A white coffee please.

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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16398
    Obviously to follow the macaroni stuffed meatloaf a slice of pumple cake - that's pumpkin pie and apple pie baked inside chocolate and vanilla sponges.
    By the gods!!
    I saw them making one on some tv programme, I remember that they said it weighed fifteen pounds.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137

    'What do you do?'

    'I'm a Barista'

    'Never knew you practiced law.'

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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    edited June 2016
    I'm enjoying the strength of feeling on this.

    Just to gauge the mood - is it similarly poncy to call "pasta with mince" Spaghetti Bolognese or is that OK? And can I get away with Chilli Con Carne or do I need to say "spicy meat with rice"?

    Asking for a friend ;-)
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HAL9000HAL9000 Frets: 9829
    Dominic;1117851" said:
    Even sadder is the way Europeans have submitted so silently and willingly into becoming the 53rd State of U.S.A.
    As a matter of interest, what do you consider to be the 51st and 52nd states?

    I play guitar because I enjoy it rather than because I’m any good at it
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    Apathy and Denial?
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16293
    edited June 2016
    Alaska and Hawai are 49 and 50 -I thought Puerto Rico and District of Columbia were 51 and 52 but apparently ,after googling,they were discontinued as states after referendum but I'm still not sure about Guam and American Samoa 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    They've never been states, though it's often discussed if they should be and PR (at least) is likely to become one eventually.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • hobbiohobbio Frets: 3440

    I don't give a shit about coffee menus. It's not that fucking hard!

    When I go to Maccy D, I order a Big Mac and fries, when I go to the shit in a tray merchant after the pub I order burger and chips. At work I'll ask for a white coffee if someone offers, in Starbucks I order a grande white chocolate mocha with cream and a vanilla shot.

     Horses for courses.

    electric proddy probe machine

    My trading feedback thread


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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16967
    Some macdonalds do a decent cup of coffee, at least in the costa/starbucks burnt to shit sense of the word. Having said that, I have also had some terrible ones at service stations.

    I sometimes pop in for an eye peeler on a Friday morning. I have never had any issues asking them for either a white or black coffee.

    The truth is every bugger here will be fussy about how they drink their tea or coffee. Ask someone how they like their drink and wait for the very specific instructions on sugar and milk quantity. The Italian styles let you specify pretty accurately how you like it. Nice to have options ain't it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    No, it's confusing for old gits like me!

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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16967
    chillidoggy;1118493" said:
    No, it's confusing for old gits like me!

    Ask them which they would recommend for a grumpy old git that just wants a normal coffee
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PC_DavePC_Dave Frets: 3410
    Chalky;1118582" said:
    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?
    Julie Andrews or a Whoopi Goldberg :)
    This week's procrastination forum might be moved to sometime next week.
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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    Chalky said:
    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?
    Yeah but it seems to me that it's the other way round. People are going into shops and asking for something that's not on the menu then getting grumpy when the staff aren't sure what to give them.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171

    If they've got the kit and aptitude I'd ask for a double macchiato.

    Otherwise white-two-sugars-please has a good chance of being answered with something gluggable.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3826
    I don't have any problem asking for a classic coffee-based drink in the language of the people who invented such a drink.

    What I hate i are the mocha-frappa-skinny-caracino concoctions which Starbucks is mostly responsible for. Stupid names and largely disappointing.

    As an aside, there is (or was) a Spanish restaurant in the Lanes in Brighton, and my Spanish spouse and I had to explain to them what a cafe con hielo was, and could we please have 2. WTF.
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    Chalky;1118582" said:
    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?
    It's not the same thing at all.

    All these coffee places serve coffee "Italian style". They have specific menus, and the coffees on the menu have specific recipes. If you ask for "white coffee" you're technically going off menu so it's hardly surprising that some jobsworths don't know how go handle that without fuss.

    It's a bit annoying but hardly worthy of the ranting it seems to have inspired. Restaurants and cafés serve things differently to how people do it at home? Big deal!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    LastMantra;1118591" said:
    Chalky said:

    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?

    Yeah but it seems to me that it's the other way round. People are going into shops and asking for something that's not on the menu then getting grumpy when the staff aren't sure what to give them.
    Which would make sense if the something they asked for was unfamiliar - but a white coffee is ver familiar to them.

    The underlying problem is often contextual psychology in action. In McD's teenagers will ask "Can I GET FRIES with that and yet at home those same teenagers will ask "Can I HAVE CHIPS please". In a restaurant they will then say "Can I HAVE FRIES please". The context not only changes the noun, which might be expected, but also the verb, indeed often the phrasing and intonation. Such people find context to be very dominant over their thinking.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16398
    Chalky said:
    LastMantra;1118591" said:
    Chalky said:

    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?

    Yeah but it seems to me that it's the other way round. People are going into shops and asking for something that's not on the menu then getting grumpy when the staff aren't sure what to give them.
    Which would make sense if the something they asked for was unfamiliar - but a white coffee is ver familiar to them.

    The underlying problem is often contextual psychology in action. In McD's teenagers will ask "Can I GET FRIES with that and yet at home those same teenagers will ask "Can I HAVE CHIPS please". In a restaurant they will then say "Can I HAVE FRIES please". The context not only changes the noun, which might be expected, but also the verb, indeed often the phrasing and intonation. Such people find context to be very dominant over their thinking.
    McDonalds do a white coffee. Not sure I understood your point entirely but I'm waiting for the footie to start, you mentioned FatDonalds on a coffee Discussion so boom here we are. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • WezVWezV Frets: 16967
    Sporky;1118593" said:

    If they've got the kit and aptitude I'd ask for a double macchiato.

    Otherwise white-two-sugars-please has a good chance of being answered with something gluggable.

    2 sugars! That's more offensive than any Italian coffee terminology. ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
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