Not looking good for Queenie

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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19635
    edited September 2022
    Don't any of you listen to our National Broadcaster ? (stands to attention & salutes).

    There was an interview on Radio 4 earlier with Simon Hill, a protester in Oxford here  at around 43:00 minutes.
    Apparently a history teacher shouting 'who elected him' is just cause for arrest, despite his release without charge later.

    History teaches nothing to anti free speech ideologs...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • ewalewal Frets: 2678
    Devil#20 said:
    What did the bloke shout at Andrew? I thought treason was abolished under Tony Blair. 

    He shouted “Andrew, you're a sick old man"

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  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32133
    Shrews said:
    Anybody any ideas why it still hasn't been announced what she died of? 

    It's usually syphilis with monarchs isn't it?
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  • ColsCols Frets: 7345
    ... catching bits on the radio, expect transport in and out of London to be a complete mare over the long weekend. More people in London a week today than at any other point in history. So, good luck with all that. 
    Yup, this will definitely be the case.  I have a friend in Edinburgh who’s greatly upset that her commute was spoiled by the funeral procession. Mind you, her political outlook is such that her idea of a suitable funeral would be “dig a hole in the Balmoral front lawn and roll her in”.

    London will be at a standstill at the weekend, but it’s one weekend.  Accept that it’ll be like that, plan around it and move on.
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19635
    p90fool said:
    Shrews said:
    Anybody any ideas why it still hasn't been announced what she died of? 

    It's usually syphilis with monarchs isn't it?
    Or an overdose of having to meet & speak to inept noxious toxic Tory twats posing as PM's...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28166
    chris78 said:

    but would have been detained for shouting “murder” at the funeral of a Sinn Feiner? Doubt it
    I imagine that disrupting a Sinn Fein funeral would likely incur some personal discomfort.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • Dominic said:
    Good point .........I thought it was Osteosarcoma ( heresay on internet )
    But does it really matter ......she was 96.I'm certain she wasn't murdered .

    Absolutely wrong, poison death dart from our in house Spy for the KGB, lickes Truss
    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29307
    Bike racks in Norwich closed as a mark of respect. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10413
    edited September 2022
    Considering people always moan that the left is mad about cancel culture, the amount of Daily Mail readers calling for people's heads, jobs and livelihoods should put that nonsense to rest. Both sides are always trying to one up the other. 

    Arresting people at public events, bundling them away, ignoring assaults from feverous patriots because someone held up a placard calling for a Republic... this is getting silly now. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 8reaction image Wisdom
  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6211
    Sporky said:
    Bike racks in Norwich closed as a mark of respect. 
    Calm down dear. The space was needed as a repository for floral tributes.

    Purely by chance I was in Norwich town centre on Sunday and got to see the official declaration of Charles as king. The Mayor, Town Crier, two huge ceremonial maces and lots of local dignitaries on the steps of the Town Hall, ending with a three cheers for the king.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19635
    edited September 2022
    JezWynd said:
    Sporky said:
    Bike racks in Norwich closed as a mark of respect. 
    Calm down dear. The space was needed as a suppository for floral tributes.

    Purely by chance I was in Norwich town centre on Sunday and got to see the official declaration of Charles as king. The Mayor, Town Crier, two huge ceremonial maces and lots of local dignitaries on the steps of the Town Hall, ending with a three cheers for the king.
    I reckon the two huge ceremonial mace's were stashes in case the police run out while preventing dissenters from breathing freely.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29307
    edited September 2022
    JezWynd said:
    Sporky said:
    Bike racks in Norwich closed as a mark of respect. 
    Calm down dear. The space was needed as a repository for floral tributes.
    Calm down poppet. No need to get all hysterical about a simple report of the news.  
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • rsvmarkrsvmark Frets: 1417
    The times reports the most recent YouGov poll today.

    Support for the monarchy as an institution is 62% in favour and 21 against. Largely unchanged from previous polls
    73% think Charles has responded well, and 5% don’t.
    63% think Charles III will make a good king and 15% don’t. Roughly doubling previous polls.

    it seems rather more clear cut than Brexit then.
    An official Foo liked guitarist since 2024
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HattigolHattigol Frets: 8222
    rsvmark said:
    The times reports the most recent YouGov poll today.

    Support for the monarchy as an institution is 62% in favour and 21 against. Largely unchanged from previous polls
    73% think Charles has responded well, and 5% don’t.
    63% think Charles III will make a good king and 15% don’t. Roughly doubling previous polls.

    it seems rather more clear cut than Brexit then.
    I think the Brexit vote established that British people are too stupid to be trusted to vote on anything of importance.
    "Anybody can play. The note is only 20%. The attitude of the motherf*cker who plays it is  80%" - Miles Davis
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  • DeadmanDeadman Frets: 3982
    BBC reporting one woman who’s queued up 7 times to see the coffin over and over. No wonder there’s a queue then! Pictures of parents with knackered looking kids who’ve been out all night too. I’m not into this mass hysteria stuff and am grateful for Monday off so I can put my feet up with a bottle of red and loads of nibbles and catch some of the proceedings. 

    I get it, but even if Jimi Hendrix came back to life I still wouldn’t want to go through the turmoil of being in such close proximity to the general public for such a long period of time.
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  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6211
    Whether Charles survives as king is entirely in the hands of the media. If he does something to piss off the right wing press then he could be toast. He seems a strange mix of uber-entitlement and tree hugger, with the ability to potentially annoy both sides of the political divide. Once the honeymoon is over I feel he could be in for a tough ride.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12696
    Deadman said:
    I get it, but even if Jimi Hendrix came back to life I still wouldn’t want to go through the turmoil of being in such close proximity to the general public for such a long period of time.
    I would!!!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTony said:
    chris78 said:

    but would have been detained for shouting “murder” at the funeral of a Sinn Feiner? Doubt it
    I imagine that disrupting a Sinn Fein funeral would likely incur some personal discomfort.

    Not would, did.
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  • chris78chris78 Frets: 9672
    rsvmark said:
    The times reports the most recent YouGov poll today.

    Support for the monarchy as an institution is 62% in favour and 21 against. Largely unchanged from previous polls
    73% think Charles has responded well, and 5% don’t.
    63% think Charles III will make a good king and 15% don’t. Roughly doubling previous polls.

    it seems rather more clear cut than Brexit then.
    It's a bit like a poll in Putin's Russia though.

    If you have the media 24/7 plugging the monarchy and no alternate views are invited, it's not really surprising that 63% think Charles will make a good king.

    Clearly the media aren't mentioning the months of Sunday Times exposes on him about cash for access, the money in the suitcase from Qatar, the money from Bin Laden's family etc. That's before you consider the fact that Prince Andrew's Mother was able to use her influence and money to ensure he didn't face due process, or the fact they've avoided an IHT bill which would amount to a 9 figure sum. It's blanket "isn't the monarchy great" because the establishment want to cement Charles when the Crown is at a vulnerable time, given Charles' record to date.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29307
    And the Duchy's letters to Cornwall home owners, saying "we own the land under your house and we can open a mine there if we want to".

    It is critically important to the royal family to suppress all dissent and prevent any open discussion of the future of the monarchy at this stage, so they can get Charles embedded and ensure continued influence over the country's laws. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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