A white coffee please.

What's Hot


  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    edited June 2016
    Thing is is that these poor bastards working minimum wage jobs have probably had numerous dealings with moaning bastards like a lot of you ordering a white coffee which, as we've seen can mean different things to different people and when they give them a latte, the person who orders it wanted an Americano with milk or vice versa so now they hedge their bets and play dumb or ask you what you actually want.

    It's not unreasonable to hope that customers going into a place that does food/drink firstly know what they want and second to actually order it as it says it on the menu is it?

    I've worked in bars a lot and the amount of people that come in and dont know what they want is ridiculous, it slows you down and in turn mans everyone waits longer for their drinks.

    Another preserve of the fuckwit is to order a "green salamander" cocktail that they had once in Skiathos last summer and expect you to know what it is because youve said you're happy to make drinks that arent on the menu.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16293
    I don't have any problem asking for a classic coffee-based drink in the language of the people who invented such a drink.

    What I hate i are the mocha-frappa-skinny-caracino concoctions which Starbucks is mostly responsible for. Stupid names and largely disappointing.

    As an aside, there is (or was) a Spanish restaurant in the Lanes in Brighton, and my Spanish spouse and I had to explain to them what a cafe con hielo was, and could we please have 2. WTF.
    Possiblemente un cafe con cubitos ? good job you didn't go for the cortado
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    edited June 2016
    Chalky;1118582" said:
    I see some feel strongly. When you go round mates or family, when they offer you a coffee, do you lecture them on the myriad Italian coffees, their correct names and correct method of making them?

    Or do you just say "Yes please, white no sugar"?
    It's not the same thing at all.

    All these coffee places serve coffee "Italian style". They have specific menus, and the coffees on the menu have specific recipes. If you ask for "white coffee" you're technically going off menu so it's hardly surprising that some jobsworths don't know how go handle that without fuss.
    Yes, but this is Britain, so they bloody well should know what us Brits are taking about. If I were working as a barrister. I reckon I could increase turnover by 1000% by giving people like me what they want.

    Jeez, how difficult is it to put a line on the menu that says 'white coffee', along with of all the Italian bollocks?

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    fields5069 said:

    As an aside, there is (or was) a Spanish restaurant in the Lanes in Brighton, and my Spanish spouse and I had to explain to them what a cafe con hielo was, and could we please have 2. WTF.
    Coffee with ham in it?
    WezV said:

    2 sugars! That's more offensive than any Italian coffee terminology. ;)
    Sometimes it's the only way to be safe.

    Also I feel silly asking for three sugars.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171

    Jeez, how difficult is it to put a line on the menu that says 'white coffee', along with of all the Itlian bollocks?
    So you're why Chinese takeaways have "omlette and chips" on the menu. >:D<
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    If you go into a shop and ask for something they don't serve in that shop you are being a large tit. Go to a shop that serves what you actually want.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    Hang on - CD's also responsible for garden centres selling cake and biscuits. Let's cut him some slack!
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12052
    I am not sure what is the problem here.

    Someone who has not idea about coffee goes into a coffee shop (speciality) and ask for something "common".  

    What you are really want when asking for a "white coffee" is instant with a dash of milk.  Whereas in a coffee shop you can make coffee in various ways, espresso being the base for a lot of the drinks or you could have straight filter, I know some places serves aeropress too.  The coffee shop allow the customer to choose the brewing method.  I know what you are thinking, "what is all this ponzy nonsense, I just want white coffee"

    Sorry, that is simply the lack of knowledge in how a coffee is made, the problem here lies in the customer, not the shop.  You can hardly criticise the shop offering different choices.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    Sporky said:

    Jeez, how difficult is it to put a line on the menu that says 'white coffee', along with of all the Itlian bollocks?
    So you're why Chinese takeaways have "omlette and chips" on the menu. >:D<

    Look, it's no different than a ressie having a kid's menu. They're just being poncy, stuck-up, pretentious wankers.

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  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3826
    Dominic said:
    I don't have any problem asking for a classic coffee-based drink in the language of the people who invented such a drink.

    What I hate i are the mocha-frappa-skinny-caracino concoctions which Starbucks is mostly responsible for. Stupid names and largely disappointing.

