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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7434
    I got the death standing directors cut free with the ps5 and I've not even unsealed it after watching a few YouTube videos.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    FarleyUK said:
    I think I’m finally making slow progress in Elden Ring…. Defeated 2 dungeon bosses, got my horse as well. Managed to level up to about level 16 Astrologer as well, and defeated some invasion bloke to get a nifty dagger that causes bleeding.

    Haven’t even taken on the guard encampment by the castle yet.

    Went wondering and ended up in a wooded area with giant bear things, and found a dungeon in some kind of round building thing.

    As you can tell, I’m not really paying attention to the lore.
    Psst. Fast travel back to the church ruins. ;)

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BarnezyBarnezy Frets: 2243
    TBH Virtual Racer on the MegaDrive was £70 from memory, when I got it for my 10th BDay. 

    Regardless of the cost, buying individual games now seems dated after GamePass. It’s like buying a DVD… why would you do it now? I’ve played 10’s of games on GamePass that I would have never played if I had to buy them independently, such as Battlefield 4, Psychonaughts 2, FallOut 4, Maden 21, HitMan 3, even Halo. 

    The only games I ever bought before were GTA, CoD, GT and FIFA. Now I’m realising how many great games there are without the risk of paying £70 to find out. 

    Hopefully Sony will be forced to do their own GamePass soon and I’ll get a PS5 too.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    Well, Gamepass doesn’t have every game on it. And there’s a big delay for lots of stuff. Like EA. If you want to play FIFA, Madden etc right away it won’t be there, and won’t be for months. Elden Ring? Not there. Hitman 4? Not there. Dying Light 2? Not there. 

    Gamepass is good and I’m sure it’ll get better, but personally, I don’t think it has the wealth of new releases that I was expecting it to have. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultM said:
    I got the death standing directors cut free with the ps5 and I've not even unsealed it after watching a few YouTube videos.

    I bought it on purpose. That's the kind of ridiculousness we're dealing with here.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at

    View my feedback at
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    DefaultM said:
    I got the death standing directors cut free with the ps5 and I've not even unsealed it after watching a few YouTube videos.

    I bought it on purpose. That's the kind of ridiculousness we're dealing with here.
    Metal Gear Solid: Amazon Delivery. 
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DefaultM said:
    I got the death standing directors cut free with the ps5 and I've not even unsealed it after watching a few YouTube videos.

    I bought it on purpose. That's the kind of ridiculousness we're dealing with here.
    Metal Gear Solid: Amazon Delivery. 

    That sounds contrastingly fun in comparison.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at

    View my feedback at
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    DefaultM said:
    I got the death standing directors cut free with the ps5 and I've not even unsealed it after watching a few YouTube videos.

    I bought it on purpose. That's the kind of ridiculousness we're dealing with here.
    Metal Gear Solid: Amazon Delivery. 

    That sounds contrastingly fun in comparison.
    You open the box and it’s Snake. Every time 
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29194
    I got about two hours into Death Stranding. I think I was at the point where the game proper begins, and I just couldn't be arsed. I should probably go back in, but it was so slow. And mostly cut scenes. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BarnezyBarnezy Frets: 2243
    edited March 2022
    Well, Gamepass doesn’t have every game on it. And there’s a big delay for lots of stuff. Like EA. If you want to play FIFA, Madden etc right away it won’t be there, and won’t be for months. Elden Ring? Not there. Hitman 4? Not there. Dying Light 2? Not there. 

    Gamepass is good and I’m sure it’ll get better, but personally, I don’t think it has the wealth of new releases that I was expecting it to have. 
    It has over 430 games. Every game released from an MS studio is on there day one. That includes Forza Horizon 5, Psychonaughts 2, the new Halo. These are games previously they could have charged £70+ for. 

    The newest fifa takes 6months to come on, but unless you’re a diehard Fifa fan, then it doesn’t matter, as loads of people continue playing the previous one due to GamePass access. 

