Labour MP Shot and Stabbed!!

What's Hot


  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    edited June 2016
    jonnyburgo;1113789" said:
    Sad news indeed, another mental health patient slips the net. It is difficult to constantly asses the mental health of somebody if they arent engaging in the process, which might or might not have been the case here. Thing is you cant just lock somebody up because they "might" harm someone else or they've consistently missed appointments.
    Edit: nevermind.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 
    I did see that article, notice Guardian didn't open the comments section for it!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    eSully said:
    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 
    I did see that article, notice Guardian didn't open the comments section for it!
    I'm not surprised.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    chillidoggy said:
    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 
    Sambo and sensitivity don't go together.

    Good old Polly .. never misses a chance to have a poke Farage and Gove although this time she has a point about dog whistle politics. Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    Bucket;1113760" said:
    Fortheloveofguitar said:Clearly not as you've made the effort to come on and abuse another member

    I didn't come here with the intention of abusing another member. I came on here as I usually do, to kill time, and then I see what he's posted (after he'd already been called out) and felt sufficiently moved to write what I did. I stand behind it. Call it abuse if you want, but I don't see that what I've said is anywhere near the same league as the hateful tripe he posted.

    If you act like a cunt, don't be surprised if someone calls you one.

    Hardly hateful tripe but a man with a valid opinion that wasn't put across in a constructive manner given the delicate nature of the incident being discussed

    I could see past the phrasing of the initial comment and read into what point he was actually trying to make but most including yourself decide to play the offence card and take it at face value which surprises me as we seem to have so many self proclaimed intellectuals within these four walls or maybe they're really just pseudo intellectuals?

    Easy opportunity for some shit slinging by then abusing him and when he fights back he gets banned under Rule 2. Why the fuck aren't you being banned under rule 2 for calling him
    a cunt?

    You don't have to care but dropping in to say "just here to say I don't care" is a bit weird. Even if that is your opinion.
    Reminds me of this in fact
    8reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
    edited June 2016
    Loads of nut jobs on Twitter claiming it is a liberal/Muslim false flag. 
    I despair.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    octatonic;1113921" said:
    Loads of nut jobs on Twitter claiming it is a liberal/Muslim false flag.

    I despair.
    People whose IQ is lower than their shoe size. Idiots.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7834

    octatonic said:
    Loads of nut jobs on Twitter claiming it is a liberal/Muslim false flag. I despair.
    Yep, it's pretty awful.

    Of course, I've already had the Americans on my FB feed - "See? Told you gun restrictions don't work!". I couldn't even summon the energy to explain it, so I just unfriended them. It's surprising how effective that is.
    I just don't get how some people reach their conclusions. Is the human race for ever going to be largely moronic? 

    Even this thread about the tragedy got reduced to pathetic name calling.  It's all very depressing.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • rsvmark;1113783" said:
    @bucket wise beyond years. Sorry but but fuck off- there is no excuse, no matter how fucking intellectually you want to position it , for what happened. None. End of. 
    Fretwired;1113914" said:
    chillidoggy said:

    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 

    Sambo and sensitivity don't go together.

    Good old Polly .. never misses a chance to have a poke Farage and Gove although this time she has a point about dog whistle politics. Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.
    Plenty of white people in that Farage poster
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    rsvmark;1113783" said:
    @bucket wise beyond years. Sorry but but fuck off- there is no excuse, no matter how fucking intellectually you want to position it , for what happened. None. End of. 
    Fretwired;1113914" said:
    chillidoggy said:

    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 

    Sambo and sensitivity don't go together.

    Good old Polly .. never misses a chance to have a poke Farage and Gove although this time she has a point about dog whistle politics. Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.
    Plenty of white people in that Farage poster
    The picture is of thousands of refugees crossing into Slovenia from Croatia during the height of the migrant crisis in October 2015. It has nothing whatsoever to do with EU migration. And if you check the original Farage's marketing people have airbrushed out a white face .. check the Huff post images.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • 4114Effects4114Effects Frets: 3131
    tFB Trader
    Alarming number of my American friends using this shooting to try and defend their gun laws ... "how's the gun ban working out for you, UK" and similar statements are now popping up. 

    I don't understand how they can't see the difference between a one-off premeditated murder and someone going into a nightclub and killing 50 people at random ... 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8502
    That one's easy to bat away though.

    - If we had easy access to guns and a gun culture like the US's, this sort of thing would happen much more frequently. The statistics are clear in this regard.

    - If more people carried guns, the murderer would still have been able to kill Joe Cox except that then he'd have been shot and killed by a passing vigilante in the name of self defence, hence robbing the victim's family and public at large from any hope of seeing even handed justice done.

    I'm a pretty open minded fellow, but I can't help but feel that those in favour of the right of the general public to carry guns are either stupid, brainwashed or somehow deranged. And to use this event to argue that position is remarkably callous.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • LevLev Frets: 228
    Alarming number of my American friends using this shooting to try and defend their gun laws ... "how's the gun ban working out for you, UK" and similar statements are now popping up. 

    I don't understand how they can't see the difference between a one-off premeditated murder and someone going into a nightclub and killing 50 people at random ... 
    If this nutter had of had an automatic assault rifle there's no telling how many people he could have killed. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7834
    Lev said:
    Alarming number of my American friends using this shooting to try and defend their gun laws ... "how's the gun ban working out for you, UK" and similar statements are now popping up. 

