What films have you watched recently?

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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    I'm currently watching Thor 2. Enjoying so far. Would have liked it more in the cinema I think.
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3413
    edited February 2014
    Well, Gravity and 12 Years a Slave cleaned up at the BAFTAS last night.
    Shame Roger Lloyd Pack wasn't mentioned amongst those in the industry who'd past away in the last year. I thought it was because he was solely a TV and theatre actor but a quick check showed he'd done films too- Harry Potter, Tinker Tailor, Fiddler on the roof etc...
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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1506
    Kebabkid said:
    Well, Gravity and 12 Years a Slave cleaned up at the BAFTAS last night.
    Shame Roger Lloyd Pack wasn't mentioned amongst those in the industry who'd past away in the last year. I thought it was because he was solely a TV and theatre actor but a quick check showed he'd done films too- Harry Potter, Tinker Tailor, Fiddler on the roof etc...
    Didn't really think about it at the time, but yes, very sad he wasn't acknowledged. 

    Haven't seen 12 Years a Slave, so I can't comment, but I was shocked that Gravity got so many awards. It was OK, and visually stunning, but there were many better films this year. Wolf of Wall Street being one of them.

    As a side note, Leo DiCaprio appears to be the nicest bloke in Hollywood. Lost out to bloke's name I can't spell from 12 Years in best Actor, and was just about the only guy who gave him a standing ovation in congratulation. Always used to think he was a bit of a bell (probably due to Titanic), but seems like a legit nice guy.

    Also, was good to see the Somalian chap get best supporting actor for Saving Tom Hanks from Castaway. 

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  • FazerFazer Frets: 488
    ok, you'll love these, been watching some late 1960s eastern block black and white epics:

    The Red And The White is a hungarian/soviet anti-war film based at the time of the revolution, its similar in a way to alan clarkes 1989 elephant in that its an endless series of reprisal killings, but set in a beautiful country landscape with long sweeping takes and wideangle cinematography

    Valley Of The Bees is czech and set in the late middle ages, its about religeous fundamentalism and repression and has really striking moments that stay with you.
    it has tremendous resonance with the rise of all this recent fundamentalism and the madness that the repression creates

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  • Endured the Lego Movie with the kids at the weekend, a few moments of genuis but mainly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (I suppose at 40 I'm not really their target audience).

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  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2228
    I've seen a fair few lately, try to go at least once a week. So far Dallas Buyers, American Hustle, Wolf, 12 years, Jack Ryan, Out of the Furnace, Gravity, Lego and Robocop.
    Robocop wasn't as bad as I was expecting so that was a relief. Lego had some amusing moments in, but Dallas Buyers and 12 years are definitely my favourites for the year. Trying to figure out what to watch this week, a lot of soppy crap showing at the moment. The only interesting film looks like Her. hmm
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
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  • IanSavageIanSavage Frets: 1319
    Finally got around to watching The Woman In Black at the weekend - really good, old-school scary (how it's rated '12' I've no idea, couple of proper nightmare-inviting moments).

    Apart from that, mostly kids' films with the new g/f and her daughter - The Spiderwick Chronicles is rather good, not so much 'Monster High'.
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Her is worth seeing.
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  • Endured the Lego Movie with the kids at the weekend, a few moments of genuis but mainly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (I suppose at 40 I'm not really their target audience).

    Ditto that. And #bertie Filth; I'd agree with your review. I love Welsh, the book and McAvoy but I had serious doubts of that being filmable. Not a bad effort at all.
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  • The Hoax with Richard Gere. Just off the beeb the other night. Quite interesting.

    Part way through The Life of Riley. Too many talking heads. Not enough BB playing the guitar.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • Just seen Captain Phillips. Very good. Amazing that the solmalian captain had never acted before and just turned up to an open audition.
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  • "The Adjustment Bureau", with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.

    Sci-fi chewing gum for the eyes. A waste of a good actor.

    Watched this last night after recording it over Xmas. Enjoyable, very well acted...but somewhat slight. Didn't know much about it before I watched it, but when it said at the end that it was based on a Philip K Dick short story, I wasn't surprised - definitely had the air of "short story spread too thinly" about it.

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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4099
    Fazer said:
    Valley Of The Bees is czech and set in the late middle ages, its about religeous fundamentalism and repression and has really striking moments that stay with you.
    it has tremendous resonance with the rise of all this recent fundamentalism and the madness that the repression creates

    @Fazer Sounds like the sort of thing I might enjoy, cheers for the heads up.  I've had a long hiatus from watching films and part of the reason is I've just been watching the wrong sort!

    Not really a film, more a film-length documentary, I watched "Being In The World" last night, an exploration of Heidegger's "Being & Time".  I know it won't appeal to many but I liked it a lot.
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  • Bridesmaids.
    Anything funny was over and done in about the first 45 minutes. I might have a Google for a feminist analysis. As I see it feminist pros are main character female, majority of other characters female, demonstrates men using women as sex objects generally bad. Feminist cons are pretty much all the women largely judge their own worth in terms of relationships with men ( only mention of lesbianism was negative)and the only 'self made' woman was effectively a joke character, but even she seemed largely obsessed with trying to create a heterosexual relationship. 

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 
    Fairly sure this would come out even worse in feminist analysis. As a film really quite dull for stretches and quite silly in others. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    I would have sex with Kristen Wiig.
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  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2228
    Anything funny was over and done in about the first 45 minutes. I might have a Google for a feminist analysis. As I see it feminist pros are main character female, majority of other characters female, demonstrates men using women as sex objects generally bad. Feminist cons are pretty much all the women largely judge their own worth in terms of relationships with men ( only mention of lesbianism was negative)and the only 'self made' woman was effectively a joke character, but even she seemed largely obsessed with trying to create a heterosexual relationship. 

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 
    Fairly sure this would come out even worse in feminist analysis. As a film really quite dull for stretches and quite silly in others. 
    See when I watched Bridesmaids, to me it was just the Hangover with women. Sadly I didn't make it to the flicks last week, nothing really worth seeing, I may go and see Her on Sunday. A lot of Rom com crap on at the moment, the Godzilla trailer was very good though :D That should be suitably epic. (fingers crossed)
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
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  • Oh Yeh, it was the Hangover with women. Still, Google did bring up a lot on feminist perspectives on it in the end.

    Next, Eric's post Marxist review of Ted... :(|)
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited February 2014
    How about an existentialist and/or phenomenology slanted review of Frozen, or Gravity @EricTheWeary.

    That would beat film 2014 reviews for me, although she is slightly better looking than you. 
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  • johnnyurq;173694" said:
    How about an existentialist and/or phenomenology slanted review of Frozen, or Gravity @EricThe Weary.

    That would beat film 2014 reviews for me, although she is slightly better looking than you.  ;)
    and she was funny on the Last Leg messing about with eye liner.

    Goes away to look up ' phenomenology'...
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • IanSavageIanSavage Frets: 1319
    Watched 'Iron Sky' during a 'screw it, this might be so awful it's great' evening. We were exactly right :p Nazis on the moon wanting to invade Earth was part of the blurb, and if that sounds fun to you you'll love it...
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