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  • I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    Well I'd buy a new car if offered one, but not bloody games!!

    There are games I'd genuinely happily for £150 or more for, and still think I got good value. 

    None of them are triple A games... 
    I probably don't disagree, but I wouldn't know which games they were until long after I'd bought them. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    edited February 2022
    I’m sad enough that I preordered Elden Ring on both PS5 and Series X. Such a dork. I’m so excited!
    So you're basically paying £150 for that game then...
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  • punchesjudypunchesjudy Frets: 1057
    edited February 2022
    I’m sad enough that I preordered Elden Ring on both PS5 and Series X. Such a dork. I’m so excited!
    So you're basically paying £150 for that game then...
    Haha, would’ve been £100 but I had £20 of reward points on Xbox so put those towards it. 

    I’d happily  have paid £150 for Bloodborne though. Best game. 
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    I’m sad enough that I preordered Elden Ring on both PS5 and Series X. Such a dork. I’m so excited!
    So you're basically paying £150 for that game then...
    Haha, would’ve been £100 but I had £20 of reward points on Xbox so put those towards it. 

    I’d happily  have payed £150 for Bloodborne though. Best game. 
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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    Something feels a bit weird about Horizon 2 but I can't think what it is. A bit jerky on the jumping and dashing maybe. 
    I've noticed a few odd things about PS5 games though, like on Crash 4 you'll be running and for no reason he swaps to a walk and won't stop.
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    I'll let you know shortly!
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    The cutscenes are super weird and jarring. They don't transition well at all. They stutter and then they just stop before moving into the next one. Really strange. 
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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    There's a weird blur when you spin the camera as well, which I thought was maybe motion blur but that setting doesn't stop it.
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    DefaultM said:
    There's a weird blur when you spin the camera as well, which I thought was maybe motion blur but that setting doesn't stop it.
    I'm not getting that. I'm finding the game pretty smooth aside from that cutscene stuff. 
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  • StevepageStevepage Frets: 3099
    Thoroughly bored of Halo Infinite now. The campaign is great but once you done it, everything just seems so dull and repetitive. I’ve gone back to playing the older games already 
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  • I finished The Last of Us 2 today. I could also call it "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" or "Dina is literally the only person who doesn't suck".

    Overall I'd confirm it's a technical tour de force, but narratively a bit frsutrating. There is so much to like in there but there are so many ways it could have been better. Ironically I think one of Naughty Dogs biggest strengths is in how they are able to tell a story through casual conversation between characters during gameplay, but all the "big stuff" in cutscenes actually let comparatively forced. Still, miles better than almost anything else out there in a similar genre, so still highly recommended. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    Stevepage said:
    Thoroughly bored of Halo Infinite now. The campaign is great but once you done it, everything just seems so dull and repetitive. I’ve gone back to playing the older games already 
    I always do everything else before the campaign in these games so that it doesn't seem pointless after. 
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  • I finished The Last of Us 2 today. I could also call it "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" or "Dina is literally the only person who doesn't suck".

    Overall I'd confirm it's a technical tour de force, but narratively a bit frsutrating. There is so much to like in there but there are so many ways it could have been better. Ironically I think one of Naughty Dogs biggest strengths is in how they are able to tell a story through casual conversation between characters during gameplay, but all the "big stuff" in cutscenes actually let comparatively forced. Still, miles better than almost anything else out there in a similar genre, so still highly recommended. 

    I've struggled since the character change.
    Feels like a looking game
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    I loved LOU2. Apparently they're remastering the first one for PS5 but not the second one. 
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  • I did like TLOU2, I just wish it had been even better. Despite my complaints it's still clearly one of the best games of the PS4 generation.

    Anyway, since I finished that and realised I could do the PS5 upgrade thing even on the digital version, I did get HFW. Early days (I just went down the big rope lift towards "The West") but it's great so far. Happy days! 

    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    Which mode is everyone playing it on? I had performance mode and thought it was fine, however the Internet has since told me this mode is simply awful and unplayable. I put the other one on and it did look nicer but it was a bit juddery and weird.

    Why can't they just make it so there's 1 mode? I don't like having to choose between 2 things which ideally I would want both of. Make it look as nice as it can for a smooth playing experience. I don't care if it looks incredible if she runs and jumps like William Shatner in Family Guy.
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    Whatevers default. The reason why it's juddery is because you've halved the frame rate probably when putting it into graphics mode or whatever it is. 
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2451
    Quite a few games have a mixed mode - such as Ratchet and Clank. They have 60fps gameplay so it's smooth, but with some graphical enhancements so it looks good too. Miles Morales does this as well.

    There's something weird-looking about H:FW in performance mode. I can't quite work out what it is. However, it's very hard to go back to 30FPS when you're used to 60FPS....!
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  • SimonhSimonh Frets: 1360
    I finished The Last of Us 2 today. I could also call it "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" or "Dina is literally the only person who doesn't suck".

    Overall I'd confirm it's a technical tour de force, but narratively a bit frsutrating. There is so much to like in there but there are so many ways it could have been better. Ironically I think one of Naughty Dogs biggest strengths is in how they are able to tell a story through casual conversation between characters during gameplay, but all the "big stuff" in cutscenes actually let comparatively forced. Still, miles better than almost anything else out there in a similar genre, so still highly recommended. 
    I couldn't finish it. It was just so forced and depressing it had lost all of the charm and wonder of the first with forcing it's "message" down your throat. Visually stunning though, such a shame.
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  • I'm on Performance mode for HFW. I don't care about resolution when I'm sat on the couch with a glass of wine, but higher frame rates are always good. They've already confirmed they have patches in the works for a few graphical bugs and clipping weirdnesses, so I'm sure they'll add further refinements to the graphics modes in time. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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