    All the back catalogue of Bethesda games are on there, Doom Eternal, Fallout, Elder Scrolls etc. The new Starfield game will be a GamePass day one release. 

    With the purchase of Activision you have to think the same approach will follow. Back catalogue of CoD, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk etc on there, with all future releases coming on day one. 

    Other studios are putting games on there day one too, NLB 22 and the newest Rainbow Six for example, which was £70 from Sony. I think we’ll see game makers moving away from upfront charges and becoming more reliant on micro transactions and for those, GamePass is a great way to get players on their game. 

    Then there is the cloud gaming which in the last few weeks has improved massively. I was playing Forza 4 and wouldn’t be able to tell you if it was installed on the console or not. This is great as you can literally instantly play 100’s of games without downloading anything. 

    Overall as a casual gamer, who likes to drop in and out of games, I’m completely convinced it’s great value. Forgetting the day one release stuff, it allows you to play so many games you wouldn’t ever experience if you had to buy them. All the small independent games for example. 

    I’ve been a PS owner since PS1. Never had an Xbox, but having experienced GamePass for the last 4 months, Xbox is disrupting the sector in a good way imo. In a couple of years, buying a game will seem like a very strange thing to do imo. If Sony bring one out and include all their exclusives like Spider-Man, GT and Unchartered, it can only be good for the consumer. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • guitargeek62guitargeek62 Frets: 4255
    edited March 2022
    ^ GamePass is likely what will sway me to the XBox too rather than stump up for a PS5. I’m happy enough with the graphics on my PS4 Pro, and there’s still nothing out or in the pipeline that’s exclusive to next-gen and making me want to make the jump yet.

    Separately, did anyone try Terminator: Resistance? I see there’s an enhanced version out now with some neat patches and content; I’m hopeful the original plays alright for some brainless shooting post-Judgment Day?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BarnezyBarnezy Frets: 2243
    Just read PS’s GamePass won’t include their exclusives, only a trial of them. That’s such a shame, but I guess Sony’s business model is more reliant on game sales. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have no choice. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27833
    Barnezy said:
    Just read PS’s GamePass won’t include their exclusives, only a trial of them. That’s such a shame, but I guess Sony’s business model is more reliant on game sales. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have no choice. 
    I don’t think they’ve actually announced anything yet, so who knows. There are a lot of rumours but it’s safe to assume most are fabricated by “news” pages to get clicks

    I can’t believe it won’t include any exclusives, but would assume they won’t all be there on day 1.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • CavemanGroggCavemanGrogg Frets: 3264
    Barnezy said:
    Just read PS’s GamePass won’t include their exclusives, only a trial of them. That’s such a shame, but I guess Sony’s business model is more reliant on game sales. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have no choice. 

    I honestly can't see that happenig, as people have mentioned games like FIFA won't be released on day 1, you can bet that will be the case with just about every AAA releases, hotly anticapated games, and series with huge followings like COD, where people que up to get a copy on release day, and stores adjust their opening hours for the release of these games.  In the days where every idiot and his dog is a ''expert'' game reviewer, bad reviuews can destroy a a game, full of bugs and glitchs or not, it's happened several times recently, one company even knew their highly anticapated game had fallen well short of promises forget expectations, and was absolute shit, the developer sent reviewers a legal document threatening to sue anybody who reviwed the game before a certain time period had passed after it's release, and to sue them if they said anything negative about the game.  Thankfully a lot of reviewers ignored this, reviewed the game when they got it - pre public release, told everybody it was shit, the developer threw a hissyy fit, youtube reviewers made the legal documents public, the developer backed down and promised never to''gag'' reviewers again, and the game tanked before it was even available to buy for the general public.

