The Theresa May General Election thread (edited)

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  • ClarkyClarky Frets: 3261
    play every note as if it were your first
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6310
    Best thing about this election for me?  Dacre, Murdoch and the rest of the right-wing media cartel gave it everything, and still couldn't secure May a Conservative majority.  That's a big deal.  All future election campaigns will be going heavy on the social media from now on.
    Agree. It's flown under the radar but it's astounding that despite an all out attack on Corbyn by the DM, Sun, Times etc. their poison had zero effect. It's been reported that Murdoch stormed out of a party at the Times offices when the exit poll results came in.
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    By the way, as an antidote to the political furore, have a listen to the full 9 minute video at the bottom of the page - it is absolutely hilarious
    It wasn't me but I would love to buy that man a pint. Jeremy did promise sweets for everyone! 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    nickb_boy said:
    capo4th said:
    the tories seem very happy to take from the least well off,
    yet scream when it is suggested they can afford to pay more
    as for hard work
    try digging  the roads or other manual labour
    you might find its a little more exhausting then typing and talking
    If you paid £35000 a year in tax and a politicians manifesto was going to cost you another £6000
    would you be happy ? 

    I grew up on a council estate, my parents had no money. I am working class.

    Don't tell me about hard work and I won't apologise for where I am today as it's all through hard work over the last 20 years. I would still not class myself as rich due to having a massive mortgage to pay every month and I choose to send my son to a very good private school. 

    I applaud you for being the self made man you are today.  Sounds like a right little Alan Sugar story!  I'm sure it was all down to sheer hard work and determination and at no point had elements of luck, right place right time or because someone at some point gave you a chance.  

    Complaining of already paying more tax than the average uk salary is probably not going to gain you much sympathy but I understand that it is being used already to help support the UK infrastructure.   I don't quite get where your figures have come from though.  
    Paying £35k per year tax would put you at roughly £110k income range meaning about £1800 extras in tax under the measures Labour had proposed.  You'd have to be earning over £160k to get near the £6k extra you quoted.  Either way it wouldn't be right to have you put out of pocket, especially when you have chosen to own a property with such a high mortgage repayment.  

    I'm assuming you have opted to pay a hefty price for your sons education because you feel the current opportunities the state provides aren't up to par, either that or you just like the uniform.   It does seem to point to the fact that despite your praise for the current goverment and your eagerness for them to continue as things are, you are not happy with the education they could provide your son so opted to send him else where.   Just think of the money you could save if the state education system was improved enough through proper funding  that you didn't have to have private school fees.  I'm sure that would be a far better saving than your £1.8-6k extra per year in tax!

    Edit*  plus if your son decides to go to uni you'd be needing to pay the additional proposed tax payments for over 20 to break even and cover his fees.  That seems a pretty good return.  

    I was certainly including the additional 20% VAT being added to private school fees. 

    The schools standard and demographics where we live are not up to scratch so I make the choice to pay for my sons education. He loves school and sport and is extreamly happy. Difficult to put a price on that. 

    A lot of luck, a few right place at the right time moments and a couple of people gave me a chance 100% 

    Above all a lot of hard graft but I appreciate I am very fortunate. Mortgage payments running the house/bills and school fees / sports clubs eat up the bulk of my income. My choice - I want to give my son the best possible opportunity to succeed. We do not lead a rich lifestyle but do have a nice nice house. I own one very nice telecaster along with one amp and about 8 pedals. Not bought any guitar gear for about a year. I pay the bills and manage to stick a bit away for my son.

    Seeing my income tax wasted on a grand scale does infuriate me and for Corbyn to ask for more the cheeky little fucker...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • AliGorieAliGorie Frets: 308
    edited June 2017
    luv Mr Pie.
    I'm not on twitter - but this is very relevant - trying to attach it - much of the comments have been on my mind.


    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ICBMICBM Frets: 74393
    capo4th said:

    Seeing my income tax wasted on a grand scale does infuriate me and for Corbyn to ask for more the cheeky little fucker…
    So why don't you object to seeing the nearly fifty billion a year pissed away servicing the enormous debt that Osborne ran up? That is literally tax money wasted on a grand scale. It would have been far better to put taxes up a bit and get the deficit down faster. But the Tories think you can do it with spending cuts and tax cuts… which never has worked and never will.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 10reaction image Wisdom
  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6374
    edited June 2017
    capo4th said:
    nickb_boy said:
    capo4th said:
    the tories seem very happy to take from the least well off,
    yet scream when it is suggested they can afford to pay more
    as for hard work
    try digging  the roads or other manual labour
    you might find its a little more exhausting then typing and talking
    If you paid £35000 a year in tax and a politicians manifesto was going to cost you another £6000
    would you be happy ? 

