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Video Killed the Video Star [A sort of Chappers Story]

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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7220
    he needs to go back to basics, maybe take a leaf out of this guy's book
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • PhiltrePhiltre Frets: 4180
    edited February 2020
    tony99 said:
    he needs to go back to basics, maybe take a leaf out of this guy's book
    Blimey, he looks like an actual human being in that video. When did he turn into a Mammy Nun?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • i remember his first videos for Orange and PRS back in the day and they were great, i was after a PRS at the time and found his stuff on youtube in 2007/8. His production was miles better than anyone else at the time and it was informative. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • i remember his first videos for Orange and PRS back in the day and they were great, i was after a PRS at the time and found his stuff on youtube in 2007/8. His production was miles better than anyone else at the time and it was informative. 
    I bought a Tiny Terror after seeing the very video that @tony 99 linked above. As you said, they were the pick of the bunch at the time 
    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

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  • PC_DavePC_Dave Frets: 3410
    soma1975 said:
    thegummy said:
    the_jaffa said:
    I used to watch Chapper’s videos, then I started to find him a bit irritating so I stopped watching them. 

    Easy as that really
     the one that pops up on basically every channel with a decent number of subscribers that has anything to do with guitar.
    Ariel Posen? 
    He’s your favourite, isn’t he?
    This week's procrastination forum might be moved to sometime next week.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7027
    The Candyman of guitar players. Or Voldemort. 
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
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  • I must admit I find them all pretty irritating nowadays. Posen, Chapman, Mary Spender, that Welsh bloke, that Dutch bloke, Justin, Marty...etc. There is some great music to be found on Youtube – just not on those over familiar channels.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7027
    Yep I have unsubscribed from most of those annoying people now. 

    Now I have the likes of 

    The Riff with Nik Sevigny
    Eric Haugen
    Ross Campbell (who when not shilling something is excellent) 
    Megan L
    Sam Vilo 

    and a few others. 

    Even though they are utterly shameless I can't find it in my heart to unsubscribe from Robert Baker because he is so nice and seems a sweet guy, and Vertex-endorsing RJ Ronquillo because he is such a monster player.
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • there's too much of the same stuff on YT now, in the beginning it was great finding Paul Gilbert videos and iphone demos of stuff you never got to hear. It's inevitable I know, especially with monetisation, but all YT channels now follow the same formula

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    I must admit I find them all pretty irritating nowadays. Posen, Chapman, Mary Spender, that Welsh bloke, that Dutch bloke, Justin, Marty...etc. There is some great music to be found on Youtube – just not on those over familiar channels.
    Youtube in general went downhill when they brought in the monetisation thing. It used to just be people filming themselves and doing exactly what they decided would be good to do so it varied massively and was sometimes really good.

    Then when it became a potential job they were so concerned with getting views that they all just morphed in to the same boring nonsense. They saw that a lot of popular ones were doing this and that so they did it too.

    Youtube stood out at first because it was people making what they wanted to see (so others did too) whereas TV was based on what made the most money which isn't the same as what people actually like. But now people on Youtube are doing things based on what gets the most views.

    Things like giving a list of 5 things ("5 mistakes beginners make on guitar") and clickbait titles that are really psychological tricks that do draw people in but don't actually give people entertainment or pleasure.

    Then there's the "personality" aspect. Used to be you could search Youtube "how to install a guitar nut" (purely theoretical example) and with any luck there would be a video that was purely a demo of how to do that. Now it would be "hey I'm Corey, welcome to Corey's world!" and some fashionably dressed wannabee TV presenter would be detailing his experience with the task instead of just showing how to do it.

    So I think it's just destined that all big Youtube channels will just be the same boring, irritating shit because even if some was to upload a straightforward video with nothing but useful content, it will be overshadowed by all the big money channels who do use all the tricks and tactics.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7027
    Yep, and any of those multitude of videos with titles like




    I just block the channel and hit the 'don't recommend channel' option. 
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • 100% agree

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    soma1975 said:
    Yep, and any of those multitude of videos with titles like




    I just block the channel and hit the 'don't recommend channel' option. 
    Aye the "you've been doing it all wrong" is huge in the clickbait world.

    It's easy to see why some people would fall for it - they spend their lives worrying if they're doing everything right (and assume everyone else knows what they're doing and they're the only ones that don't feel confident) so are desperate to find out if they really have been doing something wrong and how to correct it.

    It's really just exploiting peoples' fears. Makes for a sadder world. A lot of people probably don't even see it as exploitative, they're just so used to a constant barrage of it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I must admit I find them all pretty irritating nowadays. Posen, Chapman, Mary Spender, that Welsh bloke, that Dutch bloke, Justin, Marty...etc. There is some great music to be found on Youtube – just not on those over familiar channels.