    As an aside, there is (or was) a Spanish restaurant in the Lanes in Brighton, and my Spanish spouse and I had to explain to them what a cafe con hielo was, and could we please have 2. WTF.
    Possiblemente un cafe con cubitos ? good job you didn't go for the cortado
    Well it is a cafe solo with a small glass of ice, so I reckon a cortado would also serve if you fancied it milky. I normally go for cafe con leche myself. It's funny how good coffee can be in Spain, and how bog-standard Spanish coffee would be seen as something of an exotic export if it ever made it over here. It's not exactly that good really in the sense of using the best beans, what with the Spanish tradition of spraying sugar solution on the beans before roasting - torrefaction. But it's just made competently by pretty much everyone working in every cafe/bar in Spain.
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16293
    Didn't know about spraying sugar on the beans ...........
    Of course ,for the really pretentious you could always pick the beans themselves from nuggets of Civet Cat shit
    - thats the most expensive coffee in the world - KOPI LUWAK
    Apparently some Starbucks are soon to offer it
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    Dominic said:
    Didn't know about spraying sugar on the beans ...........
    Of course ,for the really pretentious you could always pick the beans themselves from nuggets of Civet Cat shit
    - thats the most expensive coffee in the world - KOPI LUWAK
    Apparently some Starbucks are soon to offer it
    I recall watching a documentary on Civet coffee and how the increase in demand as it's fashionable has lead the the caging and basically battery farming of Civets to produce the coffee. The animals get treated terribly. I'm a big coffee drinker but coffee beans fished out of Civet crap doesn't appeal to me.

    I think this is the documentary - "World Coffees Cruel Secret"

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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16397
    I have been given a bag of civet coffee beans. The cruelty involved is the off putting thing, not the poo thing. I will try them but even if it's the best coffee I've ever had I won't be buying them again.
    Having said that I watched a YouTube clip of 'blind' coffee tasting - instant, Starbucks, civet, couple of others. Generally the well made coffee won, Starbucks and instant did badly and they all hated the civet coffee. Somebody bought me some Jamaican blue mountain coffee once and I thought that was tasteless, I think I'm more your posh but not too posh coffee drinker.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6271
    Civet coffee - like anything we consume, its about provenance and how much you are bothered about where anything comes from or how it is made.

    The fact that many people aren't bothered is part of the reason that cruelty happens.

    Civet coffee, foie gras, crate veal, battery farmed anything etc etc. The more you look into how our food gets to our plates, the more horrible the reveal tbh.
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  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7380
    I'd jsut like to point out to those bad mouthing the new caramel and banana frappacino that starbucks does that it is in fact awesome, although granted you ought to consider it a milkshake rather than a coffee.
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16293
    edited June 2016
    Used to get true Viennese Coffee with added fig seasoning - don't see it now in UK although it is Austrian tradition and very smooth
     Great early morning bowel mover too !
     Just seen on-line that Sainsbury and Pumphreys still do it ...........will have to get some
    Try it -it is delicious
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    I don't mind Starbucks Americanos, they have a hazelnut flavour that's quiet nice when drinking them black. Not a patch on the Nero coffees though. Definitely my favourite of the bigger chains.

    My favourite coffee at the moment is from Aldi, a big bag Brazillian blend beans and it's stunning.
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  • LoFiLoFi Frets: 535
    Look, it's no different than a ressie having a kid's menu. They're just being poncy, stuck-up, pretentious wankers.
    This is literally the first time I have ever seen anyone refer to a restaurant as a "ressie" - is this a regional thing?

    Re coffee - as others have said, it's not hard - do you go into Pizza Express and say "I'd like a tomato sauce base on my pizza, then some mozarella cheese, some slices of spicy sausage made with paprika and some sliced chillies", or just order a Vesuvius (or whatever)?

    On the rare occasions I have to venture into Starbucks, I like to give my name as "Bueller", then let them call it out a couple of times before collecting it...
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    Look, it's no different than a ressie having a kid's menu. They're just being poncy, stuck-up, pretentious wankers.
    Lots of the coffee chains do a babycino if you want. That's their kids' menu. You're just being a grumpy curmudgeon!
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • vizviz Frets: 10775
    LoFi said:
    Look, it's no different than a ressie having a kid's menu. They're just being poncy, stuck-up, pretentious wankers.
    This is literally the first time I have ever seen anyone refer to a restaurant as a "ressie" - is this a regional thing?

    Re coffee - as others have said, it's not hard - do you go into Pizza Express and say "I'd like a tomato sauce base on my pizza, then some mozarella cheese, some slices of spicy sausage made with paprika and some sliced chillies", or just order a Vesuvius (or whatever)?

    On the rare occasions I have to venture into Starbucks, I like to give my name as "Bueller", then let them call it out a couple of times before collecting it...

    or Kaposh 'eiht
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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