    I don't understand how they can't see the difference between a one-off premeditated murder and someone going into a nightclub and killing 50 people at random ... 
    If this nutter had of had an automatic assault rifle there's no telling how many people he could have killed. 
    Yes, the correct response is:
    Our nutter killed 1 and injured 1 and was arrested. Yours killed 50 and injured 50 and was shot.
    who has the better gun laws?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • Fretwired;1113955" said:
    Fortheloveofguitar said:

    rsvmark;1113783" said:@bucket wise beyond years. Sorry but but fuck off- there is no excuse, no matter how fucking intellectually you want to position it , for what happened. None. End of. 

    CFretwired;1113914" said:chillidoggy said:

    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 

    Sambo and sensitivity don't go together.

    Good old Polly .. never misses a chance to have a poke Farage and Gove although this time she has a point about dog whistle politics. Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.

    Plenty of white people in that Farage poster

    The picture is of thousands of refugees crossing into Slovenia from Croatia during the height of the migrant crisis in October 2015. It has nothing whatsoever to do with EU migration. And if you check the original Farage's marketing people have airbrushed out a white face .. check the Huff post images.

    I've got a comeback for this but I'm not going to waste my breath anymore on the subject

    I'm voting to leave and I've quite frankly had enough of the whole fucking debate now and will be glad when it's over

    I've ditched friends over the whole thing with people i know turning into complete and utter cunts because I don't agree with them yet I'm more than happy to accept their arguments even if I don't agree with them at all

    The same has happened on here too

    2reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    edited June 2016
    Lev said:
    Alarming number of my American friends using this shooting to try and defend their gun laws ... "how's the gun ban working out for you, UK" and similar statements are now popping up. 

    I don't understand how they can't see the difference between a one-off premeditated murder and someone going into a nightclub and killing 50 people at random ... 
    If this nutter had of had an automatic assault rifle there's no telling how many people he could have killed. 
    Yes, the correct response is:
    Our nutter killed 1 and injured 1 and was arrested. Yours killed 50 and injured 50 and was shot.
    who has the better gun laws?
    I saw a news report once about american senior police offices travelling over here to take lessons in how to manage a threat without just annihilating everyone in the nearby vicinity. I do have a lot of respect for our police that they see an armed murderous nutter and rugby tackle him to the ground.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137

    Sad, isn't it?

    If my friends and acquaintances want to vote for a specific political party, then that's their choice, and so it is for this referendum. I don't hold it against them, each to his own.

    Same on this forum, you want to vote either way, then that's your choice, and I for one won't be calling you out on it, that's not my way.

    I have a very old mate who is right now in an absolutely furious Facebook ranting match with one of his oldest, and best mates. I've never seen him so wound up before, and their friendship will forever be damaged by their exchanges of fires.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggy;1114105" said:
    Sad, isn't it?If my friends and acquaintances want to vote for a specific political party, then that's their choice, and so it is for this referendum. I don't hold it against them, each to his own.Same on this forum, you want to vote either way, then that's your choice, and I for one won't be calling you out on it, that's not my way.I have a very old mate who is right now in an absolutely furious Facebook ranting match with one of his oldest, and best mates. I've never seen him so wound up before, and their friendship will forever be damaged by their exchanges of fires.
    It's depressing that this is happening but I guess it's people showing their true colours

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10412
    edited June 2016

    Sad, isn't it?

    If my friends and acquaintances want to vote for a specific political party, then that's their choice, and so it is for this referendum. I don't hold it against them, each to his own.

    Same on this forum, you want to vote either way, then that's your choice, and I for one won't be calling you out on it, that's not my way.

    I have a very old mate who is right now in an absolutely furious Facebook ranting match with one of his oldest, and best mates. I've never seen him so wound up before, and their friendship will forever be damaged by their exchanges of fires.

    Kind of wish my friends had that kind of passion.I honestly can't see even half of them bothering to vote because they're genuinely just can't be arsed.

    Saying that though,it's not been a hot topic of conversation so I may be wrong.

    I have,enjoyed reading the differing views on here and like the way it's kept (mostly).respectful.
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7834
    Fretwired;1113955" said:
    Fortheloveofguitar said:

    rsvmark;1113783" said:@bucket wise beyond years. Sorry but but fuck off- there is no excuse, no matter how fucking intellectually you want to position it , for what happened. None. End of. 

    CFretwired;1113914" said:chillidoggy said:

    I've just logged on, and not been party to the Sambo rants, apart from snippets. Seems to me that I understand what he was saying in his own inimitable style, although perhaps it could have been worded with a bit more sensitivity....

    And in The Grauniad, Polly Toynbee is on fine form, pretty much blaming the leave campaign for the murder. 

    Sambo and sensitivity don't go together.

    Good old Polly .. never misses a chance to have a poke Farage and Gove although this time she has a point about dog whistle politics. Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.

    Plenty of white people in that Farage poster

    The picture is of thousands of refugees crossing into Slovenia from Croatia during the height of the migrant crisis in October 2015. It has nothing whatsoever to do with EU migration. And if you check the original Farage's marketing people have airbrushed out a white face .. check the Huff post images.

    I've got a comeback for this but I'm not going to waste my breath anymore on the subject

    I'm voting to leave and I've quite frankly had enough of the whole fucking debate now and will be glad when it's over

    I've ditched friends over the whole thing with people i know turning into complete and utter cunts because I don't agree with them yet I'm more than happy to accept their arguments even if I don't agree with them at all

    The same has happened on here too

    To be fair, this is probably the biggest vote offered to the public in my lifetime. I'd much rather people were passionate about it than apathetic, in either direction. I just wish the arguments could have been better presented, genuinely informative and without the vitriol that both sides have spouted.

    I'm not voting as I've not lived or paid TAX in the UK for 10 years. As someone who feels European rather than English I would be voting in, but nearly all of my family are voting out. 

    Interestingly nearly all my English friends will vote in. Nearly all my European friends would vote out if given the chance. 
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
This discussion has been closed.