician types" on this forum who, like me, are just catching up with the family visiting the crime scene today, and Jo's sister speaking to the crowd.

    This is unbelievable.
    The words of Jo's sister are moving and 100% Yorkshire down to earth.
    Where does the Mother get the strength from to stand there and somehow hold it together?

    I am very moved.
    Please watch it here if you have not seen it.
    Yes, I saw it.   It's all very sad, of course. 

    I hope that this doesn't become another circus (for want of a better word) to the extent of when Princess Diana died.

    If anything good can come out of this, maybe it's that:
    (i) people will see that not all politicians are scum, on the make, etc.   Many are, but not all.
    (ii) greater attention is given to mental health service provision.

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  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10413
    This thread has turned into this.

    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4386
    octatonic;1116028" said:

    One of mine too.My favourite is 'going off like a frog in a sock'.It has to be said at the proper speed though, which won't be easily understood to anyone not from Oz.Going is pronounced 'Garn' btw.

    Sambostar was, at times, quite hilarious- I suspect he is actually Aussie himself.
    Hah, had to look that one up :). I lived in Brissy for a while, years ago now. If I could have that time again I'd do it in a snap, somehow life seemed a bit easier. Probably a sunshine-related illusion, but they were good times. 

    I'm with you as far as it goes, Sambostar was an entertaining man. I hope he makes it back from the sin bin and gives us a few more gems. 
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