    Things like GamePass is to kill the secondhand games market, developers get nothing when people buy a secondhand copy of their game, but they get something from people who have subscriptions.  To me the GamePass is aimed at the casual gamer, not the gamers who make a nest in front of their consoles and spend the weekend glued to them trying to get every trophy possible.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    Barnezy said:
    Well, Gamepass doesn’t have every game on it. And there’s a big delay for lots of stuff. Like EA. If you want to play FIFA, Madden etc right away it won’t be there, and won’t be for months. Elden Ring? Not there. Hitman 4? Not there. Dying Light 2? Not there. 

    Gamepass is good and I’m sure it’ll get better, but personally, I don’t think it has the wealth of new releases that I was expecting it to have. 
    It has over 430 games. Every game released from an MS studio is on there day one. That includes Forza Horizon 5, Psychonaughts 2, the new Halo. These are games previously they could have charged £70+ for. 

    The newest fifa takes 6months to come on, but unless you’re a diehard Fifa fan, then it doesn’t matter, as loads of people continue playing the previous one due to GamePass access. 

    All the back catalogue of Bethesda games are on there, Doom Eternal, Fallout, Elder Scrolls etc. The new Starfield game will be a GamePass day one release. 

    With the purchase of Activision you have to think the same approach will follow. Back catalogue of CoD, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk etc on there, with all future releases coming on day one. 

    Other studios are putting games on there day one too, NLB 22 and the newest Rainbow Six for example, which was £70 from Sony. I think we’ll see game makers moving away from upfront charges and becoming more reliant on micro transactions and for those, GamePass is a great way to get players on their game. 

    Then there is the cloud gaming which in the last few weeks has improved massively. I was playing Forza 4 and wouldn’t be able to tell you if it was installed on the console or not. This is great as you can literally instantly play 100’s of games without downloading anything. 

    Overall as a casual gamer, who likes to drop in and out of games, I’m completely convinced it’s great value. Forgetting the day one release stuff, it allows you to play so many games you wouldn’t ever experience if you had to buy them. All the small independent games for example. 

    I’ve been a PS owner since PS1. Never had an Xbox, but having experienced GamePass for the last 4 months, Xbox is disrupting the sector in a good way imo. In a couple of years, buying a game will seem like a very strange thing to do imo. If Sony bring one out and include all their exclusives like Spider-Man, GT and Unchartered, it can only be good for the consumer. 
    It is good and it is good value, I'm not saying it isn't. I pay for it too. But like lots of people, I want to play games when they come out not 6 months down the line. I don't want to play FIFA at the end of the season. I don't want to play Madden when the super bowl playoffs are just about to happen. I want to sit with my friends and play games together with them, not beg them to play a game with me that they've already completed because they bought it and I didn't want to pay for it. I also don't wan't to play games again that I've played 3 times. So stuff like Skyrim, Fallout which are 10 year old games that I've already played which isn't attractive to me.

    So, as I said, I'm sure that it'll get better, meaning, I agree with you, especially when you factor in, as you said that MS have been hoovering up studios.  But until we more new releases on there on day one, including sports games, and that hoovering up starts to result in more games, it's not something that would draw me to Xbox over Playstation right now if I were choosing one console over the other because I either want to play it when it comes out, or I've already played the back catalogue.

    But for new players, people who haven't had a console for a while, or an Xbox, or people who are happy to wait for games, sure. I agree, It's great and I hope Playstation do the same and it just gets better and better.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BarnezyBarnezy Frets: 2243
    edited March 2022
    Barnezy said:
    Just read PS’s GamePass won’t include their exclusives, only a trial of them. That’s such a shame, but I guess Sony’s business model is more reliant on game sales. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have no choice. 

