Labour MP Shot and Stabbed!!

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  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    edited June 2016
    Fretwired said:
    Farage's new poster is just offensive - apparently the police will be paying him a visit.

    I saw it, pretty disgusting. Disarmingly similar to Nazi propaganda... and people accuse Remain of scaremongering.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11440
    Having read Polly Toynbee's article I find it to be a particularly loathsome example of her "work".
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:
    "Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  

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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Ro_S said:
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:
    "Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  

    No evidence it's anything to do with the referendum. Looks like the killer has been visiting US white supremacist sites rather than Britain First. He bought a book on how to make a gun .. Jo Cox was head of a cross-party committee trying to help Syrian refugees and bring children into the UK. It could be to do with her work in Syria ..

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    jonnyburgo;1113789" said:
    Sad news indeed, another mental health patient slips the net. It is difficult to constantly asses the mental health of somebody if they arent engaging in the process, which might or might not have been the case here. Thing is you cant just lock somebody up because they "might" harm someone else or they've consistently missed appointments.
    As far as I know Sambostar hasn't been locked up - just put in the cooler...
    Previously known as stevebrum
    7reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    Cirrus;1113999" said:

    - If more people carried guns, the murderer would still have been able to kill Joe Cox except that then he'd have been shot and killed by a passing vigilante in the name of self defence, hence robbing the victim's family and public at large from any hope of seeing even handed justice done.

    I'm a pretty open minded fellow, but I can't help but feel that those in favour of the right of the general public to carry guns are either stupid, brainwashed or somehow deranged. And to use this event to argue that position is remarkably callous.
    I don't advocate guns and I can't add any more words about this terrible episode but would like to pick up on your comment about even handed justice.

    If he had been apprehended and killed that would be even handed justice in my mind.

    As her husband it would save me the mental torture of deciding to kill the cunt myself or be there to bring up my kids.

    It's not that black and white is my point I guess. I don't believe the legal system is set up to deliver even handed justice.
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Iamnobody said:
    Cirrus;1113999" said:

    - If more people carried guns, the murderer would still have been able to kill Joe Cox except that then he'd have been shot and killed by a passing vigilante in the name of self defence, hence robbing the victim's family and public at large from any hope of seeing even handed justice done.

    I'm a pretty open minded fellow, but I can't help but feel that those in favour of the right of the general public to carry guns are either stupid, brainwashed or somehow deranged. And to use this event to argue that position is remarkably callous.
    I don't advocate guns and I can't add any more words about this terrible episode but would like to pick up on your comment about even handed justice.

    If he had been apprehended and killed that would be even handed justice in my mind.

    As her husband it would save me the mental torture of deciding to kill the cunt myself or be there to bring up my kids.

    It's not that black and white is my point I guess. I don't believe the legal system is set up to deliver even handed justice.
    Aye I'd go along with that. 

    If someone did that to my Mrs, I'd want them dead. Forget about mental illness or whatever.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    Fretwired said:
    Ro_S said:
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:
    "Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  

    No evidence it's anything to do with the referendum. Looks like the killer has been visiting US white supremacist sites rather than Britain First. He bought a book on how to make a gun .. Jo Cox was head of a cross-party committee trying to help Syrian refugees and bring children into the UK. It could be to do with her work in Syria ..

    You are misunderstanding my point.

    There are supposed reports that the attacker said ''put Britain first' or something, although other eyewitness report no such thing.   The implication would be that he was anti-EU and a Brexit person.

    Pretty much regardless, the Remain campaign can still cynically spin this for their purposes.

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  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8502
    edited June 2016
    I absolutely don't want to get into a heated debate about that aspect of it or the morality of or what constitutes justice on this thread, and I totally take both your points on board. I suppose my own view is that for it to be fair and widely accepted by all corners of society, it's better if it's carried out by people who on paper are removed emotionally/ personally from the people involved in the incident, and that it's the result of considered deliberation of all the facts rather than a heat of the moment decision. If my fiancee was killed for example, I'd absolutely want to kill the person who did it no matter what their motivation. That would be an act of emotion and vengeance rather than one of logic and justice, I think, and one of the reasons I'm glad most people don't have guns in this country.

    I agree it's not black and white, they are always shades of grey, but if you'll forgive my idealism, that's my view on the matter.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4952

    Sad, isn't it?

    If my friends and acquaintances want to vote for a specific political party, then that's their choice, and so it is for this referendum. I don't hold it against them, each to his own.

    Same on this forum, you want to vote either way, then that's your choice, and I for one won't be calling you out on it, that's not my way.

    I have a very old mate who is right now in an absolutely furious Facebook ranting match with one of his oldest, and best mates. I've never seen him so wound up before, and their friendship will forever be damaged by their exchanges of fires.