    I grew up on a council estate, my parents had no money. I am working class.

    Don't tell me about hard work and I won't apologise for where I am today as it's all through hard work over the last 20 years. I would still not class myself as rich due to having a massive mortgage to pay every month and I choose to send my son to a very good private school. 

    I applaud you for being the self made man you are today.  Sounds like a right little Alan Sugar story!  I'm sure it was all down to sheer hard work and determination and at no point had elements of luck, right place right time or because someone at some point gave you a chance.  

    Complaining of already paying more tax than the average uk salary is probably not going to gain you much sympathy but I understand that it is being used already to help support the UK infrastructure.   I don't quite get where your figures have come from though.  
    Paying £35k per year tax would put you at roughly £110k income range meaning about £1800 extras in tax under the measures Labour had proposed.  You'd have to be earning over £160k to get near the £6k extra you quoted.  Either way it wouldn't be right to have you put out of pocket, especially when you have chosen to own a property with such a high mortgage repayment.  

    I'm assuming you have opted to pay a hefty price for your sons education because you feel the current opportunities the state provides aren't up to par, either that or you just like the uniform.   It does seem to point to the fact that despite your praise for the current goverment and your eagerness for them to continue as things are, you are not happy with the education they could provide your son so opted to send him else where.   Just think of the money you could save if the state education system was improved enough through proper funding  that you didn't have to have private school fees.  I'm sure that would be a far better saving than your £1.8-6k extra per year in tax!

    Edit*  plus if your son decides to go to uni you'd be needing to pay the additional proposed tax payments for over 20 to break even and cover his fees.  That seems a pretty good return.  

    I was certainly including the additional 20% VAT being added to private school fees. 

    The schools standard and demographics where we live are not up to scratch so I make the choice to pay for my sons education. He loves school and sport and is extreamly happy. Difficult to put a price on that. 

    A lot of luck, a few right place at the right time moments and a couple of people gave me a chance 100% 

    Above all a lot of hard graft but I appreciate I am very fortunate. Mortgage payments running the house/bills and school fees / sports clubs eat up the bulk of my income. My choice - I want to give my son the best possible opportunity to succeed. We do not lead a rich lifestyle but do have a nice nice house. I own one very nice telecaster along with one amp and about 8 pedals. Not bought any guitar gear for about a year. I pay the bills and manage to stick a bit away for my son.

    Seeing my income tax wasted on a grand scale does infuriate me and for Corbyn to ask for more the cheeky little fucker...
    So.. you're infuriated by your income tax being wasted on a grand scale... But it's the Tories that are currently wasting it.. yet you still voted for the feckers ..
    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • PVO_DavePVO_Dave Frets: 2392
    edited June 2017

    This gave me a chuckle
    13reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    poor you
    my heart bleeds for you
    try living on minimum wage
    Been there done that also claimed benefits for a while back in the early 90s, thanks for your concern btw
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    equalsql said:
    Pie's just not funny any more .. that was piss poor.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Moss said:
    capo4th said:
    Corbyn did convince a lot of inexperienced young people to vote Labour with a fantasy wish list manifesto.

    Social media has played a big part I genuinely believe that the vast majority of his manifesto would never have got off the ground if he had been elected. 

    Too far fetched and disasterous for business but many people believed him and his policies.
    I've tried remain pretty anonymous on here, but your post has enraged me to this point

    I'm 17, slightly too young to vote, but actively engaged in politics

    Let's put it this way - we have 2 choices, either:
    • Be guaranteed to be 40k in debt before going in to work, housing being so unaffordable that you're forced to stay with your parents, with the rich getting richer and many of the youth forced to work 2 or 3 jobs to keep up with student debt, housing and living costs
    • Take up a plan which is a too far-fetched, but actually acknowledges your existence and is hopeful for the future
    I am by no means a Corbynite, I'm still not entirely convinced by his leadership, but frankly it was him or a continuation down the same path

    The future's not exactly looking great
    I voted Labour to help people like you. I got a free uni education - I'm embarrassed you don't have one. I'm happy to pay more tax to scrap uni fees.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 9reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    capo4th said:

    We need to make changes in society and maybe today is a jumpstart to a more balanced approach.