    I honestly can't see that happenig, as people have mentioned games like FIFA won't be released on day 1, you can bet that will be the case with just about every AAA releases, hotly anticapated games, and series with huge followings like COD, where people que up to get a copy on release day, and stores adjust their opening hours for the release of these games.  In the days where every idiot and his dog is a ''expert'' game reviewer, bad reviuews can destroy a a game, full of bugs and glitchs or not, it's happened several times recently, one company even knew their highly anticapated game had fallen well short of promises forget expectations, and was absolute shit, the developer sent reviewers a legal document threatening to sue anybody who reviwed the game before a certain time period had passed after it's release, and to sue them if they said anything negative about the game.  Thankfully a lot of reviewers ignored this, reviewed the game when they got it - pre public release, told everybody it was shit, the developer threw a hissyy fit, youtube reviewers made the legal documents public, the developer backed down and promised never to''gag'' reviewers again, and the game tanked before it was even available to buy for the general public.

    Things like GamePass is to kill the secondhand games market, developers get nothing when people buy a secondhand copy of their game, but they get something from people who have subscriptions.  To me the GamePass is aimed at the casual gamer, not the gamers who make a nest in front of their consoles and spend the weekend glued to them trying to get every trophy possible.
    AAA games are hitting GamePass already from Day 1 for Xbox owned studios. Forza 5 and Halo are examples. Starfield, one of the most anticipated games ever, will be on GamePass day one. 

    Xbox is buying Activision, so new CoD games will be on GamePass day one, if they continue the same strategy. 

    EA is still an independent publisher, so it is their choice when they add their games to EA Play. 

    Day1 GamePass games announced so far for 2022. 
    • The Anacrusis — January 13
    • Pupperazzi — January 20
    • Windjammers 2 — January 20
    • Rainbow Six Extraction — January 20
    • Shredders — February
    • Edge of Eternity — February 10
    • Total War: Warhammer 3 — February 17
    • Weird West — March 31
    • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide — Spring
    • STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl — April 28
    • Midnight Fight Express — Summer 2022
    • Redfall — Summer 2022
    • Scorn — October 2022
    • Starfield — November 11
    I think in 5 years consoles will be irrelevant and we will all be streaming our games. The R&D costs in making a new console isn’t worth it. MS have a huge head start in this with their Azure DC’s and GamePass.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CavemanGroggCavemanGrogg Frets: 3264
    Barnezy said:
    Barnezy said:
    Just read PS’s GamePass won’t include their exclusives, only a trial of them. That’s such a shame, but I guess Sony’s business model is more reliant on game sales. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have no choice. 

    I honestly can't see that happenig, as people have mentioned games like FIFA won't be released on day 1, you can bet that will be the case with just about every AAA releases, hotly anticapated games, and series with huge followings like COD, where people que up to get a copy on release day, and stores adjust their opening hours for the release of these games.  In the days where every idiot and his dog is a ''expert'' game reviewer, bad reviuews can destroy a a game, full of bugs and glitchs or not, it's happened several times recently, one company even knew their highly anticapated game had fallen well short of promises forget expectations, and was absolute shit, the developer sent reviewers a legal document threatening to sue anybody who reviwed the game before a certain time period had passed after it's release, and to sue them if they said anything negative about the game.  Thankfully a lot of reviewers ignored this, reviewed the game when they got it - pre public release, told everybody it was shit, the developer threw a hissyy fit, youtube reviewers made the legal documents public, the developer backed down and promised never to''gag'' reviewers again, and the game tanked before it was even available to buy for the general public.

    Things like GamePass is to kill the secondhand games market, developers get nothing when people buy a secondhand copy of their game, but they get something from people who have subscriptions.  To me the GamePass is aimed at the casual gamer, not the gamers who make a nest in front of their consoles and spend the weekend glued to them trying to get every trophy possible.
    AAA games are hitting GamePass already from Day 1 for Xbox owned studios. Forza 5 and Halo are examples. Starfield, one of the most anticipated games ever, will be on GamePass day one. 

    Xbox is buying Activision, so new CoD games will be on GamePass day one, if they continue the same strategy. 

    EA is still an independent publisher, so it is their choice when they add their games to EA Play. 