    I couldn't agree more - it's all so fucking tiresome... I just don't bother with any of it anymore. Just the same bollocks regurgitated over and over by a bunch of navel gazing nobodies. To be clear however I don't mean to suggest that I don't like the playing of some of the folks it's just the demand/desire for constant/continuous exposure means that ultimately the content becomes banal/repetitive. The thing I despise most I think is the ecosystem that develops; Ariel is with Mary today, Chris invites Justin etc etc. Do me a fucking favour..

    I used to have my Mac on when I practised in the past but I now never turn it on unless there's something specific I need to do. I genuinely want to escape much of the modern world..

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • thegummy said:
    I must admit I find them all pretty irritating nowadays. Posen, Chapman, Mary Spender, that Welsh bloke, that Dutch bloke, Justin, Marty...etc. There is some great music to be found on Youtube – just not on those over familiar channels.
    Youtube in general went downhill when they brought in the monetisation thing. It used to just be people filming themselves and doing exactly what they decided would be good to do so it varied massively and was sometimes really good.

    Then when it became a potential job they were so concerned with getting views that they all just morphed in to the same boring nonsense. They saw that a lot of popular ones were doing this and that so they did it too.

    Youtube stood out at first because it was people making what they wanted to see (so others did too) whereas TV was based on what made the most money which isn't the same as what people actually like. But now people on Youtube are doing things based on what gets the most views.

    Things like giving a list of 5 things ("5 mistakes beginners make on guitar") and clickbait titles that are really psychological tricks that do draw people in but don't actually give people entertainment or pleasure.

    Then there's the "personality" aspect. Used to be you could search Youtube "how to install a guitar nut" (purely theoretical example) and with any luck there would be a video that was purely a demo of how to do that. Now it would be "hey I'm Corey, welcome to Corey's world!" and some fashionably dressed wannabee TV presenter would be detailing his experience with the task instead of just showing how to do it.

    So I think it's just destined that all big Youtube channels will just be the same boring, irritating shit because even if some was to upload a straightforward video with nothing but useful content, it will be overshadowed by all the big money channels who do use all the tricks and tactics.

    A bit like when you're looking for a recipe. No Jemima, I don't care about how you discovered coconut milk is so good for everything or where you first had this dish and how much your husband likes it even though he doesn't usually go for that sort of thing, I just want the f*&%ing recipe!! :lol:
    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • I must admit I find them all pretty irritating nowadays. Posen, Chapman, Mary Spender, that Welsh bloke, that Dutch bloke, Justin, Marty...etc. There is some great music to be found on Youtube – just not on those over familiar channels.
    The thing I despise most I think is the ecosystem that develops; Ariel is with Mary today, Chris invites Justin etc etc. Do me a fucking favour..
    Yes, that is pretty nauseating. Hopefully it is a sign that the genre is eating itself and something different might come along to replace it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    grappagreen said:

    The thing I despise most I think is the ecosystem that develops; Ariel is with Mary today, Chris invites Justin etc etc. Do me a fucking favour..
    That's exactly what I've been saying about Mary Spender. It seems her strategy (or her management's if that's the case, I have no idea) is to find any channel on Youtube that relates to her subject matter and has a decent number of followers and hit them with a "if I feature on your channel I'll bring my followers to you and vice versa" so ends up appearing on so many channels.

    It's sometimes like a satire sketch show, I've seen videos where she isn't even on getting interviewed or anything, she just pops up out of nowhere on completely unrelated videos!

    It just means that it takes away that whole "if you don't like someone just watch something else" idea - I don't like her so I don't watch her channel but I still see her cause she's on every Youtube guitar channel there is.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389

    A bit like when you're looking for a recipe. No Jemima, I don't care about how you discovered coconut milk is so good for everything or where you first had this dish and how much your husband likes it even though he doesn't usually go for that sort of thing, I just want the f*&%ing recipe!! :lol:
    I actually used to watch some cooking stuff in the early youtube days but haven't for a long time, I shudder to think how bad they've become. I suspect that since guitars are such a geeky topic and that has been taken over by "Corey's World" types, cooking could possibly be much worse.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7027
    From online cooking shows it seems nobody knows how to make a burger that doesn't seep everywhere and cover your arm in grease.
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
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  • Yeah, it's a bit like forums, where you always end up with the same old rinse-repeat threads complaining about this company, or that player, or that YouTube channel...

    Oh, wait.

    <space for hire>
    11reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
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