    So how do you personally intend to adopt a more balanced approach? 

    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    capo4th said:

    We need to make changes in society and maybe today is a jumpstart to a more balanced approach.

    So how do you personally intend to adopt a more balanced approach? 

    I am quite a balanced kind of guy, quite relaxed about most things but Corbyns lies have really made me angry these last few weeks and venting in here has probably not helped.

    what would you suggest? 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12248
    I keep seeing people talking about 40k debt for students vs free education. Neither is true. Borrowing isn't purely for tuition fees, although that's a large chunk of it. I know several students who are only on their second year yet are already over 55k in debt. 

    There are those who have a family that can afford to pay for them to spend 3 years plus in full time education, and those that can't. Let's not kid ourselves that ridding ourselves of the exorbitant fees will be an end to student debt. The difference is between leaving uni with a degree and a loan, or a degree and a mortgage sized hole in your finances for the first half of your working life. 
    why would anyone go into £55k debt in that way?
    it makes no sense unless you are confident you will be earning massive amounts or earning nothing at all
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ICBMICBM Frets: 74393
    capo4th said:

    I am quite a balanced kind of guy, quite relaxed about most things but Corbyns lies have really made me angry these last few weeks and venting in here has probably not helped.

    what would you suggest? 
    It would help if you say which lies Corbyn told made you angry, and why May's lies don't make you at least as much so.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6310
    capo4th said:
    capo4th said:

    We need to make changes in society and maybe today is a jumpstart to a more balanced approach.

    So how do you personally intend to adopt a more balanced approach? 

    I am quite a balanced kind of guy, quite relaxed about most things but Corbyns lies have really made me angry these last few weeks and venting in here has probably not helped.

    what would you suggest? 
    Perhaps it's a viral thing. I've been pissed about Trump for a while, totally pointless.  Have you considered taking up gardening? I'm finding it very therapeutic. That and getting light headed and playing guitar very loud.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    Just his general giving away of sweeties for all with complete abandonment which is the exact behaviour which got us into this mess. 

    Tax the so called Rich ! Buy the railways and the water companies! Free childcare! 

    Free childcare ? Free school meals for all. If you can't afford children and caring for them don't have them or don't have so many. I could go on but what's the point. He spun his yarns people voted and here we are stuck in limbo.

    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    JezWynd said:
    capo4th said:
    capo4th said:

    We need to make changes in society and maybe today is a jumpstart to a more balanced approach.

    So how do you personally intend to adopt a more balanced approach? 

    I am quite a balanced kind of guy, quite relaxed about most things but Corbyns lies have really made me angry these last few weeks and venting in here has probably not helped.

    what would you suggest? 
    Perhaps it's a viral thing. I've been pissed about Trump for a while, totally pointless.  Have you considered taking up gardening? I'm finding it very therapeutic. That and getting light headed and playing guitar very loud.

    Yeah it's just anger and this place is an easy place to vent.

    i did find it quite amusing being one of about three Tory supporters on the forum. 

    Having experienced serious downturns in the economy and my families finances previously uncertainty makes me angry. Corbyns beard makes me angry. Diane Abbotts face makes me angry.

    but hey it's all over now life goes on maybe I will stop watching the news for a few weeks 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24584
    capo4th said:
    JezWynd said:
    capo4th said:
    capo4th said:

    We need to make changes in society and maybe today is a jumpstart to a more balanced approach.

    So how do you personally intend to adopt a more balanced approach? 

    I am quite a balanced kind of guy, quite relaxed about most things but Corbyns lies have really made me angry these last few weeks and venting in here has probably not helped.

    what would you suggest? 
    Perhaps it's a viral thing. I've been pissed about Trump for a while, totally pointless.  Have you considered taking up gardening? I'm finding it very therapeutic. That and getting light headed and playing guitar very loud.

    Yeah it's just anger and this place is an easy place to vent.

    i did find it quite amusing being one of about three Tory supporters on the forum. 

    Having experienced serious downturns in the economy and my families finances previously uncertainty makes me angry. Corbyns beard makes me angry. Diane Abbotts face makes me angry.

    but hey it's all over now life goes on maybe I will stop watching the news for a few weeks 
    Vote lib dem next time mate - they would legalise pot, you could have a few and chill a bit. 

    And to be fair to you, there's lots about politics today that makes most of us really fucking angry so it's not unusual.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    That was the one good thing out of all the manifestos.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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