    I'll be glad when the whole sorry mess is over and done with, whatever the outcome.

    I've never in my whole life known such a vitriolic exchange of opposing views, and I f ear you are right about friendships being forever damaged.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Cirrus said:
    I absolutely don't want to get into a heated debate about that aspect of it or the morality of or what constitutes justice on this thread, and I totally take both your points on board. I suppose my own view is that for it to be fair and widely accepted by all corners of society, it's better if it's carried out by people who on paper are removed emotionally/ personally from the people involved in the incident, and that it's the result of considered deliberation of all the facts rather than a heat of the moment decision. If my fiancee was killed for example, I'd absolutely want to kill the person who did it no matter what their motivation. That would be an act of emotion and vengeance rather than one of logic and justice, I think, and one of the reasons I'm glad most people don't have guns in this country.

    I agree it's not black and white, they are always shades of grey, but if you'll forgive my idealism, that's my view on the matter.
    It's a tough one isn't it?

    I think we've got the balance a bit wrong away from the victims in dealing with crime personally, sentencing seems low for some crimes and too high for others-rapes and violent crimes getting low tariffs IMO with some crimes involving money and property being too high.

    I'd like victims and/or their families to be given a better voice in what they want to happen to criminals in all crimes, but personally, for me if you kill somebody, I think you deserve to be killed.

    I'm not sure that criminals (in particular murderers) should be judged by wider society who has no idea how their crimes hurt those involved.

    I agree that it't a good thing that there aren't more guns in society.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Ro_S said:

    You are misunderstanding my point.

    There are supposed reports that the attacker said ''put Britain first' or something, although other eyewitness report no such thing.   The implication would be that he was anti-EU and a Brexit person.

    Pretty much regardless, the Remain campaign can still cynically spin this for their purposes.

    I got your point but I doubt they'd be that dumb until the facts are known. I also bet the police may drag their feet information wise until the referendum is over.

    However, Britain First is an anti-Islam party. The majority of EU migrants are white, Christian and speak English and come from eastern Europe. Britain First has links to far right groups in other parts of Europe. If he's a British First member it's more likely to do with Islam and Jo's work to get refugees into the UK. The group states 'The only people we “hate” are the white left-wing politicians and journalists who are wrecking our beautiful country' which might be a clue.

    I could be spouting bollocks ..

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3675
    I think we can be pretty sure that he's a rascist piece of sh*t. Whether he is also mentally ill (although I'm not entirely suer you can separate the two) is yet to be revealed. Report here that he bought a gun-making manual from a far-right Nazi group as well as reading material and manuals related to weapons, explosives and incendiaries. He also bought "Ich Kampfe" which was given to all paramilitary organisations in the Nazi regime:
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GarthyGarthy Frets: 2268
    Ro_S said:
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:
    "Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  

    The Guardian has:

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    Ro_S;1114278" said:
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:"Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  
    No, but it seems fairly clear that you're utterly desperate for them to do so so that you can score points against them.

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 31963
    Ro_S said:
    Have the Remain campaigners started to exploit the death of this 'martyr' yet for their purposes?

    Is there there a facebook or twitter campaign yet along thew lines of:
    "Vote Remain.  That's what Jo Cox would've done.  Vote Remain for Jo.  The kind, selfless humanitarian mother of two young children."  

    No, but you have, in a perverse way.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    edited June 2016
    e; wrong thread
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BogwhoppitBogwhoppit Frets: 2754

    I've only one thing to say on this matter.

    If my wife was the victim in this case, we has a family would struggle having this replayed minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day by an inconsiderate and to be brutally honest- a cruel media. For gods sake, cant the media leave this family alone.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Bogwhoppit;1114517" said:
    I've only one thing to say on this matter.

    If my wife was the victim in this case, we has a family would struggle having this replayed minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day by an inconsiderate and to be brutally honest- a cruel media. For gods sake, cant the media leave this family alone.
    I agree to a certain extent, but can't imagine they're at home with 24/7 news on and trawling Internet news sites.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited June 2016
    No referendum campaigning.  Suspended.  Parliament re-called for Monday.  What a joke!!!  Grrrr!   We have a very important referendum less than week away!!
    No wonder theTory govt and the Labour PLP has agreed to recall parliament.   The Remain campaigning MPs are really gonna milk this to their advantage.

    It's gonna get to advocating  that people should vote Remain in her memory and in respect of her.  She was so kind and wonderful. Jo was good.  Voting Remain is good.


    Grrr!!!   This makes me p@ssed off.

    "the Yorkshire Rose".  anyone remember ''the queen of hearts"?
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