Football - Euro 2020 Championship

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  • GandalphGandalph Frets: 1628
    Gandalph said:
    What a night! 
    Denmark made a hell of a fight of it, they were brave and gave everything but in the end I think the best team won. 
    If Wales, Scotland or Ireland ever made it to a final then as an Englishman I would be supporting them whole heartedly. I get some of the British rivalry to a point but some take it too far. It just comes across as what it is really…pure and simple jealousy.  

    I`ll bite. I always laugh when I see English people wondering why Welsh, Scottish or Irish won't support England. (Loyalists in Northern Ireland probably would seeing as they spend their days wanking over a flag)
    But for jealousy? Why would it be jealousy? England haven't been in a final in 55 years so I'm not sure what there is to be jealous about.
    Booing the anthems (looks like a lot of fans have an issue with taking the knee but not booing anthems), "football's coming home", a sizeable rabble of scumbags in the England support who have been wrecking their way across Europe for the last 50 years, the sense of entitlement that England should at least be in the final of each tournament, the assumption that the rest of the football world must revolve around helping England achieve their "dreams", the assumption that a team like Italy, with pedigree of winning major championships will be too emotional to manage a final against Eng-er-land. (those pesky continentals, you can't rely on them mentally, they can't be trusted). They're just some of the reasons people can't be bothered supporting England. I didn't see many England fans gracious in victory against the Germans last week, so it goes both ways.
    I got England in the work draw, so I want my prize, so England for the win. 
    Fair enough, my post stated that I didn’t get the British rivalry. I wasn’t specific about it being just against England but can see how it could have been interpreted that way after last night.
    In 1988 when the Republic of Ireland beat England I wasn’t overly upset about it.
    I’m a Liverpool fan and as a kid was just glad Ray Houghton scored. 
    I get and like a bit of genuine light hearted rivalry but hate the tribalism and meat headed thuggery that can be seen between the home nations, some premier league clubs, etc. Regardless of which team/set of fans are displaying it. I’m pretty sure most countries have it and it puts me off football even though I still love the actual game. I just find the tribalistic hatred side of it a bit sad and pathetic really. 

    I don’t just like one team to the point where I want all others to fail. I was trying to get that point across, rather than have a dig at anyone else in particular. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • SimonhSimonh Frets: 1360
    So apparently as it turns out the Denmark goal should have been ruled out as their players were too close to the England wall.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • russpmrusspm Frets: 446
    Simonh said:
    So apparently as it turns out the Denmark goal should have been ruled out as their players were too close to the England wall.
    Interesting Pickford definitely saw the ball very late.
    I don’t think anyone can argue the best team went through.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SimonhSimonh Frets: 1360
    I think it goes to show the ref had a poor game all round tbh and has been said earlier in the thread, swings and roundabouts it all evens itself out.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7440
    Why do people think it wasn't a penalty? I watched it on youtube and he seemed like he was going to be able to have a chance to score or pass to someone else to score, and then he seemed to get shoved over. Is it that it was accidental rather than intentional?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SimonhSimonh Frets: 1360
    The problem is that the "shove" was a very light touch and he probably could have stayed on his feet if he had tried to.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • rze99rze99 Frets: 2410

    Mr Southgate - I applaud you.

    A leader and a gentleman.

    How I wish there was even one person even remotely as high integrity as him in the Cabinet.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • sev112sev112 Frets: 2867
    Simonh said:
    So apparently as it turns out the Denmark goal should have been ruled out as their players were too close to the England wall.
    Even after they have moved they are still at least a yard away (further from goal line)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • sev112sev112 Frets: 2867
    A large proportion of the English population are just having a great few weeks

    a much smaller proportion are dicks

    the media hype up ever story about whoever and whatever will give them the word count they need to type and sell media

    however, as per another point on another thread, it pisses me off when people treat all English football enjoyers as all dicks, all arrogant, etc.  It is so last century and it’s an easy crap comment to make and it is poor.

    Seriously who cares if (the Italian and English) supporters are overwhelmed with happiness, bonhomie and hope after the last year and a half we have had.
    Same goes for whoever does well in whatever the next sporting competition is.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7440
    Simonh said:
    The problem is that the "shove" was a very light touch and he probably could have stayed on his feet if he had tried to.
    Haha I'd probably get on well with him, my wife says even if I stub my toe I throw myself on the floor.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16453
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    Just to stop the possibility of the ball being kicked under the wall ( assuming everyone jumps up). Must have happened at some point and someone worked this out as a fix. 

    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23789
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    Just to stop the possibility of the ball being kicked under the wall ( assuming everyone jumps up). Must have happened at some point and someone worked this out as a fix. 

    They've been doing the same in the Premier League and the EFL this season.  Probably elsewhere in the world as well.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16453
    Philly_Q said:
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    Just to stop the possibility of the ball being kicked under the wall ( assuming everyone jumps up). Must have happened at some point and someone worked this out as a fix. 

    They've been doing the same in the Premier League and the EFL this season.  Probably elsewhere in the world as well.
    Struggling to remember where I saw it first but not in the Premier League and England don't always do it ( although poor Jack Grealish always seems to have to do the lying down bit). 

    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DB1DB1 Frets: 5031
    Philly_Q said:
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    Just to stop the possibility of the ball being kicked under the wall ( assuming everyone jumps up). Must have happened at some point and someone worked this out as a fix. 

    They've been doing the same in the Premier League and the EFL this season.  Probably elsewhere in the world as well.
    Struggling to remember where I saw it first but not in the Premier League and England don't always do it ( although poor Jack Grealish always seems to have to do the lying down bit). 

    He's used to it, to be fair.  *

    * Blues fan here.   ;)
    Call me Dave.
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Think it's ironic some of the same fans saying the penalty was soft are the same ones who rant and rave about how brilliant Jack Grealish is for "winning" so many free kicks in the Prem.
    Just so people are aware. I have no idea what any of these words mean.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RockerRocker Frets: 5042
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    It allows the 'wall' to jump as one without leaving the option of a daisy cutter into the goal.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

    Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7835
    Think it's ironic some of the same fans saying the penalty was soft are the same ones who rant and rave about how brilliant Jack Grealish is for "winning" so many free kicks in the Prem.
    Jack Grealish is extremely good at drawing a free kick. It's not quite the same. He is basically able to make the defender make a clumsy challenge and often the foul is clear and obvious. There is far less deception.

    Sterling's penalty was more opportunistic and a classic crumpling under minimal contact, it's a more deceptive art and designed to con the ref. It works for him because he travels at speed and often the foul looks "right"

    At least that's how I see it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7440
    Rocker said:
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    It allows the 'wall' to jump as one without leaving the option of a daisy cutter into the goal.
    What if it smashes them straight in the face? 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19524
    DefaultM said:
    Rocker said:
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    It allows the 'wall' to jump as one without leaving the option of a daisy cutter into the goal.
    What if it smashes them straight in the face? 
    Err.. they have their backs to the ball  ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7965
    DefaultM said:
    Rocker said:
    dano said:
    Something I've noticed in this Euros, when there is a free kick why does one of the defender lie down on the grass behind the wall ? 
    It allows the 'wall' to jump as one without leaving the option of a daisy cutter into the goal.
    What if it smashes them straight in the face? 
    Err.. they have their backs to the ball  ;)
    Doesn't always help... 

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