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  • Yea. Let’s. I’ll PM you my PSN ID. But let’s hope it’s better than in Bloodbourne which is very hit and miss and frustrating. 

    I’m still playing Bloodbourne. I’m in the Unseen Villiage which is impossible. Can’t find the third bell ringer where the witches are before they respawn and kill me. 

    I was also running around with 50 insight which apparently makes the game much harder. Doh. 

    Ha! The unseen village is hard. My advice - run! There are just too many ways to die, and too little reward for killing. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    Has anyone tried Horizon Forbidden West yet? I loved the first but £70 is a lot of money for a game just to play it straight away.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    @DefaultM Get the PS4 version. There's a free PS5 upgrade for it. £60. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    edited February 2022
    Wow ok thanks, that's bizarre, whats the benefit of buying the PS5 version? Surely the only difference is the PS5 logo on the cover rather than PS4?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    I don't understand, it even says on PS Store. £70 for PS5 or £60 for PS4 with a free PS5 upgrade. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Started Mass Effect Legendary Edition yesterday. The first Mass Effect is still as janky, difficult and buggy as I remember. Still a great game though.
    Just so people are aware. I have no idea what any of these words mean.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    edited February 2022
    DefaultM said:
    I don't understand, it even says on PS Store. £70 for PS5 or £60 for PS4 with a free PS5 upgrade. 
    It was something to do with the release of the PS5 and offering an upgrade for PS4 users who then got the PS5. They went back on it and then there was outrage so they kept their promise. Something along those lines. 

    The only advantage of buying the PS5 version was the preload. But otherwise, I've no idea why you'd bother.

    I've been doing the ONS covid test survey thing so I've been getting £25-£50 a month in vouchers so that's been paying for my games. I bought this and Elden Ring with the vouchers so I'm pretty happy! There was also 15% off at Currys on it but that was preorder only it seems. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    edited February 2022
    <double post>
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7430
    Thanks very much I got £70 of PSN credit for £60 from Shopto, bought the PS4 version for £60 and now it's downloading the PS5 one straight away. Crazy.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    No worries. :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • wibblewibble Frets: 1112
    DefaultM said:
    I don't understand, it even says on PS Store. £70 for PS5 or £60 for PS4 with a free PS5 upgrade. 
    It was something to do with the release of the PS5 and offering an upgrade for PS4 users who then got the PS5. They went back on it and then there was outrage so they kept their promise. Something along those lines. 

    The only advantage of buying the PS5 version was the preload. But otherwise, I've no idea why you'd bother.

    I've been doing the ONS covid test survey thing so I've been getting £25-£50 a month in vouchers so that's been paying for my games. I bought this and Elden Ring with the vouchers so I'm pretty happy! There was also 15% off at Currys on it but that was preorder only it seems. 

    I took advantage of the Currys offer and bought the PS4 version - it arrived today. It comes on TWO discs. I shoved the first disc in and it gave me the card for the PS5 download so I left it downloading.

    I'm going to check later if you can play it with either of the PS4 discs in. If that is the case then you could share a disc with a friend so they can play on PS5 for free! :D
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    wibble said:
    DefaultM said:
    I don't understand, it even says on PS Store. £70 for PS5 or £60 for PS4 with a free PS5 upgrade. 
    It was something to do with the release of the PS5 and offering an upgrade for PS4 users who then got the PS5. They went back on it and then there was outrage so they kept their promise. Something along those lines. 

    The only advantage of buying the PS5 version was the preload. But otherwise, I've no idea why you'd bother.

    I've been doing the ONS covid test survey thing so I've been getting £25-£50 a month in vouchers so that's been paying for my games. I bought this and Elden Ring with the vouchers so I'm pretty happy! There was also 15% off at Currys on it but that was preorder only it seems. 

    I took advantage of the Currys offer and bought the PS4 version - it arrived today. It comes on TWO discs. I shoved the first disc in and it gave me the card for the PS5 download so I left it downloading.

    I'm going to check later if you can play it with either of the PS4 discs in. If that is the case then you could share a disc with a friend so they can play on PS5 for free! :D
    Nah the game disk will be the one that's needed. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • wibble said:
    DefaultM said:
    I don't understand, it even says on PS Store. £70 for PS5 or £60 for PS4 with a free PS5 upgrade. 
    It was something to do with the release of the PS5 and offering an upgrade for PS4 users who then got the PS5. They went back on it and then there was outrage so they kept their promise. Something along those lines. 

    The only advantage of buying the PS5 version was the preload. But otherwise, I've no idea why you'd bother.

    I've been doing the ONS covid test survey thing so I've been getting £25-£50 a month in vouchers so that's been paying for my games. I bought this and Elden Ring with the vouchers so I'm pretty happy! There was also 15% off at Currys on it but that was preorder only it seems. 

    I took advantage of the Currys offer and bought the PS4 version - it arrived today. It comes on TWO discs. I shoved the first disc in and it gave me the card for the PS5 download so I left it downloading.

    I'm going to check later if you can play it with either of the PS4 discs in. If that is the case then you could share a disc with a friend so they can play on PS5 for free! :D
    Nah the game disk will be the one that's needed. 
    I was about to say the same. One disk is always marked as data whilst the other is marked as the "play" disk
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    Well I'd buy a new car if offered one, but not bloody games!!
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    Well I'd buy a new car if offered one, but not bloody games!!

    There are games I'd genuinely happily for £150 or more for, and still think I got good value. 

    None of them are triple A games... 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10389
    edited February 2022
    I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    Well I'd buy a new car if offered one, but not bloody games!!

    There are games I'd genuinely happily for £150 or more for, and still think I got good value. 

    None of them are triple A games... 
    Yea I mean, I played the recent Diablo 2 remsdter every day for hours for months. Well worth more than £40. 

    Nearly completed Bloodbourne BTW. I think I've missed a whole load of stuff and I prefer to use the weapon I started with most, but definitely getting Elden Ring!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I really want to play Horizon but will wait till it gets a discount. I'm not buying anything for 70 notes on principle (UAE pricing woop woop!!)
    Well I'd buy a new car if offered one, but not bloody games!!

    There are games I'd genuinely happily for £150 or more for, and still think I got good value. 

    None of them are triple A games... 
    Yea I mean, I played the recent Diablo 2 remsdter every day for hours for months. Well worth more than £40. 

    Nearly completed Bloodbourne BTW. I think I've missed a whole load of stuff and I prefer to use the weapon I started with most, but definitely getting Elden Ring!

    That's one of the best things about bloodborne - every weapon and build is completely viable. I'm in a bloodtinge run. Totally viable. Apparently it gets mental OP, but I think all builds do eventually. Haven't played much recently, but I've got time tomorrow morning hopefully... Ps4 is feeling neglected. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I’m sad enough that I preordered Elden Ring on both PS5 and Series X. Such a dork. I’m so excited!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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