    Day1 GamePass games announced so far for 2022. 
    • The Anacrusis — January 13
    • Pupperazzi — January 20
    • Windjammers 2 — January 20
    • Rainbow Six Extraction — January 20
    • Shredders — February
    • Edge of Eternity — February 10
    • Total War: Warhammer 3 — February 17
    • Weird West — March 31
    • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide — Spring
    • STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl — April 28
    • Midnight Fight Express — Summer 2022
    • Redfall — Summer 2022
    • Scorn — October 2022
    • Starfield — November 11
    I think in 5 years consoles will be irrelevant and we will all be streaming our games. The R&D costs in making a new console isn’t worth it. MS have a huge head start in this with their Azure DC’s and GamePass.

    You'r list of games makes my point for me.  As a pretty serious gamer, I've been playing in a multiplayer Civ VI tournament since 8am Friday morning, and the tournament doesn't finish until 8am tomorrow.  There's 5 titles from that list that I recognise, and I've owned every generation of Nintendo from the NES up until the Switch, every generation of Sega from the Master System to the Saturn, every generation of Playstation up to the 4 Pro, and every generation of Xbox uo to the Xbox One though my xbox gamescore is measured in the milions the last I checked - I was very much an xbox gamer until the Xbox One.

    Not to mention, just looking at the UK, a developed country, there's still a sizable % of the population who can not get a good enough internet connection for streaming or digital downloads, how big is that % of the population who can't get a good enough internet connection for streaming and downloads in developing countries and opening and growing markets like India, Pakistan, Indonesia......... sure those living in the capitals might be able to get away with digital, the rest of these cities and towns in these countries is a big hell no.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10398
    edited March 2022
    Only 2 of those games interest me to be honest. 

    Like I said, it’s great for lots of people, it is good. I have a Series X and Gamepass. The cloud gaming is also excellent and it’s got iPlayer (which PlayStation still doesn’t have!), it’s an excellent console. But the content on Gamepass isn’t quite there for me yet. 

    When their studio acquisitions come to fruition it may well be but I’m afraid that my take on it is that it doesn’t have enough big titles, or day one releases, in regular supply for me to really think it’s pointless to own games, or to wait for them to come on Gamepass, which lots won’t. I actually think they shot themselves in the foot releasing Forza Horizon and Halo so close to each other. 

    Let’s see where it goes. I still think it’s early days for it but the future looks bright. I actually think that it will probably end up being subscriptions to individual publishers, like MS, Sony, EA, and you’ll end up having to pay multiple sources to get day one releases. Like we now have multiple streaming platforms like Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CavemanGroggCavemanGrogg Frets: 3264
    Only 2 of those games interest me to be honest. 

    Like I said, it’s great for lots of people, it is good. I have a Series X and Gamepass. The cloud gaming is also excellent and it’s got iPlayer (which PlayStation still doesn’t have!), it’s an excellent console. But the content on Gamepass isn’t quite there for me yet. 

    When their studio acquisitions come to fruition it may well be but I’m afraid that my take on it is that it doesn’t have enough big titles, or day one releases  for me to really think it’s pointless to own games, or to wait for them to come on Gamepass, which lots won’t. 

    Let’s see where it goes. I still think it’s early days for it but the future looks bright. I actually think that it will probably end up being subscriptions to individual publishers, like MS, Sony, EA, and you’ll end up having to pay multiple sources to get day one releases. Like we now have multiple streaming platforms like Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. 

    Iplayer has been available for the Playstation since November 2021.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BarnezyBarnezy Frets: 2243
    Remember that list is only the Day1 releases. They add about 8 games a month at the moment. Even if only 2 interest you of the Day 1 releases, that’s c£140, almost a years access to GamePass. That’s without factoring in the 430+ games on there already, or the £60pa PS charge you just to play your games online. 

    Anyway, I personally find it fantastic already, and that’s before any Activision games are even on there. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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