Not looking good for Queenie

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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12693
    Everyone has lost their minds & what little reason they had.

    The way things are progressing, we really are approaching the era of arrest for thought crime.
    I really don't think so Kitty.  It's more a case of pulling up people who, whilst they have a legitimate right to protest/express their opinions, at the same time choose a fucking stupid and inconsiderate time to do it.  Note the idiot was nabbed by two bystanders, not the rozzers.

    Andrew is an unpleasant sweaty nonce, but even sweaty nonces should be allowed to mourn their mothers.  Even jailbirds get let out to parental funerals.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 15935
    I'm all for free speech, and I'm especially all for shouting out that andrew is a sweaty nonce, but there is a time and a place and following your mum's coffin is not really the time or place. 

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29306
    Being a wanker isn't illegal. Interesting that the people who attacked him weren't charged - actual violence apparently less offensive than words. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 12reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19635
    edited September 2022
    @DrCornelius  & @Offset ;;
    I was not commenting on the inappropriate timing or nature of the protest that you both seem to be referring to (shouting at Andrew).
    I was referring to the blanket suppression of all opinions that differ from the 'will of the people' ie the crowds of royalists & afterwards, the police.
    You say there is a time & a place for such comments but when & where would that be?
    I think it was a display of crass ignorance to shout at a funeral cortege, but it should not be illegal.

    Whatever happened to "
    I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 10reaction image Wisdom
  • Sporky said:
    Being a wanker isn't illegal. Interesting that the people who attacked him weren't charged - actual violence apparently less offensive than words. 
    I think he was charged with breaching the peace so maybe the public that grabbed him don’t get charged with assault by battery because they were preventing a breach of the peace ? Just hypothesising - I don’t know (of course !)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12693

    I think it was a display of crass ignorance to shout at a funeral cortege, but it should not be illegal.

    Whatever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ?

    On point one - I agree.  Illegal, no.  Frog-marched off and told to STFU, yes.

    Point two - I am in total agreement.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29306
    It does feel like the police are going to be issued jackboots pretty soon. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19635
    Sporky said:
    It does feel like the police are going to be issued jackboots pretty soon. 
    Nah, they will not give up their lovely black paramilitary kit without a struggle, during which 6 of them will sit on you in self defence.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chris78chris78 Frets: 9672
    It seems to be those defending the police for arresting the guy are arguing that he acted in poor taste (to which I agree).

    Are they also arguing that poor taste should be a crime?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32130
    chris78 said:
    It seems to be those defending the police for arresting the guy are arguing that he acted in poor taste (to which I agree).

    Are they also arguing that poor taste should be a crime?
    Well when you put it like that....
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 15935
    they'll be going after bigsby's on teles next.

    Which is not that bad an idea, when you think about it.

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30322
    chris78 said:
    It seems to be those defending the police for arresting the guy are arguing that he acted in poor taste (to which I agree).

    Are they also arguing that poor taste should be a crime?
    If it was, they wouldn't be able to build prisons fast enough, more's the pity.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chris78chris78 Frets: 9672
    VimFuego said:
    they'll be going after bigsby's on teles next.

    Which is not that bad an idea, when you think about it.
    There's always someone who takes poor taste too far  ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chris78 said:
    It seems to be those defending the police for arresting the guy are arguing that he acted in poor taste (to which I agree).

    Are they also arguing that poor taste should be a crime?
    It’s well beyond poor taste Chris , it’s the funeral procession for the queen who has sat on the throne for 70 years not some love island contestant.

    A huge proportion of the population are grieving or least respectful at the time of her passing and this guy decided to shout shit at the procession which detracts from the solemnity of the occasion. Honestly if I was next to him I would have thumped him and not lost a minutes sleep over it 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581
    Everyone has lost their minds & what little reason they had.

    The way things are progressing, we really are approaching the era of arrest for thought crime.
    that's making a massive assumption that they can actually think
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29306
    DrCornelius said:

    Honestly if I was next to him I would have thumped him and not lost a minutes sleep over it 
    You'd actually physically attack someone for saying something you didn't like? 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Sporky said:
    DrCornelius said:

    Honestly if I was next to him I would have thumped him and not lost a minutes sleep over it 
    You'd actually physically attack someone for saying something you didn't like? 
    Once again this is far beyond that - it’s the queens funeral FFS and he’s disrupting it because he wants to exercise his right to free speech and doesn’t give a shit about everyone else paying their respects 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • munckeemunckee Frets: 12669
    edited September 2022
    First of all I thought he had the right to shout  out. I’m pretty anti royal and Andrew deserves nothing. 

    But I think back to the Louis Theroux episode where the nutters go to the funerals of soldiers in the us and shout out that it’s gods judgment. For allowing homosexuality. There have to be limits. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • m_cm_c Frets: 1253
    Sporky said:
    DrCornelius said:

    Honestly if I was next to him I would have thumped him and not lost a minutes sleep over it 
    You'd actually physically attack someone for saying something you didn't like? 
    How would you feel if somebody started shouting abuse at you during your mum's funeral?

    I'm all for free speech, but there are limits.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • HattigolHattigol Frets: 8222
    chris78 said:
    It seems to be those defending the police for arresting the guy are arguing that he acted in poor taste (to which I agree).

    Are they also arguing that poor taste should be a crime?
    Are you asking on behalf of PRS owners generally, Chris?
    "Anybody can play. The note is only 20%. The attitude of the motherf*cker who plays it is  80%" - Miles Davis
    7reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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